Hours per week: 04
Total Hours: 48
Exam Marks :100
Complex Variables :
Functions of a Complex Variable, Limits, Continuity, Analytic functions, C-R
equations, Conformal mapping, Bilinear transformations, Complex integration
- Cauchy's integral theorem, Cauchy's integral formula, Taylor's &
Laurent's series, Cauchy's residue theorem. 10 hrs
Fourier Series :
Periodic Functions, Euler's formula, Fourier Series of even and odd funcuons,
Fourier series of functions of arbitary period, Half-range expansions,
Fourier sine and cosine series, Exponential Fourier Series, Harmonic
Analysis, Fourier Transforms: Definition, Convolution and applications: 10
Numerical Analysis :
Finite Differences - Forward differences, Backward differences Newton's
forward interpolation formula, Newton's backward interpolation formula,
Newton's general interpolation formula. Central Differences- Bessels and
Stirlings' formulate. Numerical Differentiation, Numerical Integration, the
general quadrature formula - Simpson's rule. Numerical methods of solution
of equations Directmethods- Rank of a matrix and consistency for a system of
equations, Gauss Elimination, Gauss-Jordan and LU Decomposition methods.
Iterative Methods Jacobi, Gauss-Siedel, and Newton - Raphson methods,
Numerical solutions for ordinary differential equations - Euler's, modified
Euler's and Runge- kutta methods. 19hrs
Optimization :
Basic Concepts and classification of optimization problems, Liner
Programming, Graphical and Simplex Method, Degeneracy and Difficulties in
Starting.' . - 09 hrs
To Top

Hours / Week: 4 I.A.
Marks : 25
Total Hours : 48
Exam Marks:100
Network Topology:
Graph of a network, Concept of a tree and links, incidence matrix, tie-set
& cut-set schedules, solution of networks, principles of duality &
network transformation. 06 hrs
Review of loop and node, linearly independent KVL & KCL equations.
Methods of analysis of DC and AC networks. Network reduction using Y-A
transformations, Coupled circuits, Locus Diagram. 10 hrs
Superposition, Reciprocity, Thevenin's, Norton's, Maximum power transfer and
Miller's theorems, Tellegen's theorem. 08 hrs
Resonant circuits:
Series and parallel resonance, frequency response of series and parallel
circuits, Q-factor, Bandwidth. 04 hrs
Transient behavior and initial conditions in networks :
Behavior of circuit element under switching condition and their
representation. Evaluation of initial and final conditions in RL, RC and RLC
circuits for AC and DC excitations. 06 hrs
Laplace transformation & its applications :
LT from Fourier Transform, Definition & Properties of Laplace
transforms, Inverse Laplace transform, Partial fraction expansion, initial
& final value theorem, shifting theorem, convolution integral, step,
ramp and impulse functions, delayed functions, Laplace transform of periodic
and non-periodic signals. 08 hrs
One & two port network parameters:
Driving point admittance & transfer function, pole-zero concepts of the
network function. Open circuit impedance parameters, short circuit
admittance parameters, transmission parameters; H-Pararneters. Calculation
of these parameters for two port networks.
06 hrs
To Top

Hours I Week : 4 I.A.
Marks: 25
Total Hours : 48
Exam Marks:100
1.Introduction :
General properties of Instrumented elements, ,Transducer technology,
Transduction principles, General transducer characters, Design characters,
performance characters, Reliability characters, transient and frequency
characteristics. 08 hrs
2. Generalized Performance Characteristics 08 hrs
3. Displacement Transducer & Motion Sensors :
Electro-optical displacement sensors,augular and linear encoders. Digital
codes and coding patterns, position sensing switches. 06 hrs
4. Variable Capacitance Transducers : Basic principles, equivalent
circuits, sensitivity and linearity, associated circuits, applications,
signals conditioning circuits. 06 hrs
5. Piezoelectric Transducers: Piezoelectricity and electro-striction,
Piezoelectric materials, Equivalent circuits, appellations, signal
conditioning circuits. 08 hrs
6. Optical Detectors: Sensing methods, photo-voltaic detection, photo
conductive detection, photo-conductive junction detection, design and
operation of thermoelectric optical detectors, Piezoelectric optical
detectors. 08 hrs
7. IC Transducers for Temperature Measurement :
Principle and associated circuits for signal conditioning. 04 hrs
To Top

Hours/Week : 4
I.A. Marks : 25
Total Hours : 48
Exam Marks:100
1.Fundamentals of CRO:
Functional description of CRT, Focusing with electric & magnetic fields,
Deflection mechanism & synchronizations. Block diagram of CRO
(Qualitative treatment only) 3 Hrs
2. Diode and diode circuits:
i) Energy band diagram for PN-Junction, Derivation of for PN-Junction
current, V-I characteristics, Diode capacitances - Ideal & practical
diodes, Equivalent diode.
ii) Diode circuits: FW bridge rectifier with C filter - Design
calculations {Ripple factor, efficiency, regulation) voltage multipliers -
Diode clippers & clampers.
iii) Special purpose diodes : Varactor, Tunnel, Schottky & photo
diodes & their characteristics. 12Hrs
3. BJT, Biasing & AC Models:
i) Ebers - Moll Model - Transistor rating.
ii) Basic CE amplifier - load line, operating point - stabilization
of operating point - Biasing circuits & analysis.
iii) AC Models: Accurate and Approximate model of small signal BIT
amplifiers, Linear Analysis of a Transistor Amplifier in CE, CB & CC
modes, comparison of configurations. Hybrid - PI model, variation of Hybrid
parameters. CE current gain with and without RL, CE short circuit current
gain. CE Amplifier response. 12 hrs
4.BJT Amplifiers:
i) Voltage Amplifiers-CE amplifier analysis-types of coupling-effect
of coupling,bypass & design of coupled circuits(RC & TC). Effect of
cascading and cascoding.
ii) Emitter Follower - CC amplifier, Darlington & Bootstrap
circuits & analysis.
iii) Power amplifiers - Classification of large signal amplifiers
-Concept of ac load line - Analysis & design with respect to efficiency,
linearity and harmonic distortions (Three point analysis) of class A, class
B and AB push-pull amplifiers -Cotnplementary symmetry circuit 15 Hrs
5. Regu!ators & Power Supplies:
Three phase bridge connected rectifier (TUF, Ripple factor, Efficiency, Vdc)
- Analysis & design of series & shunt voltage regulator - series
current regulator - switching regulator - Discussion on short circuit
protections (Using BJT). 6 Hrs
Reference Books:
1)Nasheisky & Boylestead: Electronic Devices & circuit theory PHI.
2)I.J. Nagrath, Electronics Analog & Digital - PHI
For further reading ...
· Malvino: Electronic Principles: Mc Graw Hill
· Integrated Electronics, Millman & Halkias, TMH
To Top

Hours / Week : 4 Total
Hours : 48
I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Marks:100
1. Review of number Systems, Boolean Algebra. 04 hrs
2. Simplification of Boolcan expression using theorems, K-Map, VEM
technique and Quine-Mclausky methods. 08 hrs
3. Binary codes and coding Circuits: Introduction, 8421 BCD
Arithmetic, Excess-3 code, Excess-3 Arithmetic, Other 4-Bit BCD codes, 2421
code, Error-Detecting Codes - Parity, block Parity, Five Bit Codes,
Binquinary Code, Unit Distance Codes: Gray code, conversion of Gray to
Binary and Vice-Versa, Alphanumeric codes: ASCII Code, EBCDIC Code,
Encoders, keyboard encoders and priority encoders, Decoders, BCD-to-Seven
Segment Decoder, ANSI/IEEE Standard symbols mixed mode representation. 10
4. Logic Families: Study of a transistor as a switch, review of logic
gates, definition of parameters-fanout, noise margin, propagation delay,
powcr dissipatioii, spced power product. Multi-emitter- transistor,
totem-pole output, Input and Output Currents-Fanout, High speed and Low
Power (L) TTL. The Schottky Clamp, Schottky(s) and Low Power Schottky (LS)
TTL. Advanced Low-Power Schottky (AS)TTL.Open Collector Outputs: The Wired
AND. Tn-state Logic and Bus Drivers. NMOS Logic, CMOS Logic, Buffered and
Unbuffered gates, Transmission gates, Open drain and High Impedance Outputs,
Specifications and Standards, Power dissipation and propagation delay, CMOS
hazards, Dynamic MOS logic, IIMOS. Emitter Coupled Logic (ECL): Input and
Output Characteristics. IIL Logic BICOMS, ANSI and IEEE standard
Interfacing, CMOS & ECL gate. 12 hrs
5. Design of Combination Circuits: Arithmetic circuit,Half Adder,Full
Adder ,Serial Adder, Parallel Adder, Carry Look Ahead adder. Half Subtractor
and Full Subtract6r;ALU, Case Study: 7483, 74181, Comparators- Basic Idea of
Comparators, ease study of 7485, Multiplexers and Demultiplexers - Basic
idea of MUX and DEMUX, application of MUX for generation of Logic function
and multiplexing of seven segment displays, and code converter circuits.
Study of 74151 and 74153, application of DEMUX, study of 74139.
14 hrs
Reference Books
· Tocci Digital Systems - PHI
· Fletcher An Engineering approach to Digital Design - PHI
For further reading...
· Floyd: bigital Fundamentals - PHI
· Bogart: Introduction to Digital Circuits - MG Hill
· Schaum Series: Digital system design - Mc Graw Hill
To Top

Hours / Week: 4 I.A.
Marks : 25
Total Hours : 48 Exam
1. Introduction :
What is a signal? What is a system? Overview of specific systems,
Classification of signals, basic operations on signals, elementary signals,
Systems viewed as interconnections of operations. prupertics of systems. 08
2. Time domain representations for Linear Time-Invariant systems:Introduction,Convolution:inpulse
response representation for LTI systems, Properties of the Impulse response
representation forLTI systems, Differential and difference equation
representation for LTI systems, block diagram representations.
10 hrs
3. Fourier representatiolis of signals:
Introduction, Discrete-Time periodic signals: The Discrete-Time Fourier
Series, Continuous - Time periodic signals: The Fourier series,
Discrete-Time non-periodic signals: The Fourier Transform, Properties of
Fourier representation. 10 hrs
4. Application of Fourier representations :
Introduction, Frequency response of LTI systems, Fourier Transform
representations for periodic signals,convolution and modulation with mixed
signal classes, Fourier transform representation for discrete time signals.
Sampling, reconstruction of continuous time signals, Discrete- Time
processing of Continuous time signals. 10 Hrs
5. Z-Tarnsform:
Introduction, The Z-transform, properties of the ROC,Properties of the
Z-Transform, Inversion of Z-Transform, Transform analysis of LTI systems,
The Unilateral Z-Transform. 10 Hrs
Reference Books:
· Signals and Systems,Haykin & Van Veen:Wiley.
· Signals aIl(l Systems, Oppenenheim,PHI
To Top

Hours / Week: 03
I.A. Marks : 25
Exam. Marks:100
1. Characteristics of Zener diode, Zener Voltage Regulator.
2. Design and performance characteristics of Halfwave, Fullwave and
bridge rectifiers without filter and with capacitor filter.
3. Determination of h-parameters using static: characteristics of a
transistor in CE and CB mode.
4. Static characteristics of FET, parameter calculations.
5. Characteristics of UJT, intrinsic stand off ratio.
6 Stattc characteristics of MOSFET, parameter calculations.
7. Characteristics of photo diodes and photo transistors.
8. Verification of Thevenin's, Norton's and Maximum Power Transfer
9. Characteristics of series and parallel resonance circuits.
10. Design, Fixing of operating point and performance characteristics
i) R-C Coupled amplifier
ii) Transformer coupled amplifier
iii) Emitter follower.
To Top

308 I.C. LAB - I
Hours/ Week : 03
I.A. Marks: 25
Exam. Marks:100
1. Simplification, realization of Boolean expression using log
gates/universal gates.
2. Transfer characteristics of TFL, CMOS and Schmitt Trigger gates.
3. Sinking and Sourcing characteristics of TTL gates.
4. Realization half I full adder, using Logic gates.
5. Realization ofhalf/ full subtractor using logic gates.
6. Parallel adderlsubtractor using 7483 chip.
7. BCD to XS-3 code conversion and vice-versa.
8. Binary to gray code converter and vice-versa.
9. MUX I DEMUX Li5C of 74153,74139 for arithmetic circuits and cod
10. Realization of One I Two bit comparator & Study of 7485
magnilud comparator
11. Use of decoder chip to drive LED I LCD display.
12. StudyofonebitALu-74181
13. Study of Priority encoder
To Top