Hours per week: 04 I.A.Marks:25
Total Hours: 50
Exam Marks: 100
a. Finite Difference and interpolation:
Definition of differences -operations factorial and their relations - Newton's
interpolation formulae - central differences - stirling's formula - LaGrange'
formula for unequal intervals - Problems
differentiation and integration - formula for quadrate Simpson's rules -
trapezoidal rule - Weddles rule
Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equation :
The method of bisection - Fixed point iteration method - Aithen' Delta Square
method - method of false position - Newton-Raphson's method - order of
convergence of all the above method- Problems 5+5=10 hr
a . Numerical Solution of System of linear equations:
Jacob's method - Gauss - Seidel method - Croute's method Gauss - Jordan method -
Numerical Solution of ordinary differential Equations Taylor's. Series method -
Euler's and Euler's modified - Picard successive approximation method and Runge
- Kutta 4th order method. 5+5=10Hrs
a. Analysis of Varience :
Analysis of varience of one way classification - varification within and between
treatments -short cut methods for obtaining variations - linear mathematical mod
for analysis of varience
Estimation Theory:
Unbiased and efficient estimation - point. and interval estimates - confidence
interval estimates of population parameters - confidence interval for means -
C.I. for proportion- C.l. for variances (for large and small samples) -Problems
C. Testing of hypothesis:
Introduction and Significance of testing of hypothesis - type - I type -II
errors- tests involving distribution - one - tailed and two tailed test - tests
for large and small samples- goodness of fit-chi-square distribution and student
't' distributions application oriented problems. Design of experiments. 5+5+5=15hr
4.Theory of Reliability:
Introduction - mean time failure (MTTF) mean time between failure (MTBF) -
failure rate - reliability and probability - normal failure law - exponential
failure - weibull. failure law.
5 hrs
Optimization Basic concepts and classification of optimization problems - linear
programming - graphical and simplex method' (ordinary and dual) -degeneracy
5 hr.
Calculus of Variations:
Euler's equation of a functional - derivation - its solution -geodesics -
Isopermetric problems -Several dependent variables - functionals involving
higher order: derivatives - approximate solution of boundary value problem -Rayleigh
- Ritz method. 5 hrs
1. Dr. B.S. Grewal "Higher Engineering Mathematics"
2. Warthikar and Wartikar "Applied Mathematics" Vol. I & II.
3. Dhawan and Srivastava "Higher Engineering Mathematics"
4. H.K. Dass "Advanced Engineering Mathematics"
5. T.B.Prasad "Practical Engineering Mathematics"
6. N.P.Bali "Engineering Mathematics"
7. Sajaj and Gupta "Statistic and Probability"
8. Shaliane "Engineering Mathematics"
9. M.K.Venkataraman "Engineering Mathematics", Vol. 1 to VII
10. S.S. Shastri "Numerical Analysis"
11. Grezyg "Advanced Engineering Mathematics"
12. Walpole and Mayor "Probability and Statistics for Engineers"
13. S.D. Sharma "Operational Research"
To Top

per week:04
Total Hours 50
I.A.Marks: 25
Exam Marks: 100
Link or element, pairing of elements with degrees of freedom, Grubler's
criterion (without derivation), Kinematics chain, Mechanism, Mobility of
Mechanism, Inversions, Machine.
Chains and Inversions:
Kinematics chain with three lower pairs, with four lower pairs, four bar chain,
single slider crank Chain & double slider crank chain and their inversions.
Other Mechanisms:
1. Quick return motion mechanisms - Drag link mechanism, whitworth mechanism and
crank & slotted lever mechanism.
2. Straight line motion mechanisms - Peacellier's mechanism and Robert's
3. Intermittent motion mechanisms - Geneva mechanism and Ratchet & Pawl
4. Toggle mechanism, Pantograph, Hooke's joint, and Ackermann steering gear
mechanism. 10 hrs
Motion, types of motion, determination of velocity in mechanism by relative
velocity method, relative velocity of coincident points or separate links.
Instantaneous Centers:
Definitions, three-centers-in-line theorem and its application to locate number
of instantaneous centers. Determination of velocity by instantaneous center
Determination of acceleration in mechanisms by relative acceleration method.
Relative acceleration of points on a common link and of coincident points on
separate links. Coriolis component of acceleration. KLEIN's construction for
slider-crank mechanism.
(NOTE: Complex mechanisms are not included in velocity an acceleration
Velocity and Acceleration Analysis - Analytical Approach Introduction, velocity
and acceleration analysis using complex algebra (Raven's approach) - slider
crank mechanism and four bar mechanism. 04
Belt and Rope Rives: (Both flat & V belts)
Ratio of tensions:
Centrifugal stress in a belt and rope, power transmitted, maximum power
transmitted by belt or rope. Effect of centrifugal tension on power transmitted
Use of gravity rollers.
04 hrs
Toothed Gearing:
Law of gearing Spur Gears:
Definitions, cycloidal teeth, involutemetry, involute functions, involute rack
and pinions, path of contract, arc of contact, contact ratio, interference in
involute gears. Methods of avoiding interference. Determination of back lash
Helical Gears; Belel Gears & Worm & Worm Wheel:
Nomenclature, gear force components both for driver and driven wheels (Numerical
problems of super gears only) 8 hrs
Gear Trains:
Simple gear trains compound gear trains for large speed reductions.
Epicyclic gear trains. Algebraic and tabular methods of finding velocity ratio
of epicyclic gear trains - Tooth load and torque calculations in epicyclic gear
trains. Differential mechanism of all automobile. 06
Types of cams, types of followers, displacement, velocity and acceleration time
curves cam profiles. Disc cam with reciprocating follower having knife-edge end,
having roller end. Disc cam with reciprocating flat faced follower. Disc cam
with oscillating follower. Positive return cams cylindrical cans. Follower
motions, including SHM uniform velocity, uniform acceleration & retardation
and cycloidal motion.
Eight questions have to be set covering all the chapters. Students have to
answer any five full questions.
Graphical questions have to be necessarily answered on the drawing sheets only.
Theory of machines & mechanisms by J V Shigley & J0hn Joseph Vicker. Jr.
Pub: McGraw Hill International Edition
Edn: 2nd - 1995
(ii) Theory of Machines by Thomas Bevan
(iii) Mechanism and Dynamics of Machinery - Mabi -Rainholz
(i) Mechanisms and dynamics of machinery by Mobie -R…
(ii) Theory of Machines by S.S.Rattan, TATA McGraw Hill
(iii) Theory of Machines by Ghosh & Mallik
(iv) Mechanisms & Machine Theory Ashok C Ambekar Jam Brothers (New Delhi)
Edn: 1995
(v) Mechanism and Dynamics of Machinery -J.S Rao
To Top

per week: 04 I.A.Marks: 25
Total Hours 50
Marks: 100
01. Theory of Metal Cutting:
nomenclature, geometry of single point cutting tool. Orthogonal and oblique
cutting. Mechanism of chip formation, types of chips, cutting speed, feed, depth
of cut and their selection. Merchants circle diagram with tool failure &
tool wear, tool life, Taylor's tool-life equation (problems on Merchant circle
diagram & tool-life equation). 10 hrs
02. Cutting tool materials & cutting fluids:
of cutting Tool materials, types of cutting tool materials - HSS, ceramic,
carbides. Properties of cutting fluids, types of cutting fluids. 04Hrs
03. Production Lathes:
of lathes, Capstun & Turret lathes - Constructional features, tool layout,
tool & work holding devices. 04 hrs
03. Drilling Machines:
Classification, Constructional features & operations. Tool & work
holding devices. Types of drill & their nomenclature. 04
04. Shaping & slotting:
Classification, constructional features,Specifications driving mechanisms,
operations, tool & work holding devices (Simple numerical examples involving
feed, length of stroke and machining time). 04
05. Planning machines:
Classification, constructional features, specifications, driving mechanisms,
operations, tools & work holding devices. 04
07. Milling Machines:
Classification, constructional features, specifications, types of milling rn/c
milling cutters with nomenclatures. Milling operations like up milling, down
milling, gang milling, slab milling.
Indexing : Purpose of indexing, simple, compound,
differential & angular indexing calculations and problems.
10 hrs
08. Grinding Machines:
Classification, Constructional features, operations & specifications. Types
of grinding rn/c - surface, cylridrical & centreless. 05
09. Gear hobbing & broaching machines:
Construction & principle of operations 02 hrs
10. Superfinishing Processes:
Lapping, honing, polishing & superfinishing. 03 hrs
Reference books:
1. Campbell - Principles of manufacturing materials and processes - TMH
2. B H Amsted & Begman - Manufacturing processes
3. Lindberg - Materials & manufacturing processes
4. HMT - Production technology - TMH
5. Benjamin Wee Niebel - Modem manufacturing process engineering, McGraw Hill
Co., New Delhi.
6. Manufacturing Processes - Munoz & Optiz, Wiley Publications
Question Paper Pattern:
8 Questions each carrying 20 marks be set covering entire syllabus. Any five
Full questions be answered.
To Top

Hours per week:04
Exam Marks: 100 Total
Hours : 50
01. Standards of Measurement:
Standards of length - international prototype meter, imperial standard yard,
wave length standard. Line & end standards
03 hrs
02. Limits & limit Gauging:
Limits & tolerances. System of limits & fits, BIS classes of fits-
clearance fit, interference fit, transition fit. Selection of fits, linut gauges
plug gauges, gap gauges, gauge tolerance Taylor's theory, Design of 'go' &
'No go' gauges. Interchangeability & Selective assembly.
07 hrs
03. Comparators:
Mechanical, optical, pneumatic, electrical & electronic comparators, their
construction, working principle & applications (Jhonson's Microkrater,
Brook-level comparator, Sigma comparator, Mechanical-Optical comparator). 06
04. Angular Measurements:
Bevel, universal protractors, sine bars, angle gauges, clinometer,
autocollimeter, taper gauges.
05. Screw threads:
Terminology, measurement of major dia, pitch dia using 2-wire & 3-wire
methods, Tool-makers microscope. 04
06. Gear measurement:
Terminology, general test, use of gear tooth micrometer, gear-tooth vernier.
02 hrs
07. Measurements & measurement systems:
Significance of measurement systems, generalized measuring system, basic
concepts like accuracy precession, sensitivity, threshold, resolution hysteresys,
repeatability linearity, loading effect, input impedance, system response, time
delay. Errors in measurements, classification of errors. 5hrs
08. Transducers:
Mechanical, electrical, electronic transducers, advantages & disadvantages.
9. Measurement of force & torque:
Introduction, analytic balance, platform balance, proving ring. Torque
measuremei using prony brake dynamometer hydraulic dynamomete electrical
dynamometer. 5hrs
10. Pressure measurement:
By using elastic members Bridgeman gauge, Mcleod gauge & Pirani gauges. 04
11. Temperature Measurement:
Resistance thermometer, thermocouple laws & thermocouple thermometers,
radiatic pyrometer, pressure thermometer.
04 hrs
12.Strain Measurement:
Strain gauges, brief treatment regardir preparation & mounting of strain
gauges. Null-balance deflection methods of strain measurements. 03
Reference Books:
1. Mechanical measurements by Beckwith & Buck
2. Mechanical measurements by Holeman
3. Mechanical measurements by Doblin
4. Engineering Metrology by R K Jam
5. Metrology by Chopman
Question Paper Pattern:
8 Questions each carrying 20 marks be set covering entir syllabus. Any five Full
questions be answered.
To Top

Hours per week:04
Total Hours: 50
Definition, comparison between turbomachines and positive displacement machines,
application of first and second law of thermodynamics to turbomachines,
efficiencies of turbomachines. 4 hrs
02. Principles of Hydraulic Machines:
Dynamic action of fluid -Newton's Law of Motion - Linear momentum equation
-Impulse momentum - Impact of jets (stationery & moving, flat and curves
plate) Angular momentum equation - Euler Turbine equation.
03. Impulse Hydraulic Turbine (Pelton Turbine):
Classification of Hydraulic Turbines - Pelton Turbine components, functions
Calculation of vane angles and design - Calculation of force, torque, power and
efficiency - Impulse turbine characteristics goveming. 4
04. Reaction Hydraulic Turbines:
Introduction of Francis Kaplan Turbines - Components of Turbines - Draft tubes
(types, theory) - Calculation of force, torque, power, blade angles and
efficiencies of Turbines, Cavities in turbines - Reaction turbine
characteristics, goveming. 8 hrs
05.Reciprocating Pumps:
Introduction - Classification - Working principal of Reciprocating pump types,
slip, coefficient of discharge - Rate of delivery - Velocity and Acceleration of
water in Reciprocating pumps - pumps speed - Indicator diagrams - Air vessels
Variation of pressure in cylinder on section and delivery strokes with air
vessel - Theoretical power required to drive the pump fitted with air vessels on
suction and delivery sides - Work saved by fitting air vessels -discharge in out
of air vessels. 6hrs
06. Centrifugal Pumps:
Definition - Working principle -Classification, Layout and priming of
Centrifugal pump - Head, power & efficiency of pump - Fundamental equation
of Centrifugal pump - Work done & manometric efficiency -Pressure rise in
pump impeller, manometer head, Minimum starting speed of Centrifugal pump -
efficiency of pump -Overall head coefficient, speed ratio - Impeller design -
Types of casing - Cavitations - Net positive Suction head -Characteristics. 06
07. Unit & Specific Quantities:
Unit quantities (Unit rate of flow, unit speed, unit power), Specific speed of
turbines - Selection of Turbines. Similarity conditions of model and prototype
of Hydraulic Turbines & pumps. 04 hrs
08. Hydraulic Systems:
Brief descriptions of hydraulic press, Crane, Life, pressure accumulator,
Intensifier, Hydraulic coupling, its characteristics and types - Hydraulic
Torque converter, its characteristics and uses - Use of fluid power in
09. Steam Turbines:
Types of steam turbines, compounding of steam turbine, effect of blade friction
on velocity impulse turbine with several blade rings, velocity diagrams for
implies and reaction turbines, condition for maximum efficiency in steam
turbines, reheat factor in steam turbine. 08 hrs
Reference Books:
1. Hydraulic Machines by Dr Jagadish Lal
2. Fluid Mechanics and Fluid power engineering by Dr D S Kumar
3. Energy Conversion Vol - III by Kadambi Prasad
4. Fluid Flow Machines by N S Govindrao
5. Fluid mechanics & Fluid Flow Machines by Dr R K Bansal
6. Elements of Heat Engines Vol 2 by R C Patel and C J Karam Chandini
7. A Course in thermodynamics and Heat Engines by DrC P Kothandaraman, P R
Khajuria and SC Arora
. Question Paper Pattern:
8 Questions each carrying 20 marks be set covering entire syllabus. Any five
Full questions be answered.
To Top

Hours/ Week: 3
IA. Marks : 25
Exam. Marks:100
01. Determination of friction factor in pipes.
02. Determination of coefficient of discharge of venturimeter, orifice meter
03. Determination of coefficient of discharge of Notches
04. Determination of major and miner losses (bend, sudden expansion, sudden
contraction, entry & exit) in pipes.
05. Determination of metacentric height of ship
06. Reynolds experiment
07. Flow visualization studies.
01. Impact ofjets on Flat, inclined & hemispherical vanes
02. Main characteristics of Pelton wheel, Francis turbine, Kaplan turbine &
Centrifugal Pump
03. Operating characteristics of Pelton wheel, Francis turbine, Kaplan turbine
& Centrifugal pump 04. Drawing of iso-efficiency curves for Pelton wheel,
Francis turbine, Kaplan turbine & Centrifugal Pump
05. Performance of reciprocating pump, Vanelgear pump.
Note : Minimum 80% of above experiments from group A & B should be
conducted separately.
To Top

Hours/Week: 3
I.A. Marks : 25
Exam. Marks : 100
01. Measurement of Thread Profile using tool makers microscope
02. Measurement of Angle by using
1) sine bar
2) sine centre
3) bevel protractor
4) Auto collimeter
03. Measurement of Gear tooth profile using gear tooth vernier/ge tooth
04. Measurement of forces by
(1) lathe tool dynamometer
(2) drill tool dynamometer
05. Acceptance test by using electronic comparator
06. Measurement of thread terminology using profile projector
07. Measurement of external taper using standard roller set
08. Measurement of effective diameter by using three wire method
09. Measurement of internal dia using any one of the following:
(a) Telescopic gauge
(b) Bore gauge
10. Measurement of surface roughness Instrumentation
11. Measurement of strain & gauge factor, young's Modulus
12. Calibration of load cell & pressure gauge
13. Measurement of torque and rigidity modulus using strain gaug
14. Calibration of "Thermocouples"
15. Speed measurement using 'stroboscope'
16. Phase & frequency measurement using CRO
To Top

Hours/ Week: 3
I.A. Marks :25
Exam.Marks: 100
1 Study of graphic package, creation of drawings of simple machin part, two
dimensional and three dimensional - three sheets each
2.Simple assembly of machine parts - minimum four sheets
3.Writing specification, Dimensioning and Bill of material.
4.Creation of simple two dimensional drawing using C language an integrating it
with graphic package using D & F files - minimum two sheets
5 .Writing complete programs for simple two dimensional and three dimensional
transformations of line, plane figures and simp geometry solids.
1 Machine drawing - K.R.Gopala Krishna
2.Machine drawing - K.L.Narayan
3.Machine drawing - N.D.Bhatt
4.CAD I CAM - Ibrahim zaid, Tata Mc-Graw Hill
5 Principle of Interactive computer graphics - Newman & Sporul
6.'C' language - E.Balaguruswamy
7.Auto CAD 14 - Cohn TMA
8 Teach yourself Autd CAD by GlBB
9.Auto CAD Release 13 - OMURA for WIN-95 I NT
l0.Auto CAD Release 14 -OMURA for WIN-95 I NT
11 Machine Drawing - CAD Communications by FRENCH McGraw Hill, International
To Top