Hours per week :4
Marks: 25
Total Lecture Hours: 48
Exam Marks: 100
6 Hrs
Definitions, Importance, Isomorphism, Walk, Paths, Circuits, Connected,
Disconnected graphs, Operation on graphs, Euler and Hamiltonian Graphs.
Properties, Distance and Centres, trees, Spanning trees, lundainenial Circuits,
IvImimal spanning tree.
Properties, Fundamental circuits and cut sets, Connectivity, Separatability,
Network flows, 1-2 isomorphism
4 Hrs
Combinatorial representation, Planar graphs, Kuratowski's graphs, detection of
planarity, dual graphs.
Incidence matrix, Circuit matrix, cut set matrix, Fundamental matrices,
Relationships amongst matrices, Path matrix, Adjacency matrix.
6 Hrs
Chromatic number, Chromatic partitioning, Matching, Covering, Four Color
Different types, Directed paths and connectedness, Euler diagraphs, Trees-Matrix
representation, Tournament.
10 Hrs
Computer representation of graphs- Input & Output, Algorithms for
connectedness, Spanning Tree, Fundamental Circuits, Cut Vertices, Directed
Circuits and Shortest Paths.
Book: 1. Narasing Deo, Graph Theory with Application to Engineering and Computer
Science, Prentice 1-lall India, 1995.( Chapters 1 to 5, 7to 9, 11.1 to 11.5)
Reference Books
1. Tulasiram and M.N.S.Swamy, Graph, Networks and Algorithms, John Wiley, 1981.
2. F.Harary, Graph Theory, Addison Wesley/Narosa, 1988.
3. E.M.Reingold,J.Nievergelt,N.Deo, Combinatorial Algorithms: Theory and
practice, Prentice hall, N.J.1977.
hours per week: 4
I.A Marks: 25
Total Lecture Ilours : 48
Exam Marks: 100
10 Hrs
The C++ Datatypes - Literal constant, Variables, Pointer Types,String Types,
const Qualifier, Reference Types, The bool Type,Enumeration Types, Array Types,
Typedef Names, volatile Qualifier, Class Types. Expressions - Definition of an
Expression, Arithmetic Operators, Equality, Relational, and Logical Operators,
Assignment Operators, Increment and Decrement Operators, The Conditional
Operator, The sizeof Operator, The new and delete Expressions, Comma Operator,
The Bitwise Operators, Precedence, Type Conversions, A Stack Class Example.
Statements - Simple and Compound Statements, Declaration Statement, The if
Statement, ie switch Statement, The for Loop Statement, The while Statement, The
do while Statement, The break Statement, The continue Statement, The goto
Statement, A Linked List Example.
12 Hrs
Functions Overview, Function Prototype, Argument Passing,Retuning a
Value,Reccursion,Inline Functions, Linkage Directives:extern"C"..Scope
antI Lifetime - Scope, Global Objects and Functions, Local Objects, Dynamically
Allocated Objects. Overloaded Functions - Overloaded Function Declarations, The
Three Steps of Overload Resolution, Argument Type Conversions. Function
Templates - Function Template Definition, Function Template Instantiation,
Template Argument Deduction, Explicit Template Arguments, Template Compilation
Models, Template Explicit Specialization, Overloading function Templates,
Overload Resolution with Instantiations, function Template Example.
Classes - Class Deflnition, Class Objects, Class Member Functions, The Implicit
this Pointer, Static Class Members Pointer to Class Member , Union: A Space-
Saving CIass, Bit Field:A Space-Saving Member, Class Scope, Nested Classes Class
Initialization, Assignment, and Destruction - Class Initialization, The Class
Constructor, The Class Destruction, Class Object Arrays and Vectors, The Member
Initialization List, Memberwise Initialization, Memberwise Assignment,
Efficiency Consideratious. Overloaded Operators - Operator Overloading, Friends,
Operator -, Operator [ ], Operator ( ), Operator ->, Operators ++ and --,
Operators new and delete. Class Templates - Class Template Definition, Class
Template Instantiation, Member Functions of Class Templates, Friend Declarations
in Class Templates, Static Data Members of Class Templates, Nested Types of
Class Templates, Member Templates.
8 Hrs
Class Inheritance, Subtyping, and Polymorphism - Defining a Class Hierarchy,
Identifying the Members of the Hierarchy, Base Class Member Access, Base and
Derived Class Construction, Base and Derived Class Virtual Functions, Memberwise
Initialization and Assignment, A UserQuery Manager Class, Putting It Together.
The iostream Library - The Output Operator ", Input, Additional
Input/Output Operators, Overloading the Output Operator ", Overloading the
Input Operator", File Input and Output, Condition States.
Text Books:
Slanley Blippman and Josee Lajole, C++ Primer, 3rd Ed., Addison Wesley, 1998 (
Chapters 3 to 5, 7 to 10,13 to 17, 20 excluding 3.10,3.11,3.14,4.6,
4.12,7.8,7.9, 8.5,8.6,9.4, 10.9, 10.10, 13.11, 13.12, 15.9 to 15.12, 16.8 to
16.12,20.8 to 20.10)
Reference Books :
1. Bjarne Stroustrup, C++ Programming Language, 3rd Ed., Addison Wesley, 1997
2 Herbert Schildt, C++, The Complete Reference, Second Ed., IMII, 1998
3. John Hubband, Programming with C++, Second Edition, Schaum's outline series,
McGraw Hill
4. E Balaguruswamy. Object Oriented Programming with C++,TMH,1995
Hours per week :4
I.A Marks: 25
Total Lecture Hours: 48
Exam Marks: 100
The general purpose machine, The users view, The machine/assembly language
programmer's view, The Machine/Assembly Language Programmers view, The Computer
architect's view, The computer system logic designer's view, Historical
perspective, Classification of computers and their instructions, Computer
instruction sets, Informal description of the simple RISC computer, SRC, Formal
description of SRC using register transfer notation, RTN,Description of
addressing modes with RTN, register transfer and logic circuits from behavior to
Machine characteristics and performance, RISC versus CISC, A CISC microprocessor
: The motorola MC68000, A RISC architecture The SPARC.
The design process, A 1-bus microarchitecture for the SRC, Data path
implementation, Logic design for the 1-bus SRC, The control unit, The 2-and-3
bus processor designs, The machine reset, Machine exceptions, Microprogramming.
Number systems and radix conversion, Fixed-point arithmetic, Seminumeric aspects
of ALU design, Floating-point arithmetic.
Introduction The components of the memory system, RAM structure The logic
designer's perspective, Memory boards and modules, Two-level memory hierarchy,
The cache, Virtual memory.
12 Hrs
The I/O subsystem, Programmed I/O, I/O interrupts, Direct memory access (DMA),
I/O data format change and error control, Magnetic disk drives, Display devices,
Printers, Input devices, Interfacing to die analog world.
Text Book: 1. Vincent P Heuring & Harry F Jordan, Computer Systems
Design and Architecture, Addison-Wesley, 1997. ( Chapters 1 to4,5. 3,6,7.1 to
Reference Book
1. William Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture, 4th Ed., PHI
2. V.C.Hamacher, Z.G.Vranesic, S.G.Zaky, Computer Organization ,4th
3. J.P.Hayes, Computer Architecture and Organization, 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill,
Hours per week : 4 I.A
Marks: 25
Total Lecture Hours : 48
Exam Marks: 100
6 Hrs
Introduction to Microprocessors, Microprocessor-based Computer Systems,
Architecture of 8086/8088, Programmers model of 8086/8088, Segmentation and
memory addressing in 8086/8088.
1 6 Hrs
Assembly language, Assemblers for the PC, Addressing model of 8086. Data
movement instructions excluding string instructions, Instruction encoding,
Assembling, Linking and Executing Programs; Arithmetic and Logical Instructions.
String Instructions, Debugging programs, Programming Examples; Program flow
control Instructions.
Machine control and miscellaneous instructions, Programming Examples, Modular
Program Development : Use of Linker Library, Macros and Conditional Assembly.
Pin-outs and pin functions, Clock generator, Bus buffering latching and Timing
Diagrams, Ready and wait state, Min/Max modes of operation.
6 Hrs
Memory Devices, Address Decoding, 8/16 bit memory Interfacing, DRAM memory
Introduction to interrupts, Interrupt-related instruction. Interrupt processing,
8259A PlC, Real-Time Clod Introduction to I/O Interfacing; Memory mapped and I/O
mapped I/O; Simple input/output interfaces (reading switch( using 74LS244,
driving LEDs usmg 74LS374),Address decoding. Interfacing of 8255 and 8254
devices, ADC/DAC devices : 8255: Basic description, Interfacing to 8086/8088,
Mode 0 Mode 1 operations, Application Examples (Seven-Segment Display interface,
Stepper motor interface, Keypad interface). 8254: Basic description, Modes of
operation, Application Examples (DC motor speed and Direction control using PWM).
ADC/DAC Devices: Interfacing DAC 0830 and ADC 0804 devices, Application Example
(Capturing and replaying audio signals).
Text Book:
1. Barry B. Brey, The Intel Microprocessors, Fourth Edition, Prentice-Hall
India, 1997. (Chapters 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.7, 10.1, 10.2,
10.3, 10.5, 10.7, 11. The material pertaining to 8086 / 8088 only is to be
covered. The higher processors can be ignored.)
2. K.Udaya Kumar and B.S. Umashankar., Micropiocessors and IBM- PC
LanguageProgramming, Tata McGraw Hill,1996. 1,2,3)
Reference Books:
1.Doughlas V Hall., Microprocessors and Interfacing: Programming and Hardware,
Second edition,McGraw Hill, 1992.
2.Michael Throne., Computer Organization and Assembly language Programming,
Addision-Wesley, 1991.
3.Rajaraman , Radhakrishna., Essentials of Assembly Language Programming for the
IBM PC,PHI 1999.
Hours per week :4
I.A Marks: 25
Total Lecture Hours :48
Exam Marks: 100
Preliminaries and Notation, Three Basic Concepts, Sonic Applications,
Deterministic Finite Accepters Nondeterministic Finite Accepters,Equivalence of
Deterrninistic and Nondeterministic Finite Accepters Reduction of Number of
States in Finite Automata.
Regular Expressions,Connection between Regular Expressions and Regular
Languages,Regular Grammars,Closure Properties of and Regular Languages,
Elementary Questions About Regular Languages, Identifying Nonregular Languages.
8 Hrs.
Context-Free grammars,Parsing and Ambiguity, Context-Fre Grammars and
Programming Languages, Methods 0 Transforming Grammars, Two important Normal
8 Hrs Nondeterminisitc Pushdown Automata, Pushdown
Automat and Context-Free Languages, Deterministic Pushdown Automata and
Deterministic Context-Free Languages, Two Pumping Lemmas, Closure Properties and
Decision Alogrithms for Context-Free Languages.
8 hrs.
The Standard Turing Machine, Combining Turing Machines for Complicated Tasks,
Turing's Thesis, Minor Variation on the Turing Machine Theme,Turing Machines
with more Complex Storage, Nondeterministic Turing Machines, A Universal Turing
Machines Linear Bounded Automata.
Recursive and Recursively Enumerable Languages, Unrestricted Grammars, Context
Sensitive Grammars and Languages, The Clomsky Hierarchy, Some Problems that
cannot be Solved By Turing Machines, Undecidable Problems for recursively
Enumerable Languages, The Post Correspondence Problem, Undecidable Problems for
Context- Free Languages.
1. Peter Linz,An introduction to Formal and Automata ,2nd Ed., Narosa Publishing
House, 1997. ( Chapters I to 12 except 6.3 and 7.4 )
1. John C Martin, Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Automata, Second
Edition,McGraw HiU, 1997.
2. J P Hoperoft, J D Ullman, Introduction to Automata, Languages and
Computation, Narosa Pulications.
Hours per week: 3 Exam
Sessional Marks: 25
1. Write a C++ program to create a class called as COMPLEX, and implement
the following by overloading the function ADD which returns the COMPLEX number.
i. ADD(sl, s2) - where s1 is an integer (real part) and s2 is a COMPLEX number.
ii. ADD(sl, s2) - where s1 & s2 are complex numbers. Display the result by
overloading the operator ".
2.Write a C++ program to create a class LIST (linked list) with insert at
front, and delete from front as member functions. Demonstrate all functions
after creating a list object.
3. Write a C++ program to create a template function for quick sort and
demonstrate sorting of integers and double data types.
4.Write a C++ program to create a class called as STACK using array of
integers. Implement the following operations by overloading the operators + and
--. Also display the status and contents of the stack after each operation, by
overloading the operator ".
i. sl=sl+element ; where sl is a object of the class STACK and element is an
integer to be pushed on top of the stack
ii .sl=-sl--; where si is a object of the class STACK, operator pops the element
Handle the STACK empty and STACK full conditions.
5. Write a C++ program to create a class called as DATE. Accept; two
valid dates in the form of dd/mmlyyyy. Implement the foIlowing by overloading
the operators - and +. Display if results by overloading the operator "
after every operation.
i. no_of_days -- dl-(12 - where dl and (12 are Date objects;dl>=(12; and no
of days is an integer
ii dl=dl+ no of days - where dl is a DATE object and no of days is an integer.
6. Write a C++ program to create a class called as MATRIX using two
dimensional array of integers. Implement the following by overloading the
operator which checks the compatibility of two matrices to be added and
subtracted.. Perform the following by overloading + and operators. Display the
result by overloading the operator ".
m3=ml+m2; m4=m1-m2;
else display error.
Where ml, m2, m3, m4 are MATRIX objects.
7. Write a C++ program to create a class OCTAL which has the
characteristics of an octal number. Implement the following by writing an
appropriate constructor and an overloaded operator +. Display the OCTAL object
by overloading the operator ". Also display the values of k and y.
i. OCTAL h--x; - where x is an integer.
ii. mt y--h+k; where h is an OCTAL object and k is an integer.
8. Write a C++ program to create a template class QUEUE, with add and
delete member functions. Using it, implement a qucue of integers and doubles.
Demonstrate the implementation by displaying the status and content of the queue
after every operation.
9. Write a C++ program to create a class DLIST (Doubly linked list) with
member functions, insert at a specilied positioi~, and delete from a specified
position. Demonstrate the implementation by displaying the status and Content of
the list after every operation.
10.Write a C++ program to create a class LIST(linked list), with add and
subtract member functions to add and subtract two long integers of at least 12
digits. Demonstrate the implementation by displaying the Status and content of
the list after every operation. (The number of digits to be held in each node
can be decided by the Sttudent himself/hersel f)
11. Write a C++ program to create a base class called as STUDENT (Name,
Regno, age) and using inheritance, create classes Ugstudent and Pgstudent having
fields as semester , fees and stipend. Enter the data for at least 5 students.
Find the average age, semester wise, for all UG and PG students separately.
12.Write a C++ program to create a class STRING and implement the
following. Display the results by overloading the operator "after every
operation. 1. STRING sl=" VTU" ii. STRING s2=" BELGAUM" iii.
STRING 53= sl+s2; - Use copy constructor. iv.
13.Write a C++ program to create a class called BIN_TREE (binary tree)
with member functions inorder , preorder , postorder. Create a BIN~TRE [' object
demonstrate traversals.
14.Write a C++ program to. create a class called EXPRESSION. Accept an
arithmetic expression (assumed to be in valid INFIX form) and assign to
EXPRESSION object. Convert the expression in the object to POSTFIX form by
writing appropriate member functions. Display the results.
15. Write a C++ program to create a class called POLYNOMIAL of type an X
yn + a X yn-l +..+ al X yl + a n-l Implement addition and subtraction of two
POLYNOMIAL objects and display the results by overloading the operator ".
Hours per week : 3 Exam
Sessional Marks : 25
NOTES: 1. Unless the problem explicitly states otherwise you can assume that the
input data/output data will be in memory locations and can be examined using a
suitable debugging utility ( DEBUG, CODEVIEW, TURBO DEBUG etc.,) and that the
program itself is executed under the controle of such a debugging utility. 2. The board layout and the circuit diagram of tlie interface are to be
provided to the student during the examination. 3. The interfaces used are : Stepper Motor, Logic controller , Dual DAC,
Display, and Keypad. These interfaces are the standard interfaces used with 8085
trainers also. A brief description of these interfaces will be provided
1.a) Develop and execute an Assembly Language program to find the LCM of
two 16-bit unsigned integers. b) Develop and execute an Assembly Language program to drive a Stepper
motor interface to rotate the motor in clockwise direction by N steps. (N is
specified by the examiner). Introduce suitable delay between successive steps.
(The delay is not to be specified by the examiner. The Student need not compute
the delay. It can be any arbitrary value that just permits the steps of the
motor rotation to be counted. )
2.a) Develop and execute an Assembly Language program to find the GCD of
two 16-bit unsigned integers. b) Develop and execute an Assembly Language program to drive a Stepper
motor interface to rotate the motor in anticlockwise diretion by N steps. (N is
specified by the examiner). Introduce suitable delay between successive steps.
(The delay is not to be specified by the examiner. The student need not compute
the delay. It can be any arbitrary value that just permits the steps of the
motor rotation to be counted.)
3.a) Develop and execute an Assembly Language program to sort a given set
of 16-bit unsigned integers into ascending order using Insertion sort algorithm. b) Develop and execute an Assembly Language program to generate a
rectangular pulse train using the DAC interface. (The output of the DAC is to be
displayed on a CR0. The on /off times can be any arbitrary values. No need to
compute these values.)
4.a) Develop and execute an Assembly Language program to sort a given set
of 8-bit unsigned integers into ascending order using Bubble sort algorithrn. b) Develop and execute an Assembly Language program to generate a
Triangular wave form Using a DAC interface. (The output of the DAC is to be
displayed on a CR0. The slope can be any arbitrary value. No need to compute
this value.)
5.a) Create an Assembly language source file containing PUBLIC
declarations for 100 bytes of data and PUBLIC code for a procedure READKB to
read ftom keyword using INT 21 H ( Function code 6) leaving the result in AL.
Create a second source file with EXTRN declaration for data and - READKB
procedure of the first source file and statements to read 10 bytes from keyboard
and store the data in the data area declared as EXTRN. Assemble and link the
above two files and execute the resulting file. b) Develop and execute an Assembly language program to read the status of
two inputs from the logic controller interface and to display the output of 2
boolean expressions of the two inputs, using the same interface.( The two
boolean expressions are to be specified by the examiner.)
6) a) Create an Assembly language source file containing - PUBLIC
procedures called RDKEY and ECHO . RDKE reads from keyboard using INT 21H
(Function 6) leaving ASCII code of key read in AL. The ECHO displays the ASC
character in AL on the screen using INT2lR (Function 6) Assemble this file and
place it in a library file. Develop and execute an Assembly language program
which uses the RDKEY and ECHO procedures once. b) Develop and execute an Assembly language program to re~ the status of
eight inputs from the Logic controller interface, complement those values and to
display these complemented value: using the same interface.
7) a) Develop and execute and Assembly language program wil the following
features: It has a macro with one parameter called LOC. The maci reads the
keyboard using INT2 1 H (Function 6) and places the ASCII code of the key read
in LOC. The macro defined above is used twice to read the keyboard twice and
store the ASCII codes in two consecutive memory locations. b) Develop and execute and Assembly language program I read the status of
eight inputs from the logic controller interface, and to display FF if any input
is high and to display 00 otherwise
8.a) Using conditional assembly, develop and execute an Assembly language
program with the following features It uses one input value, an unsigned 16-bit
integer called x. If EQNI is true, it assembles code which computes
3*x*x*x+4*x+5 and places the 32-bit result in a double-word memory location.
(Assume overflow will not occur); Otherwis it assembles code which computes 7
*x+8 and places the 32 bit result in a double-word memory location.. b) Develop and execute and Assembly language program to perform the
following: Read the status of 3 inputs from the logic controller interface.
Assuming that these three inputs represent a binarynumber x (O<=x<=7),
display 2 * x using the same interface.
9)a) Develop and execute and Assembly language program that implements
Binary search algorithm. Assume that the data consists of sorted 16-bit unsigned
integers. The search key is also a 16-bit unsigned integer. b) Develop and execute and Assembly language program to scan a 4 x4
keypad for key closure and to store the code of the key pressed in a memory
10) a) Develop and execute and Assembly language program to perform the
following: Assuming a look tip a table of 16 entries , each of which is 8 -bit
wide, and a 4 - bit key value, look up the table to find the conversion value
Set up the table to permit BCD to 7-segment code conversion. b) Develop and execute an Assembly language program to drive the Elevator
interface in the following way Assume that initially the elevator is at ground
floor and all service requests are cleared. The elevator stays in the ground
floor as long as there is no service request. When a service request is
detected, the elevator moves to that floor. While it is travelling to that
floor, if a service request is detected for any intermediate floor, it is also
serviced (the floor request LED is turned off.) After servicing the floor for
which the request was first registered, the elevator returns to ground floor
ignoring all further requests. The delays to simulate the elevator motion, the
delay indicating the servicing of a request can be any arbitrary values.
Examiner doesn't specify these values, nor is the student required to calculate
11) a) Develop and execute and Assembly language program to read a
4-digit hexadecimal number from the keyboard and Store the corressponding 16
-bit binary value in a word location b) Develop and execute and Assembly language program to display a 4 digit
BCD number on the display interface
12) a) Develop and execute an Assembly language program to compute the
factorial of a positive integer n using recurcive procedure. The 16-bit binary
result can be left in a memory word location. (Use a value for n which will
ensure that n can be stored as a 16-bit unsigned integer.) b) Deyelop and execute an Assembly language program to scan a 4X4 keypad
interface for key closore. The row number and column number of the key pressed
are to be stored in memory locations.
13) a) Develop and execute an Assembly language program to compute nCr
using recursive procedure. Assume n & r to be non - negative integers and
leave the binary result in a memory word location. (Use values for n and r which
will ensure that the can be stored as a 16-bit unsigned integer.) b) Develop and execute and Assembly language program to perform the
following Alternately, display two 4 digit messages on the Display interface for
suitable period of time. Ensure a flashing rate that makes it easy to read both
the messages.(Examiner doesn't specify these delay values. Nor is it necessary
for the student to compute these values.)
14) a) Develop and execute an Assembly language program that determines
if a given sub-string is present or not in a main string of characters . The
result ( 1: present, 0: absent ) can be left in a memory location. b) Develop and execute an Assembly language program to convert a 16 -bit
binary value (Assumed to be an unsigned integer ) to I3CD and to display it on
the Display interface. (You can assume that the BCD equivalent will be less than
or equal to 9999).
15) a) Develop and execute an Assembly language program to perforrn the
following Read the current time from the system (INT 21 H, Function 2C H) ,
format it as HH:MM, and display it on the video screen (INT 21H, Function 2). b) Develop and execute an Assembly language program to drive the Elevator
interface in the following way: Assume that initially the elevator is at ground
floor and all service requests are cleared. The elevator stays in the ground
floor as long as there is no service request. When a service request is
detected, the elevator moves to that floor. While it is travelling to that
floor, all other service requests are ignored. After servicing that floor, it
scans for further request for sometime (student can setup a suitable time; no
need to calculate the exact value. ) If no request is detected within this time,
the elevator travels to the ground floor ignoring any further request. On the
other hand if a request is detected while it is scanning for requests, it moves
to that floor, again ignoring any other intermediate requests during the travel.
If more than one request is detected at the same time, a floor is selected
arbitrarily. The delays to simulate the elevator motion, the delay indicating
the servicing of a request can be any arbitrary values. Examiner doesn't specify
these values, nor is the student required to calculate them.
are extremely sorry that we are unable to provide proper images in this section
due to technical reasons.
Hours per week: 3
Exam Marks:100
Sessional Marks : 25
1.You are the leader of a software development team and your team wants
to develop a new software product. You are required to make a presentation about
this product to the management. Develop a Power Point-based presentation
consisting of the following slides. a) Slide 1: 3 to 4 lines of text describing the salient features of he
product.(Examiners can ask you to change the design, n font, color scheme for
this slide.) b) Slide 2 : Organization chart for the development team. The Chart,
created using the organization chart utility, is to be as shown below:
Develonment team
We are extremely sorry that we are unable to provide
proper images in this section due to technical reasons.
In each box, fill in suitable names, titles and comments. (Examiner can ask you
to change the style, levels, box properties, and text inside the boxes for this
chart) c) Slide 3: A Pie-chart showing the break-up of the project development
cost. The items are : requirements analysis and modeling; system design;
detailed design; coding; testing; and documentation. Use Excel for entering
suitable values and for creating the piechart. Link this chart to slide-3.
Demonstrate the concept of object linking by showing that when the data in the
Excel spreadsheet is changed, the contents of this slide also change
automatically. d) Slide 4: A summary (4 to 5 lines) of the prospects for the new
product. Create the summary using MS Word and embed it into this slide.
Demonstrate the concepts of embedding by showing that even if the original WORD
document is changed, this slide remains unaltered. Run the slide show with the 4
slides created in the preceding steps. (Examiner can ask you to change the slide
transition effect, standard transition sound-effect, and design for all the
2 : You are the head of an organization and you have to make a
presentation to the Board of Directors about the performance of the organization
for the last six months. Develop a Power Point-based presentation consisting of
the following 3 slides. a) Slide I General remarks about the performance. Use MS-WORD to create 3
to 4 lines of bulleted text and embed into this slide. Demonstrate the concept
of embedding by showing that even if the original WORD document is changed, this
slide remains unaltered. Demonstrate that this slide can be edited without
leaving Power Point. b) Slide 2:Using Excel, enter values for the total expenditure and total
revenue for each month of the 6-month period. Record a macro for creating a bar
chart. The bar chart should show, for each month, the expenditure, the revenue
and the profit. Also the bar chart should have appropriate labels. Run the macro
and produce the bar chart, Create a link to this bar chart in slide 2.
Demonstrate thee concept of linking by showing that when the data in the
spreadsheet is changed and the macro is run the contents of this slide change
automatically. c) Slide 3:Concluding remarks about the performance. 3-4 lines of text
created from within the Power Point. (Examiner can ask you to alter the font,
size, color bold/italic/underlined effects for this slide.) Run the slide show
with the three slides created in the preceding steps. The slide transition
control is to be specified by the examiner.
3.You are the head of the Software Marketing division and you have to
make a presentation to the Senior management about the commercial prospects of a
new product which your organization is planning to market. Develop a Power Point
based presentation consisting of the following 3 slides. a) Slide 1 : Introduction to the product and its marketability : 3-4
lines of text created from with in Power Point. Insert an appropriate figure
from the clip art gallery into this slide. (Examiner can ask you to change the
font, size and color of text; and the clip art figure) b) Slide 2 : Using the charting facility of the Power Point create a
chart showing the projected sales for each month of the six-months period after
the launch 0 the product. The chart is to be as shown below Projected sales (In
Millions of Rs)
Domestic Market:
International Market:
(Examiner can ask you to change the number of columns and/or rows in this
c) slide3: Environment in which the product works. Use
auto shapes and text in auto shapes and text in auto shapes o create a slide
like the following one:
are extremely sorry that we are unable to provide proper images in this section
due to technical reasons.
(Examiner can ask you to change the fill color of the auto shape ,rotate ny of
the auto shapes ,change the font/color of the text in the auto shapes). Run the
slide show with the three slides created in the preceding steps. (Examiner can
ask you to change the slide transition control, slide transition sound effect).
4. You are asked to make a presentation about your organization to the
general public. Develop the presentation as specified below:
a) Make a Power Point presentation consisting of the following 3 slides:
Slide 1 Your organizations name and mission. Insert a picture either from the
clip art gallery or from a library of scanned images of your organization.
Slide 2 : 3-4 lines of text describing the evolution of your organization. Embed
a WAY file (from a standard library or form a library of sound files recorded by
Slide 3 : Using auto shapes and text in auto shapes, create a slide describing
the services offered by your organization. The slide is to be as shown below:
are extremely sorry that we are unable to provide proper images in this section
due to technical reasons.
b) Save the above presentation as a HTML file. Use any suitable browser
to view the HTML file. 5) a) Using any HTML editor, create 3 web pages as described below.
i. Home page for your institution; 2-3 lines of text describing the institution.
Links to two other pages, named history, departments.
ii. History page : 4-5 lines of text describing the institution; link to the
home page; and link to the departments page.
iii. Department page : List of the departments in your institution; link to home
page; and link to the history page. b) Using a browser, view the pages. c) Edit the HTML source code to change the color, font of the text in a
page as specified by the examiner and view the modified pages using a browser.
Edit the HTML source code to include a picture (from clipart gallery or your
library of scanned images) in the home Page. Use to view the modified pages.
6) a) Using any HTML editor, create 2 web pages as described below:
i. Home page for your institution. 2-3 lines of text and an image (from clip art
gallery or from a library of scanned images) Embed a sound file (from the
library of standard WAY files or sound files recorded by you); A link to the
page showing growth of the institution (the page 15 called Growth)
ii. Growth of the Institution: Use EXCEL to create a bar chart showing the
growth in the number of students admitted to your institution over the past 5
years. Link the barchart to this page. Add 2-3 lines of text describing the
growth of the institution. b) Using a browser, view the pages. c) Edit the HTML code to change the text, font, and background color of
the home page as specified by the examiner and use a browser to view the
modified pages.
7) a) You wish to send information about a new web-authoring tool
developed by your company to the prospective clients. Create a main document of
ab6ut 5-6 lines describing the product. Create a data source file with fields as
"First name, Last name, company and city." Enter the data for 3-4
clients. Merge the main document with this data file to create a new document.
View the new document. b) Edit the main document created in the preceding step as follows:
Select a style from the Word Art Gallery, Choose any font and any point size and
enter 2 lines of text. c) Save the file as HTML document; view it using web pages preview and
demonstrate the loss of formatting information that can occur when a word
document is saved as HTML document. d) Edit the HTML source code to change the font size and view the results
using web page preview.
8) a) Create a WORD file of 5-6 lines of text, create a power point
presentation of 2 slides, each slide containing 2-3 lines of text; create
another WORD file of 5-6 lines of text. b) Start a new binder from MS Binder and add the files created in the
preceding step to this binder. Save the binder. c) Open the binder saved in the preceding step, rearrange the Sections so
that the two word documents are adjacent. d) Format a common header for all the sections of the binder as shown
below: P age xx Section Name (Section x of x Sections) e) Format a common footer for all the sections of the binder as shown
below: Printed
are extremely sorry that we are unable to provide proper images in this section
due to technical reasons.
Fill in suitable names, titles, and comments in the boxes.
(Examiner can ask you to change the levels, box properties and text inside the
boxes for this chart. Embed a .WAV file in the above slide.(The .WAV file can be
from a standard library or from a recording made by you). b)Slide 2: Using Excel, create a 3-D column chart of rcvenues earned by
your group in the past 4 years (after entering suitable data.) Link the chart to
this slide. c)Slide 3 : Using the same data created in the preceding step, use Excel
to create a line chart. Embed this chart in this slide. d)Demonstrate the difference between linking and embedding by changing
the data in Excel spreadsheet and exhibiting the above two slides again. e)Create a slide show using the above 3 slides. f) Use the screen pointer option (arrow and then pen) to empahsize a
specific colurnn in slide 2
Mini Project Guidelines
Develop a Power Point - based presentation on a suitable topic. Examples of
suitable topics are
1)A presentation on the performance of your department.
2)A presentation on the features of a new product to be launched by your
3)A presentation on a technical topic. (Ex. Object Orientcd Programming
4)A presentation about your college.
i)The presentation must have at least 20 slides. It must use both object linking
and object embedding, based on objects created in MS-WORD as well as Excel.
ii)The student must prepare a report on the presentation and get it signed by
the Examiners. The report should describe the design and development of the
presentation. it need not include the actual slides.
iii)The viva is based on the report and demonstration of the presentation.
iv)Each student must design and develop an independent presentation.
The presentation carries 50 marks out of the total of 100 marks.