

Select Your Subject


















Lecture: 4 HrsWeek
LA. Marks: 25
Exam 3 Hrs
Max. Marks: 100

1. Static Force Analysis:

Reaction between members disregarding friction. Analysis of engine (mechanism, four-bar mechanism.Friction Definition, laws of solid friction-friction between sliding pairs & turning pairs. Friction it collar pivot and thrust bearings.     06Hrs

2. Dynamic Force Analysis:

Inertia force, inertia torque, Determination of inertia force-engine mechanism, four bar mechanism. Engine force analysis. Dynamically equivalent masses. Engine output torque, Flywheel.      08Hrs

3. Balancing of Machinery:

Balancing of single rotating mass in same plane and in different planes.Balancing of several rotating masses in same plane and in different planes. Balancing machines.Balancing of reciprocating masses-Inertia effect of crank and connecting rod; the single cylinder Engines counter balancing; condition ofbalance in multi cylinder-inline engine (primary & secondary),V-type engines; Radial engine - Direct and reverses crank method Introduction to balancing of flexible rotor system.    10Hrs

4. Governors:

Types of governors; force analysis of Porter and Hartnell governors. Controlling force, stability, sensitiveness, isochronnism, effort and power (only definitions).    04Hrs

5. Gyroscope:

Vectorial representation of angular motion, Gyroscopic couple, Effect of gyroscopic couple on ship, plane, two wheelers and four wheelers.     06Hrs

6. Vibrations:

Causes and effect of vibrations in machines, degree of freedom, longitudinal, transverse and torsion vibration. Damped vibrations free & forced (single degree of freedom only), Transverse vibration of beams, whirling of shafts, vibration isolation and transmissibility. Torsional vibration of shafts with 2 3 rotors and I. Geared systems. 16Hrs

Text Books:
I. Theory of Machine by Shigley, McGraw Hill
2. Theory of Machine by Ballaney,VKha~a Publication
3. Theory of Machine by Rattan, Tata McGraw Hill Publication
4. Theory of Machines by R.S. Khurmi, EPH
5. Theory of Machines by Abdulla Sharifi, Allies Book Stall, Pune

References :
1. Theory of Machine by Thomas Bevan, CBS Publication
2. Theory of Machine by Jagadish Lal, Jam Brothers
3. Design of Machinery by Robert L. Norton, McGraw Hill, 1992.

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                              ME 5T2 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN - I

Lecture: 4 Hrs/Week            IA. Marks: 25
Exam: 3 Hrs                            Max.Marks:100

1. All numerical treatments must make use of SI units and ISO standards wherever possible
2. Use of design data handbook is permitted

1. Introduction Materials and their properties; Design considerations; Codes and Standards; Stress Strain diagrams, Stress Analysis definitions - normal, shear, biaxial and triaxial; Stress tensor.

2. Design for Static Strength Static Strength; Static loads and factor of safety; Theories of failure Maximum normal stress theory, Distortion energy theory; Failure of brittle materials, Failure of ductile materials.Stress concentration, Determination of Stress concentration factor, Stress concentration charts, Stress concentration and static loads, Combined Stress concentration factor. 5 Hrs

3. Design for fatigue strength:

Introduction - S-N diagram, Low cycles fatigue, and High cycle fatigue Endurance limit. Modifying factors - size effect, surface effect, reliability, temperature effects, Stress concentration effects; Fluctuating stresses, Fatigue strength under fluctuating stresses, Goodman and Soderberg relationship; Kimmelmann factor of safety. Torsion, stresses due to combined loading cumulative fatigue damage. Stresses due to impact loading. 8 Hrs

4. Design of shafts:

Torsion of shafts, shafts with steady loading, ASME & BIS codes for design transmission shafting, shafts under fluctuating loads and combined loads, design of rigid and flexible couplings. 08 Hrs

5. Fasteners :

Key Types, Stresses in Keys, Pins and Retainers.
Threaded Fasteners - Stresses, Effects of initial tension, effect of compression, Effect of fatigue loading, impact loading, shear loading and eccentric loading. 4 Hrs

6. Power Screws :

Mechanics of power screw, Stresses in power screws, Efficiency and self-locking. 4 Hrs

7. Mechanical Joints:

Cotter and Knuckle Joints, shrink fits. 3 Hrs

Riveted Joints- Types, Efficiency, Boiler joints, Tank and Structural joints, riveted brackets.

Welded Joints - Types, Strength of butt and fillet welds, Eccentrically loaded welds.
3 Hrs

8. Flexible Mechanical Elements:

Selection of Belts - Flat belt drives, V-belt drives, Toothed belt.
Chains: Roller chain drives
Ropes: Types of Ropes, Rope drives          5 Hrs

Text Books:

1. Mechanical Engg. Design by Joseph Edward Shigley, McGraw Hill International Edition, 1986
2. Machine Design by V.L. Maleev and J.B. Hartman, CBS Publishers & Distribution, Delhi, 1983

Design Data Hand books:

1 Design Data handbook Vol.1 & Vol.2 - Dr.K.Lingaiah, Suma Publications, Bangalore
2.Design Data Hand Book by K. Mahadevan and Balaveera Reddy, CBS Publication
3.Machine Design Data Hand Book by Prof. H.G. Patil, Shri Shashi Prakashan, Belgaum.


I. Theory and Problems of Machine Design by Holl, Holowinko, Waughlm, Pub: Schaums OutI:
Series, latest edition.
2. Elements of Machine Design by N.C. Pandey and C.S. Shah, Latest Edition, Pub.: Chorotar Publish House, Anand (Gujarat), India.
3. Design of Machine Elements by V.B. Bhandari, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
4. Machine component & design - William Orthwan, Jaico Publishing Co.
5. Fundamentals of Design by Bernard J Hamrock, Bo4acobson & Steven R. Schrnid

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Lecture: 4 Hrs/Week I.A.Marks: 25
Exam: 3 Hrs. Marks Max.:100


Assumptions - Carnot cycle - Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, Dual combustion cycle, Sterling cycle, Derivations of Air standard efficiency, Mean effective pressure and representation of above cycles on P~V and T.S diagrams, Numerical problems, Simple Rankine cycle, effect of pressure and super heating, reheat and regenerative cycle.    12 Hrs


Classification, Testing and performance of I.C. Engines including numerical problems, heat balance sheet, Morse test, combustion phenomenon in S.I and C.I engines, pressure Crank angle diagram, knocking, factors affecting knock in SI and CI engines. 08 Hrs


Principle of working of gas turbines - Joule cycle, work ratio, optimum pressure ratio for specific power output, classification, open cycle, closed cycle, comparison, Methods to improve the performance of simple gas turbines, Numerical problems, working principles of turbo jets, Turbo propellers, Ramjets, Rockets. 08 Hrs


Working principle of reciprocating compressor, derivation of work done expression, efficiencies, Multi-stage compression, advantages, optimum conditions for minimum power, numerical problem, working principles of rotary compressors, fans, blowers, turbo compressors, turbo blowers. 08 Hrs


C.O.P. Unit of refrigeration, Air refrigeration, vapour compression refrigeration system, numerical problems, vapour absorption refrigeration, P.H. Chart, concept of cryogenics, liquefaction of air by Linde process, application of cryogenics. 08Hrs


Psychometric processes, numerical problems, comfort air conditioning, air conditioning Systems for summer and winter, (descriptive only) 06Hrs

Text Books
1. Thermal Engg. by Sarkar, TMH, 1998
2. Thermal Engg., R.K. Rajput, Laxmi Publication Pvt. Ltd., 1994.

1. Engineering Thermodynamics by F.F.Huange, II Edition, Macmillan International Edition.
2. Internal Combustion Engines by E.F.Obert, International Text Book Company.
3. A course in Internal Combustion Engines by M.L.Mathur and R.P.Sharma, Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
4. Turbines, Compressors and Fans by S.M.Yahya, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 1983
5. Refrigeration and Air conditioning by C.P.Arora, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
6. Thermodynamics Data Handbook (SI Units) by Nijaguna and Samaga (Permitted to be used in exams.)

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Lecture: 4 Hrs/Week           I.A.Marks:25
Exam:3 Hrs                            Max Marks:100


· Solidification of Castings-Directional & Progressive Solidification. Methods of achieving directional solidification· Process and Mechanism of Modification, Degasification, Inoculation & refining of metals I alloys to improve properties, electro slag refining of metals and alloys.· Principles and Fundamental aspects of Design of Castings - Gating System & Risers.Squeeze casting, Thixocasting, Continuous Casting Processes
e Computer application in Foundry practice. 18 Hours


Principles, Unconventional Machining operations - EDM, ECM Ultrasonic Machining and application, Abrasive jet machining EBM, Laser beam machining, plasm Arc machining, Water Jet Machining, Spark Erosion. 12Hrs


Principles of High-energy rate forming and its applications Explosive forming, Electro hydraulic forming, Electromagnetic forming. 8Hrs


Welding, variables affecting the structure of the base metal (Heat affected zones), special joining process such as Electron beam, Welding, Ultrasonic Beam Welding, Explosive welding, Laser welding. 8 Hours

5. Selection of candidate materials for the above mentioned manufacturing processes
4 Hours

Text Books:
1. Manufacturing Science: Amitabha Ghosh & Mallik, Affiliated East - West Press
2. Manufacturing Technologies: Rao P.N., Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Engineering Manufacturing Processes: Alting & Leo, Marcel Dekker, N.Y.
4. Metal Casting Principles: Heine, Loper & Rosental, Tata McGraw Hill

1. Welding Process & Technology: Parmer, Khanna Publication
2. A Principles of Metal Cutting: Bhattacharya, New Central Book Agencies.
3. HMT Production Technology: Tata McGraw Hill
4. Modem Machining Processes : Pandey P.C. and Shah H.S., Tata McGraw Hill
5. Foundry Technology: Beely, Butterwerths
5. Engineering Materials properties and selecfion - Kenneth 0. Budinski - PHI
6. Engineering materials and their application - Finn R.A. & Trojan P.K., Jaico Publishing House.
7. Non Traditional manufacturing processes - Galy F. Benedict, Moral Deker Inc. New York 1987.

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                                                      ME 5L5 MACHINE SHOP - I

Lecture: 3 Hrs/Week              IA. Marks: 25
Exam: 3 Hrs                               Max. Marks: 100

1. A Tutorial on machines and tools used in this shop. 1 Class
2. Each student should prepare a small assembly consisting of 2 to 3 components, the preparation of which should involve the following operations. Plain Turning, Taper Turning, Step Turning, Thread Cutting, Facing, Knurling, Drilling, Boring, Internal Thread Cutting, Eccentric turning 11 Classes

Suggested Models 1 & 2 are given.

Scheme of Examination
One model to be prepared involving a combination of taper turning, step turning, thread cutting, knurling                 80 Marks
Viva - voce                       20 Marks

1. Workshop Technology - Hajra & Choudhury
2. Production Technology - Khanna & Lal

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Lecture: 4 Hrs/Week               IA.Marks : 25
Exam 3 Hrs.                               Max. Marks :100

1. Determination of Flash point and Fire point of light, medium and heavy oils.
2. Determination of Calorific value of liquid, gaseous and solid fuels.
3. Determination of viscosity of an oil using red wood, saybolt and torsion viscometer.
4. Use of Planimeter for measurement of area of indicator diagrams.
5. Determination of carbon residue and moisture content in a fuel.
6. Determination of cloud and pour points of light, medium and heavy oils.
7. Valve timing diagram for l.C. Engine
8. Analysis of gases by Orsat apparatus.

9. Performance testing (involving the use of brake dynamometer, hydraulic dynamometer, electrical
loading) of the following engines (any five of the following experiments to be conducted)
a) Four stroke diesel engine
b) Two stroke diesel engine
c) Two stroke petrol engine
d) Four stroke petrol engine
e) Variable compression ratio engine
f) Study of combustion of Cl and SI engines using Pressure-Crank angle diagrams.
g) Effect of air/fuel ratio on performance of l.C. Engines
h) Performance and study of governors and their classification according to BIS.
i) Effect of back pressure on efficiency of l.C. Engines.
j) Rating of l.C. Engines according to BIS.
10 Morse test on a multi-cylinder engines.
11. Performance test on single and two stages air compressor
12. Performance test on air blower.

Scheme of Examination

One experiment from part A      20 marks
One experiment from part B      60 marks
                      Viva-Voce       20 marks

                      Total               100 marks

Reference Books
1. Thermal Engineering by Ballany P.L., Khanna Publications, Delhi.
2. A Course in l.C.Engines by Mathur and Sharma, Dhanpath Rai & Sons, New Delhi

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Lecture : 4 Hrs/Week                I.A. Marks: 25
Exam: 3Hrs                                  Max. Marks: l00

1. Basic equations: definition and notation of stress, equilibrium equations, stress at a point,
Principal stresses, maximum shear stress, strain at a point, compatibility equations, principal
strains Hooke's law and method of solution of elasticity problems - plane stress-plane strain
Problems.                  14Hrs

2. Two dimensional problems in cartesian co-ordinate system, bending of narrow cantilever of rectangular cross section under edge load and simply supported beam subjected to uniformly distributed load. Solution by Fourier series . 8 Hrs

3. General equations in Cylindrical co-ordinates. Thick cylinder under uniform pressure, shrink and force fit, stress concentration,and stresses in an infinitely strained plates with circular holes Stresses in rotating discs and cylinder, thermal stresses in thin discs and long cylinder.                     12Hrs

4. Torsion of various bars: circular, elliptical and triangular bars; membrane analogy, torsion of the Open sections and thin tube.                     8Hrs

5.Uniqueness theorem, principle of super position, reciprocal theorem, Saint - Venants principle.                 8 Hrs

Text books:
1. Applied Elasticity by CHI. TEM WANG Sc. D. Mc Graw Hill Book Co. 1953
2. Theory of Elasticity - Timoshenko, Mc Graw Hill International Edition.

I. Advanced Mechanics of solids by L.S. Srinath, Tata Mc Graw Hill
2. Theory of Elasticity by Dr. Sadhu Singh, Khanna Publications
3. Theory of Elasticity by Dr. R. M. S. Gowda lIT, Madras,Chennai , Monogram series.

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Common to Mech/IPE/IEM/MAN

Lecture: 4hrs/Week                      Exam: 3 hrs
Max  I.A. Marks:25                          Max Exam Marks: 100

1. Introduction to tool design, tooling, requirements of a tool designer, general tool design procedure.                        01hr


(a) Design of single point lathe tool:

Design of shank dimension using strength and rigidity considerations for rectangular, square and round cross section and selection of tool geometry. Solid type tool, brazed tip tool, long indexable insert, throwaway indexable insert types and chip breakers.

(b) Design of drill:

Design of elements like back taper, web thickness, land width, margin, flute length and cross section and selection of tool geometry.

(c ) Design of milling. cutter:

Design of elements like number of teeth and height, circular pitch, body thickness, chamfer width, fillet radius and selection of tool geometry

(d) Form tool design :

Graphical method only.                 07Hrs


Functions and differences between jigs and fixtures, advantages in mass production, design principles, economics of jigs and fixtures. Principles of location - 3-2-1 and 4-1 - 1 types of locations, different types of locating elements.Clamping - Principles of clamping, types of clamping including power clamping devices.Drill jigs - Types, Drill bushes, simple exercises of designing jigs for given components.Fixture Design - Turning fixtures, milling fixtures, grinding and broaching fixtures, indexing fixtures Design of fixtures for simple components.                        13 Hrs


Working of a power press and classification of presses. Components of a simple die, press tool operations, die accessories, shearing action in punch and,die,punch & die clearance ,shear on punch and die, Center of pressure and problems, scrap layout.
Simple ,progreesive,compound ,combination and inverted dies.Design problems on blanking and piercing dies for simple components.Bending dies - Introduction, bend allowance, spring back, and edge bending die design.Drawing dies - Single action, double action and triple action dies, factors affecting drawing, drawing die design.          13 Hrs


Terminology: Core, cavity, sprue, slug, fixed and movable Cores, finger cams, draft, ejector pins, ejector plates, gate, goose-nozzle, over-flow, platten, plung runner, vent, water-line etc.Types of Dies: Single cavity, multicavity dies, combination dies, unit dies, advantages a disadvantages of types of dies. Die casting alloys, defects in die casting, finishing trimming and inspection of die casting components, safety, modern trends in die casting dies.                               08Hrs


Injection moulding machine and its elements, general configuration of a mould. 2 plate and 3 plate mould.Introduction to gate, runner, parting surface, ejection system, core and cooling system. Introduction to compression, transfer, blow moulding, extrusion, forming and calendering.                 08Hrs

Text Books:
1. Tool design, by C. Donaldson, G.H. LeCain, V.C. Goold, Tata Mcgraw Hill Pub. Edn. 1976.
2. Metal cutting theory & cutting tool design, by V. Arshinov and G. Alkseev Mir Pub. Mascow Edn.1976.

Reference Books:
I. Typical example and problems in metal Cutting theory and cutting tool design, by N.     Nefdov, K. Osipov, Mir Pub. Edri. 1987.
2. Introduction to jigs and fixture design, M H A Kempster, Elbs, Edn. 1974.
3. Tool engineering and design, Nagpal Khanna Pub. Edn. 1998
4. Fundamentals of tool design, ASTME Prentice Hall India.
5. Metal cutting and tool design, DR. B. 3. Ranga, Vikas Pub. Edn. 1993
6. Manufacturing technology(foundry forming and welding) P.N. Rao, Tata Mc Graw Hill     Pub.Edn. 1996
7. Die Casting, Doehler
8. Die casting Die Design, Burton
9. Injection Moulding Design, RGW Pye, John Wiley.
10. Injection Moulding Handbook, Dominick V. Rosato & Donald V. Rosato, CBS Publishers

Relevant tool design data handbook is permitted in the examination.

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                              ME 5A3 GAS DYNAMICS (ELECTIVE)

Lecture : 4 Hrs/Week                I.A. Marks 25
Exam: 3 Hrs                                  Max. Marks: 100

1. Fundamental Equations of steady flow:

Continuity and momentum equations The thrust function. The dynamic equation and Euler's equation. Bernoulli's Equation. Steady flow energy equation. 7Hrs

2. Isentropic flow:

Acoustic velocity, Mach number, Mach line and Mach angle. Flow parameters. Stagnation temperature and pressure.                               5 Hrs.

3. Adiabatic Flow :

Stagnation temperature change. Rayleigh line, Pressure ratio and temperature ratio. Entropy considerations. Maximum heat transfer. Detonation and deflagration. 6Hrs

4. Flow with friction:

The fanning equation, Friction factor and friction parameter. Fanno line. Fanno equations.                                                                            4 Hrs.

5.Wave Phenomena:

Classification of wave phenomena. Analysis of shock phenomena. Hugoniot
equation. Weak waves, Compression waves. Oblique shock, Normal shock waves, Entropy
considerations. Rayleigh Pilot equations.          6Hrs.

6.Variable area flow :

Velocity variation with Isentropic flow. criteria for acceleration deceleration. Effect of pressure ratio on Nozzle operation. Convergent nozzle and convergent divergent nozzle. Effect of back pressure on nozzle flow. Isothermal flow functions .Comparisions of flow in nozzle.Generalized one-dimensional flow.              10 Hrs.

7. Applications of dimensional analysis and similitude to gas dynamic problems. 5Hrs

8. Introduction to flames and combustion: Flame propagation, Diffusion flames, Premixed flames. Flame velocity, Theories of flame propagation, Ignition for combustible mixture flame stabilization.                                                   6 Hrs.

Text Book:
1. Fundamentals of Compressible flow by Yahya, 2nd Edition 1991; Wieley Eastern.
2. Gas Dynamics, Cambell and Jennings (Mc Graw Hill)

1. Introduction to Gas Dynamics, Rolty (Wiley)
2. Elements of Gas Dynamics, Liepmann and Rosliko (Wiley)
3. The dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow, Shapiro (Ronold Press)

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Lecture : 4 Hrs/Week I. A. Marks :25
Exam: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100

I Strain Measurement:

1. Introduction Mechanical - optical - pneumatic - acoustic strain gauges. 2Hrs
2. Electrical Resistance Strain Gauges - Gauge factor, types, properties of an ideal gauge material backing material, adhesive material, protective coatings; Method of bonding strain gauges, strains gauges lead wire and connections, semiconductor strain gauges problems.                                           5Hrs

3. Strain gauge Circuits, Wheatstone's bridge, Error due to input impedance of measuring instrument, temperature compensation, multiple gauge circuits, calibration of strain measuring syststem, loadcells problems.                6Hrs

4. Strain gauge Rosettes -necessity, analysis, problems.             3Hrs

II. Photoelasticity

5. Nature of light - harmonic wave, phase, amplitude, polarization 2Hrs
6.Crystal optics - Passage of light through crystalline media, Absolute and relative
    phase difference, quarter wave plate, half wave plate, production of plane polarized     light                         4hrs
7.Two-dimensional Photoelasticity - Stress optic law, plane polariscope, isochromatics
   And isoclinics, circular polariscope, dark and bright fields arrangements, -
   Isoclinic and Isocliromatic fringe order at a point, methods of compensation;    separation techniques. 10Hrs.
8.Photoelastic Analysis-calibration of photoelastic model material, properties of ideal    photoelastic material, casting of photoelastic models ,machining ,stress relieving    ,scaling model prototype relation,Two-dimensional application,problem. 5Hrs
9.Briefringent coating,therory,Photoelastic data for stree analysis,Reflection polariscope.                        4hrs

10.Morire techniques, Phenomenon, Moire Fringe analysis, geometric approach,     displacement approach More techniques for inplane problerns, sign and order of     fringes, problems of Moire gratings, fringe Photography.         5Hrs
11. Introduction to Holography                             2Hrs
12. Introduction to brittle coating technique.           2Hrs

Text Books:
1. Experimental Stress Analysis by L.S.Srinath,
K. Ramachandra & B.Pant, Tata McGraw Hill Publicatiori.
2. Experimental Stress Analysis by DaIly & Riley, Tata McGraw Hill Publication
M.R.Raghavan, K.Lingaiah, G.Gargeslz

1. Experimental Stress Analysis by A 3 Durelli and Philip
2. Theoretical & Applied Stress Analysis by Durelli Philips & Tsno.
3. Moire Analysis of Strain by Durelli & Parks.
4. ESA Hand Book published by SEM. USA

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                        E 5B2 POWER PLANT ENGINEERING (ELECTIVE)

Lecture : 4 Hrs/Week                I. A. Marks :25
Exam 3 Hrs                                   Max. Marks: 100


Different types of fuels used for steam generation, Equipment for burning coal in lump form, stokers, different types, Oil burners, Advantages and disadvantages of using pulverised fuel, Equipment for preparation and burning of pulverised coal, unit system and bin system. Pulvensed fuel furnace, cyclone furnace, Coal and ash handling, Generation of steam using forced circulation, high and supercritical presures, A brief account of L Mont, Benson, Velox, Schmidt, Loeffler and Ramson steam generators.    14 hrs


Natural, forced, induced and balanced draft, Calculations involving height of chimney to produce a given draft.    02 hrs

3. Accessories for the steam generator such as superheaters, desuperheater, control of superheaters, Economizers, Air Preheaters and re-heaters.    02 hrs

Different types of towers.  02 hrs


Method of starting diesel engines, Cooling and lubrication system for the diesel engine. Filters, centrifuges, Oil heaters, Intake and exhaust system, Layout of a diesel power plant.    04 hrs


Advantages and disadvantages of the gas turbine plant, Open and closed cycle turbine plants with the accessories.    02 hrs


Storage and pondage, flow duration and mass curves, hydrographs, Low, medium and high head plants, pumped storage plants, Penstock, water hammer, surge tanks, gates and valves, power house, general layout. A brief description of some of the important Hydel Installations in India. 06hrs


Principles of release of nuclear energy Fusion and fission reactions. Nuclear fuels used in the reactors. Multiplication and thermal utilization factors. Elements of the Nuclear reactor, Moderator, control rod, fuel rods, coolants.   04 hrs

9.Brief description of reactors of the following types - Pressurized water reactor, Boiling water reactor, Sodium graphite reactor, Fast Breeder reactor, Homogeneous reactor and gas cooled reactor, Radiation hazards, Shielding, Radio active waste disposal.

10.Choice of site for power station, load estimation, load duration curve, load factor, capacity factor, use factor, diversity factor, demand factor, Effect of variable load on power plant, selection of the number and size of units.    06 hrs

11. Economic Analysis of power plant - Cost of energy production, selection of plant arid generating equipment, performance and operating characteristics of power plants, tariffs for electrical energy.   

Text Books:
Power Station Egg. Economics, Skrotizke and Vopat, Power Plant Engg. Domkundawar, Dhanpath Rai & Sons Power Plant Engg, Morse F.T., Van Nstrand.

Reference Books:
1. Water Power Engg, Edition 3, Barrows, TMH, New Delhi
2. Plant Engg Hand Book, Stanier, McGraw Hill
3. Hydraulic Machines, Jagadish Lal, Metropollitan Co.
4. Principles of Energy Conversion, A.W. CuIp Jr., McGraw Hill
5. Power Plant Technology, M.M. EI-Wakil, McGraw Hill International

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Lecture 4 Hrs/Week            I. A. Marks :25
Exams:3Hrs                          Max. Marks :100


S.I. and C.I. engines, Cylinder arrangements, liners, pistons, control of piston slap, connecting rod, crank shaft, valves and valve Gear Mechanisms, Valve and port timing diagrams, combustion chamber designs for SI and CI engines. Methods for Swirl generation, choice of materials for engine components. Engine rating, Engine positioning.                         8Hrs


Mixture requirements for SI engines, Carburettors -arid manifold injectors. C.C. and C.D. carburettors, Fuel pumps and injectors. Governing and fuel control. Fuel transfer pumps, Fuel gauges.      6Hrs


Battery ignition system, Magnetic ignition system Transistor assisted contacts, Electronic ignition, Automatic ignition advance for load and speed, cooling arid
Lubrication of Engines.       4Hrs



Single plate, Multiplate and centrifugal clutches.


Necessity for gear ratios in transmission, Synchromesh gear boxes -3,4 arid 5 speed gear boxes, Over drive, Fluid coupling and Torque convertors, Epicyclic gear boxes, Principle of automatic transmission, Numerical calculations for torque transmission by cltitches:
calculations of road resistance and tractive effort, hauling power requirement, calculation of gear ratios.         8Hrs


Propeller shaft and Universal joints, Hotchkiss atid Differential, rear axle, different arrangements of fixing the wheels to rear axle arrangements of links, stub axle, steering gear and geometry, centre attitudes, Caster, Camber, Kingpin inclination, Toe-in and Toe-out, Turning circle Numerical problems related to steering geometry.


Requirements, independent fronts suspension systems,pitching and bouncing, rolling, confert curves, types of springs, shock absorbers.


Mechanical, compressed air, vacuum and hydraulic working of master and wheel cylinders, Brake shoe arrangement numerical problems related to brake torque, Minimum Stopping distance with brakes and drum brakes, and all wheels, weight transfer and heat dissipation during braking.            4Hrs


Types of tyresCornering properties of tyre,cause and types of tyre ware. Slip angle and cornering force, Over steer, under steer and neutral steer.         3Hrs


Generator , voltage regulator, cut-out starter, lightening, horn an other requirements.          2Hrs


Automotive emission,causes Control, emission standard, Driving cycle, Alternative fuels for automotive traction Innovative concepts for Maximizing the efficiency and minimizing the pollution.            6Hrs

Text Books:
1. Newton and Steds, Motor Vehicle, Butterworth, 2nd Edn. 1989.
2. Automobile Engineering, Kirpal Singh, Vol I & II, Standard Publishers and Distributors, 6th Eds.,
3. Problems in Automobile Mechanics, N.K. Gin, Khanna Publishers, 4d' Edn, 1988

Reference Books:
l.Automobile Engg., RB. Gupta3 Satya Prakashan, 4th Edn. 1984
2.Automobile Engg., Narang, Khanna Publishers, 2nd Edn. 1979
3.Automotive Mechanics, Crouse, McGraw Hill, 1981
4.Automotive Mechanics, 3oseph Heitimer, Van Nostrand
5.Intemal Combustion Engines, Mathur and Sharma, Dhanpath Rai & Sons, 1994

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Lecture: 4hrs/Week I.A.Marks: 25
Exain: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 100

1. Introduction:

Concept of automatic controls, open and closed loop systems, concepts of feedback, requirement of an ideal control system.     2Hrs

2. Differential Equation for Mechanical Systems (both translation and rotational) Systems, Electrical systems (servos, D.C. Motors, A.C. Servomotors), Hydraulic systems (liquid level and fluid power systems), Thermal systems, Integrating devices, Hydraulic servomotor, temperature control system, error detectors.         6Hrs

3. System Response: First order and second order system response to step, ramp and sinusoidal inputs, concepts of time constant and its importance in speed of response. System of stability- Routh Hurwitz Criterion.        4 Hrs

4. Block Diagrams, Signal Flow Graphs and Transfer Functions definition of transfer - function, block representation of system elements, reduction of block diagrams. Signal flow graphs, Basic properties and gain formula to block.
            6 Hrs

5. Control action:

Types of controllers Proportional, Integral, Proportional Integral, Proportional Integral Differential controllers (Basic concepts only).      3Hrs

6.Frequency Response:

Polar and rectangular plots for the frequency response, system analysis using Nyquist diagrams. Relative stability concepts of gain margin and phase margin, M & N circles.        4Hrs

7. System Analysis using Logarithmic plots :

Bode attenuation diagrams, Stability Analysis using Bode diagrams, Simplified Bode Diagrams.       4Hrs

8. Root locus plots; Definition of root loci, constructing of root loci, Graphical relationship setting the system gain.         4 Hrs

9. System Compensation:

Series and feedback compensation, Physical devices for system compensation.     4Hrs

10. Introduction to state variable characteristics of linear systems;

Introduction to the state concepts state equation o linear continuous data system. Matrix representation of state equations, controllability and observability, Kalman & Gilbert test.                 6 Hrs

Text Books:
1. Modern Control Engineering - K. Ogatta1 PHI
2. Automatic Control Systems - B.C.Kuo Prentice Hall (India) Latest edition.
3 Automatic Control Systems - Raven - Mc Graw Hill

Reference Books:
I. Feedback Control Systems - Sichuan's series.
2. Control Systems: Nagarath & Gopal.
3. Solutions and Problems- JAIRATH, CBS Publication

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Lecture:4 Hrs/Week          I.A.Marks:25
Exam :3Hrs                           Max. Marks: 100

1. ELEMENTS OF 0 & M:Office functions, office organization, office equipment, records management, classification of filing systems: Manual filing equipment. Forms design and control. Filing through electronic equipment - microfilms, MS punched cards, magnetic or punched tape formats. Development of office procedures, application of. work study principles to office procedures and methods, weeding out of records.
6 Hrs


Format of presentation, selection of scales and techniques of charting, time series analysis.

3.1 The meaning and role of MIS for managing.
3.2 Objectives of an information system : difference between data/statistics and information,data life cycle-characteristics of information, amount of information, requirements of a good information system.

3.3 Volition of an information system, basic industrial information systems, MIS technique for. making programmed decision. -
3.4 Manual information systems: Storing, retrieval and weeding out of data forms -of original documents -. techniques of information presenting-system approach to organization and information flow, inductive approach.

3.5 Computer based information system: Electronic data processing - definition of objectives,- -adoption of record forms, preparation of data, microfilm, punched card and magnetic tapes - for storing information. Flow charting, coding of data, development of database, detailing of information, establishing information output formats for management variety of useful reports, - analysis and interpretation of information.


4.1 Planning and programining MIS : Need for system planning - objectives of MIS planning, project planning and MIS: Planning techniques reporting and controlling.

4.2 MIS design - gross design concepts: Setting system objectives, assessing information needs, identifying information sources, development of alternative systems, selection of systems.
4.3 Detailed systems design : Aim of detailed design, dominant and principle trade of performance criteria, system debugging by simulation.

Text book:
I. Information system for modern management by Mudrick, G.R. (Prentice Hall).

Application of 0 & M by Muward, G.E.
2. System analysis for effective administration by Barish
3. Development of information system by Donald (Ronald Press)
4. The information system for Management Planning and control by Prince T.R.

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(Common to Mech/Man./IEM/IPE)
Lecture : 4 Hrs                 Exam : 3 Hrs.

I.A.Marks:25                    Exam Marks:100

1. Process of Communication - Methods & Media of Communication, Barriers to effective communication listening, Types & Patterns - external, internal, horizontal, Models of communication process, perception, verbal & non verbal communication, self confidence. 10Hrs

2. Oral Communication - Public speaking, oral reporting, group communication, crosswise communication negotiation skills, decision making, constructive feed back, presentation skills - lectures, seminars, --conference. l5Hr.

3. Written Communication- Note taking from lectures & reference sources, collecting information from various sources, repeat writing, effective paragraphing, preparation of letters of applications & Bio-Data, official correspondences, meeting notice, agenda, minutes writing, organizing experimental & technical scientific information, preparation of presentation material: Transparencies, Slides, Multimedia etc.., preparation of project report, thesis I dissertation & project proposals. 20hrs

4. Modem Tools in Communication - E-mail, Internet, Multimedia. 5 Hrs

Text Books:
I 'Mastering Communication' , by.Stanton ,McMillan Publishers, 1998 edition
2 'Business Communication' , Raymond Olderman, McMillan Spectrim Alpha Series.


1. 'Business Communication' - US Rai & SM Rai, Himalayan Publishing House, Mumbai
2. 'Business Communication' - Raymond V Lesikar John D, Pettit Jr.
3. 'The New Manual for Public Speaking' - Derek Hall, W.Foulsharn & Co. Ltd. 1986
4. 'Developing Cornrnnication Skills', lrrishna Mohan, Meera Banerjee ,McMillan ISBN 0333929195.
5. 'Mastering Business Communication' , by Woolcott, McMillan Publishers,
1998 edition.
6. 'Read Better Speak Better', Readers Digest Publication.

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