

Subject Code: EC7T1                                                        Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Subject Title: VLSI Design                                               Max.Exam.Marks:100
Total contact hrs : 50                                                          Max.I.A. Marks: 25

(Note : Common to EC core code EC7T1 & TE Elective code  TE7ELH2)

1. A Review of Microelectronics and an Introduction to MOS Technology

Introduction to integrated circuit technology, The integrated circuit (IC) era, Metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) and related VLSI technology, Basic MOS transistors, MOS characterization, Enhancement mode transistor action, Depletion mode transistor action, nMOS fabrication, CMOS fabrication, Thermal aspects of processing, BiCMOS  technology. (8hrs)

2. Basic Electrical Properties of MOS and BiCMOS Circuits

Drain-to-source current 1ds versus voltage Vds relationship, Aspects of MOS transistor threshold voltage Vt, MOS
transistor transconductance gm and output conductance gds,. The pass transistor, The nMOS inverter, Determination of
pull-up to pull-down ratio (Zp.u./Zp.d.) for an nMOS inverter driven by another nMOS inverter, Alternative forms of pull-up, The CMOS inverter, MOS transistor circuit model, Some characteristics of npn bipolar transistors, Latch-up in CMOS circuits, BiCMOS latch-up susceptibility. (8 hrs)

3. MOS and BiCMOS Circuit Design Processes

MOS layers, Stick diagrams, Design rules and layout, General observations on the design rules, 2 urn double metal, double poly. CMOS/BiCMQS rules, 1.2microm double metal, single poly. CMOS rules, Layout diagrams- a brief introduction, Symbolic diagrams- translation to mask form.
(8 hrs).

4. Basic Circuit Concepts

Sheet resistance Rs, Sheet resistance concept applied to MOS transistors and inverters, Area capacitances of layers, Standard unit of capacitance Cg, Some area capacitance calculations, The delay unit ~, Inverter delays, Driving large capacitive loads, Propagation delays, Wiring capacitances, Choice of layers. (6 hrs)

5. Scaling of MOS Circuits

Scaling models and scaling factors, Scaling factors for device parameters, Some discussion on scaling and limitations of scaling. (2hrs)

6. Subsystem Design and Layout

Some architectural issues, Switch logic, Gate (restoring) logic, Examples of structured design (combinational logic).(4hrs)

7. Subsystem Design Processes

Some general considerations, An illustration of design processes.

8. Illustration of the Design Process - Computational Elements

Some observations on the design process, Regularity, Design of an ALU subsystem. (4 hrs)

9. Practical Aspects and Testability

Some thoughts on performance, Further thoughts on floor plans/layout, Input/output (I/O) pads, Further thoughts on system delays, Ground rules for successful design, CAD tools for design and simulation, Aspects of design tools, Test and testability. (6 hrs)

Text Books:
I. Basic VLSI Design - Douglas A. Pucknell PHI - 3rd Edn.
2. Principles of CMOS VLSI Design - Neil Weste and Eshraghian - Addison -2nd Edn.

Reference Books:
I. Introduction to VLSI Systems - Mead & Conway - Addison Wesley - 2nd Edn.
2. CMOS: Circuit design, Layout & Simulation - Jacob Baker, Li & Boyce- PHI-1999
3. Modern VLSI Design - Warne Wolf- Pearson Education Asia-2000.
4. VLSI-Design Techniques for Analog and Digital Circuits - Gieger, Allen, Strader - McGH.

Subject Code: EC7T2                                                                        Duration of Exam : 3 hrs
Subject Title: Computer Communication Networks                        Max.Exam.Marks:100
Total contact hrs: 50                                                                            Max.I.A. Marks : 25

(Note : Common to EC & TE)

1. Introduction

The uses of computer networks, Network structure, Network architecture, The OSI reference model, The TCP/IP reference model, Services, Network standardization, Example networks.
(4 hrs)

2. The physical layer: Transmission and Switching

Frequency and time division multiplexing, Circuit switching, Packet switching, Hybrid switching, ISDN- integrated services digital network, ISDN services, Evolution of ISDN, ISDN system architecture, The digital PBX, ISDN interface, ISDN signaling, Perspective on ISDN, Terminal handling: Polling, Multiplexing versus concentration.(10hrs)

3. The medium access sublayer

The local and metropolian area networks, the ALOHA protocols, LAN protocols. IEEE standard 802 for LAN, fiber optic networks, satellite networks, pocket radio networks.(10 hrs)

4. The datalink layer

Data link layer design issues, Error detection and correction, Elementary data link protocols, Sliding window protocols, Protocol performance, Protocol specification and verifications.(10 hrs)

5. The network layer

Network layer design issue, Routine algorithms, Congestion control algorithms, Internetworking, Network layer in the internet and ATM Networks. (8 hrs)

6. The transport layer

Transport service , Transport protocols, Internet transport protocol (TCP & UDP).(8hrs)

Text Books:

1. Computer Networks - Tanenbaum, - PHI - 3rd Edn.

Reference Books:

l.Computer networks : Protocols, standards and interfaces - Ulyses Black - PHI
2.Local area networks : Architecture and implementation - James Martin - PHI
3.~Data Communication and Networking - Behrouz Foruzan- TMH
4.Computer Networks - Leon Gracia & Wid Jaja - McGH
5.Dataand Computer communications - W. Stallings - PHI
6.Data Communications, Prakash Gupta - PHI

Subject Code: EC7T3                                                            Duration of Exam : 3 hrs
Subject Title : Antenna & Wave Propagation                      Max.Exam.Marks:100
Total contact hrs : 50                                                                Max.I.A. Marks: 25

1.Radiation, Antenna and Antenna Arrays

Principles of radiation, Retarded potential, Hertzian dipole, Isotropic radiator, lambda/2 dipole and lambda/4 monopoles:
Radiation resistance, Radiation pattern, Beamwidth, bandwidth, Directivity, Relationship between beamwidth and directivity, Gain, Effective length of an antenna. Reciprocity theorem, Receiving aerials. Aerials as an aperture, relationship between gain and radiating efficiency. Power gain, Frii's Transmission formula, Babinets principle. (12 hrs)

Point Sources,Two element array, Linear array, Broadside array and End-fife array, Multiplication of patterns, Binomial arrays. Effect of earth on vertical pattern. (8 hrs)

Dipole with parasitic element. Yagi-uda antenna, Log-periodic antenna. Parabolic reflectors, Folded dipole, Anal feeder and matching baluns. (5 hrs)

2. Antenna Practice and Design

Low frequency, medium frequency and high- frequency aerials. VHF, UHF and turnstile antennas for various services. (5 hrs)

3. Antenna Measurement

Methods of measuring impedance, Field pattern, Gain and directivity.(5hrs)

4. Propagation of Electromagnetic waves:

Factors Involved in propagation, Ground and space wave propagation, Effect of earth surface, Radio horizon, Various considerations on space wave propagation, Atmospheric effect. Ionosphere and its layers, Mechanism of radio wave propagation reflections, Skip distance, Critical frequency and propagation characteristics at different frequencies and super reflection, Ducting, Scattering duct propagation and troposphere scatter links. (E.C. Jordan). (15 hrs)

Text Books:

1.Antennas - J. D. Kraus - McGH
2. Electromagnetic waves and radiating systems - E.C. Jordan - PHI

Reference Books:

l.Electronic and Radio Engineering - F. E. Terman - McGH 2.Antenna Theory analysis and design C. A. Balanis-1999

Subject Code: EC7T4                                                Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Subject Title: Power Electronics                                Max.Exam.Marks:100
Total contact hrs 50                                                     Max.I.A. Marks : 25

(Note: Common to EC core code EC7T4 & TE Elective codeTE7ELH4)

1. Introduction

Introduction, Thyristerized Power Controllers, Classification. Characteristics and Specifications of Diac, Triac, Mosfet. IGBT. (4 hrs)

2. Introduction to Thyristor and its Control Circuits

Modes of operation, Dynamic characteristics, Thyristor Gate Characteristics, Ratings and Protection, Firing Circuits. (6 hrs)

3. Controlled Rectifiers

Introduction, Principle of Phase-controlled converter operation, Single-phase semiconverters, Single-phase Full converters, Single-phase Dual Converters, Single- Phase Series Converters, Three Phase Half-wave converters, Three-phase Semiconverters, Three-phase Full-converters, Three-phase Dual Converters. (10 hrs)

4. Commutation Techniques

Introduction, Natural Commutation, Forced Commutation, Self Commutation, Impulse Commutation, Resonant Pulse Commutation, Complementary Commutation, External Pulse Commutation. (10 hrs)

5. AC Voltage Controllers

Introduction, Principle of On-Off Control, Principle of Phase Control, Single-Phase Controllers with Resistive Loads, Single-Phase Controllers with Inductive Loads. (7 hrs)

6. D.C. Choppers

Introduction, Principle of Step-Down operation, Step-Down Chopper with RL Load, Principle of Step-Up Operation, Performance Parameters, Chopper Classification, Switching-Mode regulators.
(8 hrs)

7. Close Loop control of DC Drives

Open Loop Transfer Function, Closed Loop Transfer Function       (5 hrs)

Text Books:

1.Thyristorised Power Controllers - G.K.Dubey, S.R.Doradla, A.Joshi and R.M.K.Sinha- New Age International Publishers, 1999
2. Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Applications - Mohammad. H.Rashid, PHI- 2nd Edn.

Reference Books:

1. Power Electronics - P.C.Sen- TMH - 1999.
2. Thyristors, Theory and Applications - R.K.Sugandhi and K.K.Sugandhi - Wiley Eastern Limited - 2nd Edn.

Subject Code: EC7LI                                                                     Duration of Exam:3hrs
Subject Title: Power Electronics and Controls Lab                       Max Exam Marks:100

1. Frequency response of lag network, lead network and lag - lead network.
2. Time response and frequency response of a second order system.
3. Study of PID controller and a DC position control system
4. Static cbaracteristics of SCR and triac
5. Static Characteristics of Diac, GTO and IGBT.
6. Firing Circuit using UJT
7. Firing circuit using Ramp and Pedestal Technique.
8. Chopper (TRC control)
9. Bridge control: Half controlled for R & RL Idads
10. Bridge control: fully controlled for R & RL loads
11.Parallel Inverters or Series Inverters.
12. AC regulator for Incandescent lamp load.

Subject Code: EC7L2                                                     Duration of Exam : 3 hrs
Subject Title : CCN Lab                                                  Max.Exam.Marks :100
                                                                                       Max.I.A. Marks : 25

(Note: Common to EC & TE)






I. Experiments on PCs (to be covered in 5 lab sessions)

a. Write a program in' C'to simulate bit / character stuffing in frames.
b. Write a' C ' program to simulate the shortest path algorithm.
c. Write a' C 'program to simulate assignment of sites to concentrators.
d. Write a' C ' program to encrypt a given message and decrypt it.
e. Write a C' program to simulate the MLMA ( Multi Level, Multi Access ) collision free protocol.
f. Write a' C' program to find the minimum spanning tree of a subset.
g. Study of TCP / IP protocol.
h.Write a' C' program to study DOS interrupts.
i. Write a' C 'program to compute the polynomial code checksum ( CRC code checksum) for    CRC - CCITT.
j. Write a ' C ' program to identify constants, identifiers and keywords of a HLL program     (Implement a lexical analyzer ).

II. Experiments on Data Communication (to be completed in 3 lab sessions)

a. Serial communication using R5232C standard in synchronous and asynchronous mode

i. R5232 media
ii. Parallel lines
iii. Analog telephone twisted pair
iv. Optical fiber

b. Data communication protocols

i. Stop and wait protocol
ii. Go-To-Back N-protocol
iii. Selective retransmission

c. PC-To-PC communication

i. File Transfer
ii. Error detection codes
iii. Data encryption

III. LAN Experiments (to be completed in 4 lab sessions)

i. Point -to-Point communication
ii. Multicast I Broadcast communication
iii. Networking flindamentals
iv. Token Bus-IEEE-802.4 standard
v. Network management I Token management
vi. Networking protocols like Stop and Wait, Go-back-N, ARQ.
vii. Data encryption and security protocols
viii. File transfer protocols

Subject Code: EC5ELA1                                                  Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Subject Title: Bio-Medical Engineering                          Max.Exam.Marks :100
Total contact hrs : 50                                                         Max.I.A. Marks : 25

(Note: Common to EC & TE)

1. Basic Concepts of Medical Instrumentation

Terminology of Medicine and Medical Devices, Generalized Medical Instrumentation System, Alternative Operational Modes, Medical Measurement Constraints, classifications of Biomedical Instruments, Interfering and Modifying Inputs, Compensation Techniques, Biostatistics, Generalized Static Characteristics, Generalized Dynamic Characteristics, Design Criteria, Commercial medical instrumentation development process, Regulation of Medica Devices (4 hrs).

2. Basic Sensors and Principles

Displacement Measurements, Resistive Sensors, Bridge Circuits, Inductive Sensors, Capacitive Sensors, Piezoelectric Sensors, Temperature Measurements, Thermocouples, Thermistors, Radiation Thermometry, Fiber-Optic Temperatur( Sensors, Optical Measurements, Radiation Sources, Geometrical and Fiber Optics, Optical Filters, Radiation Sensors Optical Combinations (6 hrs)

3. The Origin of Bio-potentials

Electrical Activity of Excitable cells, Volume Conductor Fields, Functional Organization of the Peripheral Nervou:System, The Electroneurogram, The Electromyogram, The Electrocardiogram, The Electroretinogram, The Electroencephalogram, The Magnetoencephalogram .(5 hrs)

4. Blo-potential Electrodes

The Electrode-Electrolyte Interface, Polarization, Polarization and Nonpolarizable Electrodes, Electrode Behavior and, Circuit Models, The Electrode-skin Interface and Motion Artifact, Body-Surface Recording Electrodes, Interna. Electrodes, Electrode Arrays, Microelectrodes, Electrodes for Electric Stimulation of Tissue, Practical Hints in Using Electrodes.(5 hrs)

5. Blo-potential Amplifiers

Basic Requirements, the Electrocardiograph, Problems Frequently Encountered, Transient Protection, Common-Mode and Other Interference- Reduction Circuits, Amplifiers for other Biopotential Signals, Example of Biopotential Preamplifiers, Other Biopotential Signal Processors, Cardiac Monitors, Biotelemtry.        (6 hrs)

6. Blood Pressure and Sound

Direct Measurements, Harmonic Analysis of Blood-Pressure Waveforms. Harmonic Analysis of Blood-pressure Waveforms, Dynamic Properties of Pressure-Measurement Systems, Measurement of System Response. Effects of System parameters on Response, Bandwidth Requirements for measuring Blood Pressure, Typical Pressure-Waveforrn Distortion, Systems for Measuring Venous Pressure, Hear Sounds, Phonocardiography, Cardiac Catheterization,
Effects of Potential and Kinetic Energy on Pressure, Measurements, indirect Measurements of Blood Pressure, Tonometry. (6 hrs)

7. Measurement of Flow and Volume of Blood

Indicator-dilution Method That Uses Continuous Inflision, Indicator-Dilution Method That Uses Rapid Injection, electromagnetic Flowmeters, thermal-convection Velocity sensors, Chamber Plethysmography, Photoplethysmography. (4 hrs)

8. Measurements of the Respiratory System

Modeling the Respiratory System, measurement of Pressure, Measurement of Gas-Flow Rate, Lung Volume, Respiratory Plethysmography, Some Tests of Respiratory Mechanics, Measurement of Gas Concentration, some Tests of Gas Transport. (4 hrs)

9. Chemical Bio-sensors

Blood-Gas and Acid-Base Physiology, Electrochemical Sensors, Chemical Fibrosensors, Ion-Selective Field-Effect Transistor (ISFET), Immunologically Sensitive Field-Effect Transistor (IMFET), Noninvasive Blood-Gas Monitoring, Blood-Glucose Sensors.  (4 hrs)

10. Medical Imaging Systems

Information Content of an Image, Modulation Transfer Function, Noise-Equivalent Bandwidth, Photography, Television Systems, Radiography, Computed Radiography, Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Nuclear Medicine, Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography, Positron Emission Tomography, Ultrasonography .(6 hrs)

Text Book:
I. Medical Instrumentation: Application and Design - J.G. Websten -John Wiley -1999

Reference Book:
I. Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation-RS Khandpur - TMH- 1999.


Subject Code: EC5ELA2                                              Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Subject Title : Reliabulity Engineering                        Max.Exam.Marks :100
Total contact hrs : 50                                                     Max.I.A. Marks : 25

(Note: Common to EC & TE)

1. Introduction

The study of Reliability and Maintainability, Concepts, Terms and Definitions, Applications.
(3 hrs)

2. The failure Distribution
The Reliability Function, Mean-Time-To-Failure, Hazard Rate Function, Bathtub Curve, Conditional Reliability.(5 hrs)

3. Constant Failure Rate Model

The Exponential Reliability Function, Failure Models, Applications, The two-Parameter Exponential Distribution, Poisson process, Redundancy and the CFR Model Exercises.

4. Time Dependent Failure Models
The Weibull Distribution, The normal Distribution. (3 hrs)

5. Reliability of Systems
Series Configuration, Parallel configuration, Combined Series-Parallel Systems. (4 hrs)

6. State-Dependent Systems
Markov Analysis, Load-Sharing System, Standby Systems, Degraded Systems, Three-State Devices. (4 hrs)

7. Maintainability
Analysis of Downtime, the Repair-Time Distribution, System Repair Time, Reliability under Preventive Maintenance. State-Dependent Systems with Repair. (3 hrs)

8. Data Collection and Empirical Methods

Data Collection, Empirical Methods, Static Life Estimation (5 hrs)

9. Reliability Testing
Product Testing, Reliability Life Testing, Test Time Calculations, burn-In Testing, acceptance Testing, Accelerated Life Testing, Experimental Design, Competing Failure Models.(12 hrs)

10. Implementation
Objectives, Functions and Processes, The Economics of Reliability and Maintainability and System Design, Organizational Considerations, Data Sources and Data Collection Methods, Product Liability, Warranties and Related Matters, Software Reliability. (5 hrs)

Text Book:
1. Reliability and Maintainability Engineering-C.E.Ebenling- McGH

Reference Book:
1. Reliability Engineering-Balguruswamy - TMH

Subject Code : EC5ELA3                                                       Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Subject Title : Electronic Measurement Systems                  Max.Exam.Marks:100
Total contact hrs: 50                                                                Max.I.A. Marks : 25
(Note: Common to EC & TE)

1. The General Measurement System
Measurement system-Purpose, Structure and Elements (2hrs)

2. Static Characteristic of Measurement Systems In The Steady State
Systematic characteristics, generalized model of system element; Statistical characteristics, Identification of static characteristics-calibration. ( 3 hrs)

3. The Accuracy Of Measurement Systems In The Steady State
Measurement error of a system of ideal elements, The error probability density flinction of a system of non-ideal elements, Error reduction tech'niques. (4 hrs)

4. Dynamic Characteristics of measurement Systems
Transfer function 0(s) for a typical system elements, Identification of the dynamic of an element: step and frequency response. Dynamic errors in measurement systems: definition and calculations. Techniques for dynamic compensation.(5hrs)

5. Loading Effects And Two Port Networks
Electrical loading: Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits. Two port networks (2hrs)

6. Signals and Noise Measurement Systems:
Introduction. deterministic and random signals. Statistical representation of random signals- Probability density, power spectral density and autocorrelation functions. Effects of noise and interference on measurement circuits. Noise sources and coupling mechanisms. Methods of reducing effects noise and interference. (5hrs)

7. Sensing Elements
Resistive sensing elements: Potentiometers, resistance, thermometers, strain gauges. Capacitiye sensing elements: variable separation, area and dielectric. Inductive sensing elements: Variable reluctance and LVDT displacement sensors. Electromagnetic sensing elements: velocity sensors, Thermoelectric sensing elements- Laws, thermocouple characteristics, installation problems. Elastic sensing elements: sensing elements for force, torque, acceleration. pressure. Piezoelectric sensing elements: static and dynamic characteristics. Piezoresisitive sensing elements. (10 hrs)

8. Signal Conditioning Elements
Deflection bridges: Thevenin equivalent circuit, design of resistive and reactive bridges. Amplifiers: Ideal operational amplifiers, application to measurement, limitation of practical devices, Instrumentation amplifiers. AC carrier systems:ac bridge as balanced modulator, interference and drift rejection, phase sensitive demodulation. ( 5 hrs)

9. Optical Measurements Systems
Introduction; types of system. Sources: Principles, hot body, LED and Laser sources Transmission medium: Principle,Optical fibers' Geometry of coupling of detectors and source, Detectors and signal conditioning elements: thermal and photon detectors. Measurement systems: intensity and wave.

10. Ultra Sonic Measurement Systems

Basic Ultrosonic transmission link. Piezoelectric ultrasonic transmitters and receivers. Principles of ultrasonic transmission: wave properties, acoustic impedance, attenuation, stationary waves, resonance, doppler effect. Examples of ultrasonic measurement systems: Pulse reflection, medical imaging, doppler, cross-correlation and transit time, flow meters. ( 6 hrs)

Text Book:
I. Principles of Measurement Systems-J.P.Bentley- Addition Wesley- 2000

Subject Code : EC5ELBI             Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Subject Title : Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems   Max.Exam.Marks :100
Total contact hrs : 50 Max.I.A. Marks : 25

(Note: Common to EC & TE)

1. Fundamental Concepts and Models of Artificial Neural Systems

Biological Neurons and their Artificial models, Models of Artificial Neural Networks, Neural processing, learning and adaptation, neural network learning rules. (8 hrs)

2. Single layer perceptron Classifiers

Classification model, features and decision regions, discriminant lunctions, linear machine and minimum distance classification, ~ingle layer continuous perceptron networks for linearly separable classifications.(6hrs)

3. Multilayer Feed forward Networks
I.inerlv non-senarable nattern classification. Delta learnine rule for multit,ercet,tron layer, generalized Delta learning

5 Loading Effects And Two Port Networks:
Electrical loading: Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits. Two port networks (2hrs)

6. Signals and Noise Measurement Systems:
Introduction: deterministic and random signals. Statistical representation of random signals- Probability density, power spectral density and autocorrelation functions. Effects of noise and interference on measiurement circuits. Noise sources and coupling mechanisms. Methods of reducing effects noise and interference. (5 hrs)

7. Sensing Elements Resistive sensing elements:
Potentiometers, resistance, thermometers, strain gauges. Capacitiye sensing elements:
variable separation, area and dielectric. Inductive sensing elements: Variable reluctance and LVDT displacement sensors. Electromagnetic sensing elements: velocity sensors, Thermoelectric sensing elements- Laws, thermocouple characteristics, installation problems. Elastic sensing elements: sensing elements for force, torque, acceleration.pressure. Piezoelectric sensing elements: static and dynamic characteristics. Piezoresisitive sensing elements.(10 hrs)

8. Signal Conditioning Elements

Deflection bridges: Thevenin equivalent circuit, design of resistive and reactive bridges. Amplifiers: Ideal operational amplifiers, application to measurement, limitation of practical devices, Instrumentation amplifiers, AC carrier systems: ac bridge as balanced modulator, interference and driff rejection, phase sensitive demodulation. ( 5 hrs)

9. Optical Measurements Systems

Introduction; types of system. Sources: Principles, hot body, LED and Laser sources Transmission medium: Principle, Optical fibers' Geometry of coupling of detectors and source, Detectors and signal conditioning elements: thermal and photon detectors. Measurement systems: intensity and wave length modulation, interferometers. ( 8hrs)

10. Ultra Sonic Measurement Systems

Basic Ultrosonic transmission link. Piezoelectric ultrasonic transmitters and receivers. Principles of ultrasonic transmission: wave properties, acoustic impedance, attenuation, stationary waves, resonance, doppler effect. Examples of ultrasonic measurement systems: Pulse reflection, medical imaging, doppler, cross-correlation and transit time, flow eters. ( 6 hrs)

Text Book:
I. Principles of Measurement Systems-J.P.Bentley- Addition Wesley- 2000

Subject Code: EC5ELBI
Subject Title : Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems
Total contact hrs : 50
(Note: Common to EC & TE)

Duration of Exam: 3 hrs    Max.Exam.Marks :100
Max.I.A. Marks : 25

1. Fundamental Concepts and Models of Artificial Neural Systems
Biological Neurons and their Artificial models, Models of Artificial Neural Networks, Neural processing, learning and adaptation, neural network learning rules. (8 hrs)

2. Single layer perceptron Classifiers
Classification model, features and decision regions, discriminant flinctions, linear machine and minimum distance classification,Single layer continuous perceptron networks for linearly separable classifications.(6hrs)

3. Multilayer Feed forward Networks
Linearly non-separable pattern classification, Delta learning rule for multiperceptron layer, generalized Delta learning rule, Feed forward recall and error Back-propagation training, learning factors.(6 hrs)

4. Application of Neural Networks to Control Systems

Overview of Control systems concepts, Process identification, Basic non-dynamic learning Control architecnires, inverted pendulum Neuro-Controller. (6 hrs)

5. Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy relations

Fuzzy set operations, properties of fuzzy sets, fuzzy tolerance and equivalence relations, Value assignments.(6 hrs)

6. Membership Functions

Features of the membership finction, standard forms and boundaries. Fuzzification, Membership value assignments:intution, inference and rank ordering, defuzzification methods.(7 hrs)

7. Fuzzy Rule Based Systems

Natural language, Linguistic Hedges, Rule-based systems, Graphical techniques of Interference.

8. Fuzzy Control Systems
Assumptions in a fuzzy control system design, simple and general fuzzy logic controllers, Examples of fuzzy control system design: inverted pendulum, aircraft landing system, blood pressure control during anesthesia.(5 hrs)

Text Books:

1. Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems - J. M. Zurada - Jaico
2. Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications - T. 3. Ross - McGH

Reference Books:

1. Neural Networks - A Comprehensive Foundation- Simon Haykin - IEEE
2. Introduction to Applied Fuzzy Control - A. M. Ihrahiom - PHI
3. An Introduction to Fuzzy Control - D. Driankov, H. Hellen-Doorn, M. Reinfrank - Narosa

Subject Code: EC5ELB2
Subject Title: Television Engineering
Total contact hrs: 50
(Note: Common to EC & TE)

Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Max.I.A. Marks: 25

1. Introduction
CCTV, HDTV, Digital Television (2 hrs)

2. Basic Television Systems and Scanning Process

Camera pickup devices, transmission and reception of and radio signals, aspect ratio
and rectangular scanning. (2 hrs)

3. Composite Vedio Signal & Television standards

Vedio Signal Components, Blanking standards, channel characteristics, CCIR system and B standards, colour television signal and systems, mixing of colors and perception, colour television camera, NTS C, SE CAM, PAL system. (8 hrs)

4. Television Pickup devices and cameras

Camera lenses, autofocus Systems, television pickups, silicon diode array, Vidicon I silicon vidicon, CCD image censors, Vedico processing of cameras pickup signals.2hrs

5. Television transmission and relay systems

Design principals TV transmitters, Block diagram of TV transmitters, cxc iters, Transmitting antennas , Microwave TV relay systems, Television via satellite.(4 hrs)

6. Propagation of television signals

Radio wave characteristics, DX Reception, shadow zones, co-channel interference,
Ghost images, interference problems. (4hrs)

7. Broad cast television receivers

Block diagram, color TV Receiver, specifications for a Colour TV Receiver , digital colour TV, Video IF Amplifier, Interstage coupling methods, amplifier circuits, SAW filters.4hrs

8. Video Circuits

Video detector, Video amplifier requirements, video response testing, Transistor Video
Circuits. (3 hrs)

9. Horizontal Deflection circuits and EHT Generation

Deflection current requirements horizontal linearity correction EHT regulation (2 hrs)

10. Synchronizing and vertical deflection circuits

Noise cancellor circuits, horizontal AFC, Integrated circuits for vertical deflection,
Colour TV IC Receiver Circuits. (3 hrs)

11. CCTV, VCR, and Video disk subsystems.

System design, signal processing, Video monitors, VHS, Cassette recorders schematic,
video disk systems, still picture cameras. (4 hrs)

12. Cable television and direct broadcast satellite system

CATV systems, direct broadcasting satellites insat series, International broadcast
Satellites, DBS - TV reception (4 hrs)

13. Digital Television Technology

Merits of digital technology, fully digital television system, digital TV receivers, ITT digit 2000 IC system, Kodak functions, Audio processor, Picture in picture processor. (4 hrs)

14. Advanced Television systems

Mack Signals, Mack decoding and interfacing, HDTV standards, and compatibility, MUSE systems, HD - MAC family, 3D stereo scophic television techniques. (4 hrs)

Text Books:

1. Television and Video Engineering - Dhake - McGH~2nd Edn.
2. Basic TV and Vedieo Systems - Grob- McGH

Reference Books:
1. Advance digital Communication - Camilo Feher
2. Principles of Colour TV - Gulati - Willey Eastern

Subject Code: EC5ELB3
Subject Title: Telecommunication & Switching
Total contact hrs: 50

Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Max.I.A. Marks : 25

1. Introduction to Telecommunication Switching

Evaluation of Telecommunications, Simple Telephone Communication, Articultion, Bandwidth, Microph6ne,Receivers, finger, Side-tone, Rotary & push button dials, Decadic and DTMF assembled instruments, Basics of Switching systems, Functions of a System Switching. The ~trowger Step-by-step system, Register- translator-senders, Distribution frames, Crossbar systems, A general trunking, Electronic Switching, Reed-electronic systems, Digital
Switching systems. (12 hrs)

2. Telecommunication Traffic

The unit of traffic, Congestion, Traffic measurements, Mathematical Model, Last call systems, Theory, Traffic performance, Loss systems in tandem. Queuing systems, Second Erlang distribution, Probability of delay, Finite queue capacity, System with a single server, Queue in tandem, Delay tables, Application of delay formulae. (10 hrs)

3. Switching Networks

The Single-stage network, Grading, Principle, Design of progressive grading, Other forms of grading, Traffic capacity of grading, Application of grading, Link systems, General, Two-stages networks, Three-stage networks, Four stage networks, Discussion, Grades of service of link systems, Applications of graph theory to link systems. (8 hrs)

4. Time-Division Switching

Space & time switching, General, Space switches, Time switches, Time-divisions switching networks, Basic networks, Bi-directional pass,Complex switching network, Concentrators, PBX switchers, Digital cross connect units, Grades of services of Time-division switching networks, Non-blocking networks, Synchronization, Frame alignment, Synchronization network. (8 hrs)

5. Control of Switching Systems
Call processing functions, Sequence of operations, Signal exchanges, State transition diagrams, Common control, Reliability, Availability & security, Stored -program control, Processor, Architecture, Distributed processing, Software, Overload control, Phase study of ESS 4. (4 hrs)

6. Signaling

Introduction, Customer line signaling, Audio-frequency junctions and trunk circuits, FDM carrier systems, Out-band signaling, In-band (VF) signaling, PCM signaling, Inter-register signaling, Common-channel signaling principles, general, Signaling networks. CCRIT signaling system no.6 , CCNT signaling system n6.7, General , The high-level, Data-link control protocol, Signal units, the signaling information field, Digital customer line signaling.(6hrs)

7. Networks

Principles of Local area and wide area.(2 hrs)

Text Books:

I. Telecommunications Switching - Traffic and Networks J.E. Flood (PHI)
2. Telecommunications Switching systems & networks - Thiagarajan Vishvanathan-PHI-2000

Reference Book:
I. Digital Telephony Belamy - John Wiley

Subject Code EC5ELCl
Subject Title : Computer Organization & Architecture
Total contact hrs : 50
(Note: Common to EC & TE)

Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Max.Exam.Marks :100
Max.I.A. Marks : 25

1. Basic Structure of Computer Hardware and Software

Functional Units, Basic Operational Concepts, Bus Structures, Software, Performance, Distributed Computing, Historical Perspective (2 hrs)

2. Addressing Methods and Machine Program Sequencing

Memory Locations, Addresses and Encoding of Information, Main Memory Operations, Instructions and Instruction Sequencing, Addressing Modes, Assembly Language, Basic Input-Output Operations, Stacks and Queues, Subroutines, Registers and Addressing, Instructions, , Instructions, Assembly Language, Program Flow Control, A Sorting Program Example, Logic Instructions, Program-Controller I/O, Stacks and Subroutines, Basic Power PC Processor Organization, Load and Store Instructions, Arithmetic and Logic Instructions, Flow Control Instructions, Flow Control Instructions, Compare Instructions, Logic Instructions, Subroutines.

3. The Processing Unit

Some Fundamental Concepts, Execution of a Complete Instruction, Hardwired Control, Performance Considerations,Microprogrammed Control. (4 hrs)

4. Input-Output Organization

Accessing I/O Devices, Interrupts, Processor Examples, Direct Memory Access, I/O Hardware, Standard I/O Interfaces (4 hrs)

5. The Memory

Some Basic Concepts, Semiconductor RAM memories, Read-only Memories, Speed, Size and Cost, Cache Memories. Performance Considerations, Virtual Memories, Memory Management equirements (6hrs)

6. Arithmetic

Number Representations, Addition of Positive Numbers, Design of Fast Adders, Signed Addition and Subtraction, Aritrurietic and Branching Conditions, Multiplication of Positive Numbers, Signed Operand Multiplication, Fast Multiplication, integer Division, Floating-Point Numbers and Operations (8 hrs)

7. Pipelining
Basic Concepts, Instruction Queue, Branching, Data Dependency, Influence of Pipelining on Instruction Set Design, Multiple Execution Units, Performance Considerations.(6hrs)

8. Examples of CISC, RISC and Stack Processors

The Motorola 680X0 Family, The Intel 80X86 Family, The Power PC Family, The alpha AXP Family, Architectural and Performance Comparisons, A Stack Processor. (4 hrs)

9. Computer Peripherals

I/O Devices, On-Line Storage, System Performance Considerations (2 hrs)

10. Large Computer System

Forms of Parallel Processing, Array Processors, The Structure of General-Purpose Multiprocessors, Interconnectior Networks, Memory Organization in Multiprocessors, Program Parallelism and Shared Variables, Multicomputers Programmer's View of Shared Memory and message Passing, Performance Considerations (4 hrs)

Text Book:
I. Computer Organization - V.Carl Hamacher, Zvonko G. Vranesic, Safwat G.Zaky-McGH-
4th Edn.
Further Readings:
I. Computer Organization and Design - D.A.Patterson and J.L.Hennessy
2. Computer Architecture and Organization - 3.P.Hayes - McGH

Subject Code : EC5ELC2
Subject Title : Object Oriented Programming
Total contact hrs : 50
(Note: Common to EC & TE)

Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Max.Exam.Marks :100
Max.I.A. Marks: 25

1. Introduction
Object Oriented Programming, Characteristics of object oriented languages, classes, C++ and C
(4 hrs)

2. C++ programming languages

Program statements: declaration statements and variables, assignment statements, cm and cout statements, function C statements. vriables and constants: integer and character types arithmetic operators, loops and decisions: for, while a do loops; if: if-else-else-ifi switch statements, logical AND, OR and NOT Operators : break, continue and go statements. (12 hrs)

3. Functions

Defining a function, function arguments and passing by value, arrays and pointers, ftinctions and strings, flinctions a structures. (8hrs)

4. Classes and objects

Classes and objects, Class constructors and destructors, operator overloading.(10 hrs)

5. Class inheritance

Derived class and base class, virtual functions, multiple inheritance (8 hrs)

6. Input, output and files

Streams, buffers and the iostream, oh file, redirection, output with cout and input with cm, file input and output.(8 hrs)

Text Books:

1. The wait Group's Object Oriented Programming in Turbo C++ - Robert La fore - Galgatia
2. The wait Group's C++ Primer Plus - Stephen Pratia - Galgatia

Reference Book:

I. The C++ Programming Language - Bjarne Struostrup - Addison Wesley- 3rd Edn.

Subject Code : EC5ELC3
Subject Title : Expert Systems
Total contact hrs : 50
(Note: Common to EC & TE)

Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Max.I.A. Marks : 25

1. Introduction
Purpose, PEORIA: A Hypothetical Expert System, A Tentative Assessment of PEORIA, Some Definitions, The importance and Future of Expert Systems (2 hrs)
2. Background (4 hrs)
3. Past, Present and Future Expert Systems (6hrs)
4. Knowledge Representation, Knowledge Acquisition (8 hrs)
5. The Inference Engine (6hrs)
6. Enhancements (6 hrs)
7. Validation(6 hrs)
8. Hybrid Expert Systems(6 hrs)
9. Alternative Development Modes.(4hrs)
10. Staffing and Training.(2hrs)

* Chapters 2 to 10 are titles of chapters in the Text Book.
The content of each chapter mentioned above should be studied in detail.

Text Book:
Introduction to Expert Systems - James P.Ignizio - McGH

Reference Book:
I. Introduction to Expert Ssytems - Jackson.P - Addison Wesley

Subject Code :EC5ELC4
Subject Title : Management Information Systems
Total contact hrs : 50
(Note: Common to EC & TE)

Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Max.I.A. Marks : 25

1. Computer Based Information System
Information Management, Evolution ofComputer- Based Information Systems (CBIS), Model of Computer-Based Information System, Information Services Organization.
Information Technology for Competitive Advantage
Introduction, Competitive Advantage, What are the Information Resources? End-user Computing as a Strategic issue, Information Resources (3 hrs)

2. Electronic Commerce
Electronic Commerce, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Business Process Redesign (B PR), Electronic Commerce Technology, Evolution of the Internet, An Internet Model,
Internet Standards, Internet Security, Business Applications of the Internet,
General Systems Model of the Firm
Models, Use of the General Systems,
Systems Approach
Problem Solving, Systems Approach, Preparation Effort, Solution Effort, Review of the Systems Approach (10 hrs)

3. System Life Cycle Methodologies
System Life Cycle, Planning Phase, Analysis Phase, Implementation Phase
Entity Relationship Data Modeling
Introduction, Identifying and Defining Your Principal Data Objects, Diagramming Your
Data Objects, Translating E-R Data Objects into Relational Constructs, Normalizing Your Data Model
Object Modeling
Introduction, Object - Oriented Analysis, Object Oriented Design, Object-Oriented
Software, OOAD Disadvantages (10 hrs)

4. Internet Application Challenge

Internet Appeal for Corporate Information Technology, A New Generation of Applications, Internet: The next Generation of Client I Server Computing? or a New Paradigm? Internet Applications: A New Architecture and Development Paradigm.
Database Management Systems
Types of Database Software, Parts of DBMS Software, Creating and Using a Database, DBMS Tips
Object Relational DBMS
Introduction , No Query, Simple Data, Query, Simple Data, No Query, Complex Data, Query Complex Daata 10hrs

5. Telecommunication - Hardware, Software

Information Superhighway and the Internet
World wide Web
Client, Server architecture, Application of Architectures, 1 tiered, 2 tiered and 3 tiered applications
Computer based information systems
Accounting information system, Data processing task and characteristics, Major sub-systems of the distribution Systems.
Management information system
Concepts of organizational informatibn sub systems, simulation, MIS and human Factors considerations (l0hrs)

6. Decision support Systems, concept objectives groupware and groupware tools Virtual office, office automation, applications

Knowledge based Systems, artificial intelligence, expert Systems, and knowledge base Advantages and Disadvantages of expert systems.
Financial information systems, model, internal audit sub system , financial intelligence subsystem funds management sub system
Human resources information systems, Evaluation, model, accounting information systems, human resources, research subsystem, human resources intelligence, subsystem, work force planning subsystem, recruiting subsystem.
current status of HRIS. (7hrs)

Text Book:
1. Management Information Systems - Basandar - Wheeler Publishing - 1st Edn. - 1999

Reference Books:
1. Management Information Systems -S. Sadagopan - PHI
2. Management Information Systems - Kennethlaudon & Jane.P. Laudon - PHI.
3. Management Information Systems - Jawadekar - TMH

Subject Code : EC5ELC5
Subject Title : Graph Theory
Total contact hrs :50
(Note: Common to EC & TE)

Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Max.I.A. Marks: 25

1 Graphs and subgraphs, walks and connectedness, distance as a metric , degrees, cubic graphs. Operations on graphs degree and sequence. Application of the theorems to

a. Erdos and Gollai (b) Havel and Hakimi, Cutpoints, bridges and blocks, Block graph and cutpoint graps (12 hrs)

2 Trees and their characterizations , centre and centroids, Block cutpoints trees, Independent cycles and cocycles Connectivity, whitney's theorem (8 hrs)

3 Traversabulity; Eulerian, Hamiltonian and line graphs, total graphs, traversability coverings and independence. Theoren of Gallai, critical points and lines. (10 hrs)

4 Planarity, genus, thickness, crossing number, colorability, chromatic number and its bounds, Nordhaus and Gaddurr theorems, the four and five colour theorem. The chromatic polynomial
(10 hrs)

5 Ramsay's problem, External graphs, Bipartite graphs, self complementary graphs, Menger's theorem, variation 0 Mengers theorem. Max flow - miviant theorem, graphs and matrices, Adjacent matrix , incidence matrix and cycle matrix, applications (l0hrs)

Text Book:
I. Graph theory - Frank Harary - Naroasa publishers - 1998

Reference Books:

1  Introduction to graph theory - Robin J Wilson - Longman - 1985.
2 Graph theory with applications to Engineering and Computer Science - Narasingh Deo -        Prentice Hall - 1987.

Subject Code : EC6ELDl                     Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Subject Title : VHDL                            Max.Exam.Marks:100
Total contact hrs : 50                             MaxIA. Marks: 25
(Note : Common to EC and TE)

1. Introduction to VHDL
Traditional design method, traditional schematic, symbols Vs entities, schematic Vs, Architectures, component instantiation, Behavioral descriptions, event scheduling, statement concurrency.(8hrs)

2. Behavior Modeling
Introduction to behavior modeling, transport Vs inertial delay, inertial delay, transport model, delay models, drivers, generics, block statement. (4 hrs)

3. Sequential Processing
Process statement, Signal assignment Vs variable assignment, sequential statement like IF, CASE, LOOP, NEXT, EXIT, ASSERT & WAIT etc. (8 hrs)

4. Data types & Expressions
Object types, data types, type classification, File type caveats, Altnowtes of data types. (3 hrs)

5. Sub-Programs & Packages
Sub-programs, function, conversion functions, Resolution functions, procedures, packages, package declaration, deferred constant, sub-program declaration, package body. (6 hrs)

6. Configurations
Default configurations, component configurations, mapping library entities, generics in configurations, Generic value specification in architecture, Generic specification in configuration, block configurations. (6hrs)

7. VHDL Synthesis
RTL level description, constraints, attributes, technology libraries, simple gate, IF control flow statement, some circuits examples like sequential circuits, 4-Bit shifter, state machine examples
(5 hrs)

Implementation of some examples using VHDL package (Refer to VHDL Lab content) (10hrs)

Text Books:

1. VHDL - Douglas Perry - McGH~3rd Edn.
2. The designer's guide to VHDL - Peter.J. Ashenden, Horgan Kaufman Pub- 1996

Reference Books:

1. VHDL technique, Empt, & Caveats. Joseph Pick- McGH-1996
2. VHDL Analysis & Modeling of Digital systems, & Navali- McGH~3rd Edn-1999

Note : The Course should be supported by a laboratory and the student is
required to satisfy sessional requirement to be eligible to take theory exam.

Subject Title: VHDL Lab

List of Experiments

1. Generate VHDL Code for basic logic gates and verification with simulation results.
2. Study of VLSI design flow from design entry to board level verification with emphasis on        working of a VHDL simulator.
3. Use of benches for automated verification of the VHDL codes
4. VHDL code for flip-flops, binary arithmetic circuits
5. Behavioral description for various Combinational MSI circuits such as MUX, DECODERS,       ENCODERS, and ADDERS
6. Structural codes for all the above.
7. VHDL code for synchronous and asynchronous counters
8. VHDL code for Universal register with SHIFT left, SHIFT right, idle, count etc controlled by        external binary command.
9. RTL code for finite state machines (Moore & Mealy).
10. RTL code for Booth algorithm for signed binary number multiplications

Subject Code: EC6ELD2                                      Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Subject Title : Digital Control Systems                 Max.Exam.Marks :100
Total contact hrs : 50
Max.I.A. Marks : 25

(Note: Common to EC & TE)

1.Signal Processing in Digital Control
Why Use Digital Control, Configuration of the Basic Digital Control Scheme, Principles of Signals Conversion, Basic Discrete-Time Signals,. Time -Domain Models for Discrete-Time Systems, Transfer Function Models, Stability on the Z-Plane and the Jury Stability Criterion, Sampling as Impulse Modulation, Sampled Spectra and Aliasing, Filtering, Practical Aspects of the Choice of Sampling Rate, Principles of Discretization, The Routh Stability Criterion on the r-Plane. (20hrs)

2. Models of Digital Control Devices and Systems
Introduction, z-Domain Description of Sampled Continuous-Time Plants, z-Domain Description of Systems with Dead-Time, Implementation of Digital Controllers, Digital Temperature Control System, Digital Position Control System, Stepping Motors and Their Control. (l0hrs)

3. Design of Digital Control Algorithms
Introduction, z-Plane Specifications of Control System Design, Digital Compensator Design Using Frequency Response Plots, Digital Compensator Design Using Root Locus Plots, z-P lane Synthesis. (10 hrs)

4. State-Variable Analysis of Digital Control Systems
Introduction, State Descriptions of Digital Processors, State Descriptions of Sampled Continuous-Time Plants, State Descriptions of Systems with Dead-Time, Solution of State Difference Equations. (10 hrs)

Text Book:

1.Digital Control Systems and State Variable Methods - M. Gopal - TMH - 1 st Edn.

Reference Books:

1. Digital Control Systems : B. C. Kuo - Holt - Saunders International Editions
2. Digital Control Systems: C. L. Philips & H. T. Nagle - PH.

Subject Code : EC6ELD3                                                   Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Subject Title : Pattern Recognition Engineering                Max.Exam.Marks:100
Total contact hrs: 50                                                             Max.I.A. Marks : 25
(Note: Common to EC & TE)

1. Introduction
Applications of Pattern Recognition; Statistical Decision Theory; Image Processing and Analysis.
(2 hrs)

2. Probability

Introduction; Probability of events; Random Variables; Joint Distributions and densities; Moments of Random Variables; Estimation of Parameters from samples; Minimum Risk Estimators. (4 hrs)

3. Statistical Decision Making
Introduction; Bayes Theorem; Multiple features; Conditionally Independent Features; Decision Boundaries; Unequal Costs of Error; Estimation of Error Rates; The leaving-One-Out Technique; Characteristic Curves; Estimating the Composition of Populations. (4 hrs)

4. Non parametric Decision Making
Introduction; Histograms; Kernel and Window Estimators; Nearest Neighbor Classification Techniques; Adaptive Decision Boundaries; Adaptive Discriminant Functions; Minimum Squared Error Discriminant Functions; Choosing a decision Making Technique. (8 hrs)

5. Clustering
Introduction; Hierarchical Clustering; Partitional Clustering. (4 hrs)

6. Artificial Neural Networks
Introduction; Nets without Hidden Layers; Nets with Hidden Layers; The Back-Propagation Algorithm; Hopfield Nets; An Application. (8 hrs)

7. Processing of Waveforms and Images
Introduction; Gray Level Scaling Transformations; Equalization; Geometric Image Scaling and Interpolation; Smoothing Transformations; Edge Detection; Laplacian and Sharpening Operators; Line Detection and Template Matching; Logarithmic Gray Level Scaling; The Statistical Significance of Image Features. (8 hrs)

8. Image Analysis
Introduction; Scene Segmentation and Labeling; Counting Objects; Perimeter Measurement; Following and Representing Boundaries; Projectiles; Hough Transforms; Least Squares and Eigen-vector Line Fitting: Shapes of Regions; Morphological Operations Texture; Color; System Design; The Classification of White Blood Cells, Image Sequences; Cardiac Blood-Pool Image Sequence Analysis. (12 hrs)

Text Book:
1. Pattern Recognition & Image Analysis - Earl Gose, Richard J and Steve J-PHI-1999

Subject Code: EC6ELD4                                     Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Subject Title : Image Processing                          Max.Exam.Marks :100
Total contact hrs: 50                                              Max.I.A. Marks : 25
(Note: Common to EC & TE)

1. Introduction
Digital Image Representation, Fundamental Steps in Image Processing, Elements of Digital Image Processing Systems (4 hrs)

2. Digital Image Fundamentals
Elements of Visual Perception, A Simple Image Model, Sampling and Quantization, Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels, Image Geometry (10 hrs)

3. Image Transforms
Introduction to the Fourier Transform, The Discrete Fourier Transform, Some Properties of the Two-Dimensional Fourier Transform, The Fast Fourier Transform, Other Separable Image Transform, The Hotelling Transform (12 hrs)

4. Image Enhancement
Enhancement by Point Processing, Spatial Filtering, Enhancement in the Frequency Domain, Generation of Spatia Masks from Frequency Domain Specifications, Color Image Processing
(12 hrs)

5. Image Restoration Restoration
Degradation Model, Diagonalization of Circulant and Block-Ciculant Matrices, Algebraic Approach to Restoration Inverse Filtering, Least Mean Square Filter, Constrained Least Squares Restoration, Interactive Restoration in the Spatial Domain, Geometric Transformations (12 hrs)

Conduction of experiments using Image Processing Toolbox(Reftr to Image Processing Lab content)

Text Books:

1. Digital Image Processing - Rafael C Gonzalez - Addison Wesley
2. Digital Image Processing - Richard E Woods - Addison Wesley

Reference Books:

1. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing - A.K.Jain - PH

Note : The Course should be supported by a laboratory and the student is required to satisfy sessional requirement to be eligible to take theory exam.

Subject Title :Image Processing Lab

List of Experiments

All Experiments to be conducted using Image Processing Toolbox in Matlab version 4 or above.
1. Study of Image Representation
(a) Indexed Images
1. Load an image & view its matrix.
2. Replace a set of image elements by a constant and observe its effect on the image.
3. Create a 10 - by - 10 image by defining its index and map matrices.
4. Change the colormap matrix of the image and observe its effect on the image.

(b) Intensity Images
1.Convert an indexed image to intensity image and observe it at different gray levels.
2. View its intensity matrix and correlate it to the original image.
3. Replace a set of image elements by a constant and observe its effect on the image.

(c) Binary Images
1. Create a binary image of size l0-by-l0
2. Negate the image by interchanging 0s and 1s.

(d) RGB Images
1. Load an image and convert it to RGB format.
2. View the elements of R, G and B matrices.
3. Replace all the elements of R matrix by Zeros and observe its effect on the image.
4. View the R, G and B images separately as grayscale images.

2. Importing and Exporting the Images and Texture Mapping

1. Import the images of GIF, TIFF and BMP formats and view them as indexed images.
2. Load an image and export it to GIF,TIFF and BMP formats
3. Load an image and display it on Cylindrical Mesh using warp function.
4. Load an image and display it below a mesh plot of its intensity data.
5. Display two images with same colormaps.
6. Display two images with different colormaps.

3. Geometric Operations I - Interpolation

1. Load the function peaks and display it over a course grid.
2. Interpolate it over a fine grid using bilinear method.
3. Load the function peaks and display it over a course grid.
4. Interpolate it over a fine grid using bicubic method.

4. Geometric Operations 2 - Rotation , Cropping and Resizing
1. Load an image and rotate it by an angle.
2. Load an image and crop it to a smaller rectangle
3. Load an image and enlarge it.

5. Frequency Sampling, Window and Frequency Transformation Techniques of designing Filters

1. Define the desired frequency response of a filter Hd. Using flinction fasmp2 obtain the filter       coefficient matrix h. Plot the responses of Hd and fteqz(h). Observe the disparities
2. Define the desired frequency response of filter Hd. Using fanction fwindl obtain the filter      coefficient matrix h. Plot the responses of Hd and freqz2(h). Observe the disparities.
3. Using function remez define a Parks-McClellan optimal eqiripple FIR filter that has the best     approximation to the desired frequency response. Obtain circularly symmetrical two      dimensional filter coefficient matrix h using function ftrans2. Plot the response of freqz2(h).
4. Using functionfilter2 apply the filters to any image. View the original and filtered images.

6. Histogram, Intensity Profile and Image Statistics

1. Load and image and extract its histogram.
2. Load an image and extract its intensity profiles over a single line path and multiline path.
3. Load an image obtain its contours.
4. Load an image, convert it to intensity image and compute the mean and standard deviation of its matrix.
5. Load two images of the same size and compute the correlation coefficient between them.

7. Image Enhancement Techniques

1. Load an image and equalize its histogram to 32, 16, 8 and 4 output bins. Observe the effects of   this on the image.
2. Load an image and apply the intensity slicing function on it for, say, 20 equal intensity bins.
3. Load an image and apply Sobel Edge Finding algorithm to it. View the resulting image.
4. Repeat step 3 for Roberts, Prewitt and Marr-Hildreth methods.
5. Load an image and apply Input cropping. Output cropping and Gamma correction to different     extents. Observe the effects on the original image.

8. Nlorphological Operations

I. Load an Image and apply Dilation flinction. Observe the effect on the image.
2. Load an Image and apply Erosion ftinction. Observe the effect on the image.
3. Load an Image and apply Perimeter Detection function. Observe the effect on the image.
4. Load an Image and compute Euler Number and Total Binary Object Estimate.

9. Image Restoration and Colormap Concepts

1. Load an Image, add white Gaussian noise to it and apply Wiener filter to it. Display the images         at each stage.
2. Load an image, add Salt & Pepper noise to it, and apply Median filter to it. Display the images      at each stage.
3. Load an image and convert it to RGB format. Then convert it to HSV colorspace. Display Hue, Saturation and Value images as grayscale images.
4. Load an image and apply Brightening, Stretching and cropping functions to its colormap. Study the effects.

10. Image Transforms

I. Loadan image and extract its Fast Fourier Transform
2. Load an image and extract its Discrete Cosine Transform
3. Load an image and extract its Randon Transform.

Text Book:
1.Image Processing Toolbox Users Guide - Clay M. Thompson & Loren Shure- The Math Works Inc., Nattick, Mass-I 994.

Subject Code : EC6ELE1                                     Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Subject Title : Mobile Communication                 Max.Exam.Marks:100
Total contact hrs : 50                                             Max.I.A. Marks: 25
(Note: Common to EC & TE)

1. Introduction to Wireless, Cellular, Digital, PCS-Mobile Radio
International Mobile Satellite, Low Earth Orbit and Medium Altitude orbit Satellite Frequency Bands, Personal Communication Systems (PCS) Universal Digital PCS, Standards: The importance of National and International Standardization. (4 hrs)

2. Speech coding for wireless systems Applications

Introduction to digital processing techniques in wireless telephone and broadcast systems, Speech coding techniques audio and voice (2 hrs)

3 Radio Propagation and Cellular Engineering Concepts

Models of Multipath-Faded Radio Signals, Delay-Spread Field Measurement Results, industry Standard for Propagation Models (3 hrs)

4. Digital Modulation-Demodulation(MODEM)Technique
Modern principles and Architectures, Definitions and performance of Spectral and Power Efficiency, Performance in complex interferene, Controlled Mobile systems, Advantages of coherent Demodulation over Noncoherent systems, advanced Modulation Methods, Adaptive Equalization for Frequency-Selective Faded and Delay-Spread systems, Synchronization of Burst Demodulators, Carrier Recovery and symbol Timing Recovery (13 hrs)

5. Spread Spectrum systems
Introduction, Fundamental Concepts of Spread-Spectrum Systems, Code Division Multiple Access, Direct-Sequence (DS) and Frequency-Hopped (FH) spread systems, Frequency-hoping spread spectrum systems, spread-spectrum applications in cellular, PCS, and mobile communications . (10 hrs)

6. Diversity techniques for Mobile Wireless Radio Systems
Introduction, Concepts of Diversity, branch and signal paths, combining and switching methods, carrier to noise and carrier to interference ratio performance improvements. (3 hrs)

7. Personal Mobile Satellite Communication
Introduction, integration of GEO, LEO, and MEO satellite and Terrestrial Mobile Systems
Personal satellite communication programs (3 hrs)

8. Cellular and wire!ess systems Engineering
Introduction, access methods: TDMA, FDMA, Spread spectrum frequency Hopping, discrete sequence, CDMA and CSMA, Comparison of Linearly amplified BPSK DQPSK, and ~4-DQPSK and Nonlinearly amplified GMSK, GFSK, 4-FM and FQPSK, Radio link design digital- wireless cellular systems, spectrum utilization in Digital wireless mobile systems, Capacity and Thoughput study and comparison of GMSK, GFSK and FQPSK systems, TDMA, CDMA, Standards for wireless LAN, Wireless personal communications. (12 hrs)

Text Books:
1. Wireless digital Communications - Dr. Kamil 0 Feher - PHI
2. Mobile Cellular Telecommunications - CY Lee - McGH.

Reference Book:
1. Mobile Communication Engineering - CY Lee - McGH

Subject Code: EC6ELE2                                         Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Subject Title :Adaptive Signal Processing              Max.Exam.Marks:l00
Total contact hrs: 50                                                  Max.I.A. Marks : 25.
(Note: Common to EC & TE)

1.Adaptive Systems
Definition and Characteristics, Areas of Application, General Properties, Open-and Close-Loop Adaptation, Applications. of Closed-Loop Adaptation, Example of an Adaptive Systems. (4 hrs)

2. The Adaptive Liner Combiner

General Description, Input Signal and Weight Vectors, Desired Response and Error, The Performance Function, Gradient and Minimum Mean-Square error, Example of a Performance Surface, Alternative Expression of the Gradient, Decorrelation of Error and Input Components.
(6 hrs)

3. Properties of the Quadratic Performance surface
Normal Form of the Input Correlation Matrix, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of the Input Correlation Matrix, An Example with Two Weights, Geometrical Significance of Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues. (8 hrs)

4. Searching the Performance Surface
Methods of Searching the Performance Surface, Basic Ideal of Gradient Search Methods, A Simple Gradient Search Algorithm and its Solution, Stability and Rate of Convergence, The Learning Curve, Gradient Search by Newton's Method, Newton's Method in Multidimensional Space, Gradient Search by the Method of Steepest Descent, Comparison of Learning Curves. (l0hrs)

5. Gradient Estimation and its effects on Adaptation
Gradient Component Estimation by Derivative Measurement, The Performance Penalty, Derivative Measurement and performance Penalties with Imultiple Weights, Variance of the Gradient Estimate, Effects on the Weight-Vector Solution, Excess Mean-Square Error and time Constants, Misadjustment, Comparative Performance of Newton's and Steepest-Descent Methods, Total Misadjustment and other Practical Considerations. (10 hrs)

6. The LMS Algorithm
Derivation of the LMS Algorithm, Convergeace of the Weight Vector, An Example of Convergence, Learning Curve, Noise in the Weight-Vector Solution, Misadjustment, Performance. (4 hrs)

7. Adaptive Modeling and System Identification

General Description, Adaptive Modeling of Multipath Communication Channel, Adaptive Modeling in Exploration, Adaptive Modeling in FIR Digital Filter Synthesis. (4 hrs)

8. Introduction to Adaptive Arrays and Adaptive Beamforming
Sidelobe Cancellation, Beamforming with a Pilot Signal, Spatial Configurations, Adaptive Algorithms, Experiments, Broadband Exp&riments. (4 hrs)

Text Book:
1. Adaptive Signal Processing - B. Widrow and S.D. Stearns - PHI
Geophysical Narrowband

Reference Book:
1. Adaptive Filters - C. F. N. Grant & P. M. Grant - PHI

Subject Code : EC6ELE3                        Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Subject Title : Speech Processing            Max.Exam.Marks:100
Total contact hrs : 50                                Max.I.A. Marks : 25
(Note: Common to EC & TE)

1. Historical Background
Speech-Recognition Overview        (2 hrs)

2. Mathematical Background
Pattern Classification, Statistical Pattern Classification, Wave Basics, acoustic Tube Modeling of Speech Production, Music Production, Room acoustics (8 hrs)

3. Auditory Perception
Ear Physiology, Psychoacoustics, Models of Pitch Perception, Speech Perception, Human Speech Recognition (10 hrs)

4. Speech Features
The Auditory System as a Filter Bank, The Cepstrum as a Spectral Analyzer, Linear Prediction
(8 hrs)

5. Automatic Speech Recognition
Feature Extraction for ASR, Linguistic Categories (0r Speech Recognition, Deterministic Sequence Recognition for ASR, Statistical Sequence Recognition, Statistical Model Training, Discriminant Acoustic Probability Estimation. Speech Recognition and Understanding (12 hrs)

6. Synthesis and Coding
Speech Synthesis, Pitch Detection, Vocoders, Low-Rate Vocoders, Medium-Rate and High-Rate Vocoders (10 hrs)

Text Book:
1. Speech and Audio Signal Processing-B.Gold and N.Morgan- John Wiley

Reference Book:
1. Digital Speech-A.M.Kondoz- John Wiley

Subject Code : EC6ELE4                                                          Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Subject Title : High Frequency Applications in Industry          Max.Exam.Marks :100
Total contact hrs : 50                                                                   Max.I.A. Marks : 25

1. Introduction
High Frequency application in industry - Microwaves and Lasers; Propagation at Microwave frequencies. (5 hrs)

2. Devices
Klystrons, Magnetrons, Travelling wave tubes, Thermionic devices, Gyrotrons, Magnecons, Ubitrons, Peniotrons, LED's & Lasers. Detectors for Microwave and optical frequencies.
(15 hrs)

3. Consumer applications of Microwaves
Microwave oven and accessories, Industrial applications of Microwayes, Biomedical applications of Microwave Engineering, Chemical applications of Microwaves. (20 hrs)

Microwave applications for law enforcement, Microwave Navigational Aids : GPS & Doppler Navigation systems. (10 hrs)

Text Books:
1. Handbook of Microwave.Technology - Edited by T. Koryu Ishii - Academic press.
2. Industrial microwave sensors - Ebbe Nyfors & Pertti Vainikainen - Artech House.

Subject Code : EC6ELF1                                  Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Subject Title: System Programming                  Max.Exam.Marks :100
Total contact hrs: 50                                            Max.I.A. Marks : 25
(Note: Common to EC & TE)

1. Introduction                      4hrs

2. Assemblers                      8hrs

3. Loaders and linkers         8hrs

4. Macro Processors            6hrs     

5. Compilers                          8hrs

6. Operating Systems            l0hrs

7. Software Engineering Issues      6hrs

* Chapters 1 to 7 are titles of chapters in the Text Book.

The content of each chapter mentioned above should be studied in toto.

Text Book:
1. System Software - Leland L.Beck -Addison Wesley 3rd Edn

Reference Book:
I. Systems Programming - Donovan, John - McQH

Subject Code: EC6ELF2                         Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Subject Title : Java Programming            Max.Exam.Marks:100
Total contact hrs: 50                                   Max.I.A. Marks 25
(Note: Common to EC & TE)

1. Fundamentals of Object-Oriented programming
Introduction, Object-Oriented Paradigm, Basic Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming, Benefits of OOP, Applications of OOP. (2 hrs)

2. JAVA Evolution
Java History, Java Features, How Java Differs from C and C++, Java and Internet, Java and World wide web, Web Browsers, Hardware and Soft,vare Requirements, Java Support Systems, Java Environment. (3 hrs)

3. Overview of Java Language
Simple java program, More of Java, An Application with Two Classes, Java Program Structure, Java Tokens, Java Statements, Implementing a Java Program, Java Virtual Machine, Command Line Arguments, Programming Style. (3 hrs)

4. Constants, Variables and Data Types

Constants, Variables, Data Types, Declaration of Variables, Giving Values of Variables, Scope of Variables, Symbolic Constants, Type Casting, Getting values of variables, Standard Default Values. (3 hrs)

5. Operators and Expressions
Arithmetic Operators, Relational Operators, Logical Operators, Assignment Operators, Increment and Decrement Operators, Conditional Operator, Bitwise Operators, Special Operators, Arithmetic Expressions, Evaluation of Expressions, Precedence of Arithmetic Operators, Type Conversions in Expressions, Operator Precedence and Associativity, Mathematical Functions. (5hrs)

6. Decision Making and Branching
Decision Making with if Statement, Simple if Statement, The If... else Statement, Nesting of if.. else Statements, The else if Ladder, The switch Statement, The Operator. (3 hrs)

7. Decision Making and Looping
The While Statement, The do Statement, The for Statement, Jumps in Loops, Labeled Loops

8. Classes, Objects and methods
Defining a Class, Adding Variables, Adding Methods, Creating Objects, Accessing Class Members, Constructors, Methods Overloading, Static Members, Nesting of Methods, Inheritance: Extending a Class, Overriding Methods, Final Variables and Methods, Final Classes, Finalizer Methods, Abstract Methods and Classes, Visibility Control. (4 hrs)

9. Arrays, Strings and Vectors
Arrays, One-dimensional Arrays, Creating an Array, Two-dimensional Arrays, Strings, Vectors, wrapper Classes. (3 hrs)

10. Interfaces : Multiple Inheritance
Defining Interfaces, Extending Interfaces, Implementing Interfaces, Accessing Interface Variables
(3 hrs)

11. Packages: Putting Classes Together
Java API Packages, Using system Packages, Name Conventions, Creating Packages, Accessing a Packages, Using a Package, Adding a Class to a Package, Hiding Classes. (2 hrs)

12. Multithreaded Programming
Creating Threads, Extending the Thread Class, Stopping and Blocking a Thread, Life Cycle of a Thread. Using Thread Methods, Thread Exceptions, Thread Priority, Synchronization, Implementing the' Runnable' Interface. (3 hrs)

13. Managing Errors and Exceptions
Types of Errors, Exceptions, Syntax of Exception Handling Code, Multiple Catch Statements, Using finally statement, Throwing our Own Exceptions, Using Exceptions for Debugging. (4 hrs)

14. Applet Programming
How Applets Differ from applications, Preparing to Write Applets, Building Applet Code, Applet Life Cycle, Creating an Executable Applet, Designing a Web page, Applet Tag, Adding Applet to HTML File, Running the Applet, More About Applet Tag, Passing Parameters to Applets, Aligning the Display, More About HTML Tags, Displaying Numerical Values, Getting input from the User. (4 hrs)

15. Graphics Programming
The graphics Class, Line and Rectangles, Circles and Ellipses, Drawing Arcs, Drawing Polygons, Line Graphs, Using control loops in Applets, Drawing Bar Charts. (2 hrs)

16. Managing input -output Files in Java
Concepts of Streams, Stream Classes, Byte Stream Classes, Character Steam Classes, Using Streams, Other Useful I/O Classes, Using the File Class, Input/output Exceptions, Creation of Files, Reading I Writing Characters, ReadinglWriting Bytes, Handling Primitive Data Types, Concatenating and Buffering Files, Random Access Files, Interactive Input and output, Other Stream classes. (4 hrs)

Implementation of examples using Java Language (Refer to Java programming Lab content)

Note : The Course should be supported by a laboratory and the student is
required to satisfy sessional requirement to be eligible to take theory exam.

Text Books:
1. Programming with JAVA - A Primer - E. Balaguruswamy-TMH-2nd Edn-1999
2. Understanding Object Oriented Programming with JAVA-Timothy Budo-Addison Wesley- 2000
3. An Introduction to Object-oriented programming with JAVA-C.Thomas Wu-McGH-1999.

Reference Book:
1. JAVA-Kenneth Lambert & Osbome - PWS Publishing -1999

Subject Title : Java Programming Lab

List of Experiments
1. Create Java Program to implement the following sorting technique - Bubble Sort, Selection Sort
2. Create Java program to implement the following searching technique - Binary Search, Linear     Search
3. Create Java Program for the following data structures - Stacks, Queues, Linked List
4. Create a Java Program to implement a class where objects represent circles in Cartesian plane
5. Implement the following classes:
              -Address class for representing postal mailing address
             - Phone class for representing telephone numbers
              - E-mail class for representing e-mail address
6. Create a java program to illustrate the concept of Multi threading
7. Create an applet to draw rectangle, circle and polygon
8. Write a Java program to create an applet with six buttons representing your favorite six colon     when button is clicked, the background must change to corresponding color.
9. Write a program to create a window as a grid of the Number buttons from 1 to 15.
10. using command line create ajava program to copy contents of one file to another.
11. Create a java program to display contents of a file
12. Create ajava program to example document, properties and content of a particular site.
13. Create an applet to demonstrate a menu.
14. Create an applet to demonstrate all mouse events
15. Develop ajava source code for online chat
16. Create an applet to animate an image.

Subject Code : EC6ELF3                                      Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Subject Title: Management in Engineering           Max.Exam.Marks:100
Total contact hrs : 50                                               Max.I.A. Marks : 25
(Note: Common to EC & TE)

1. Nature of Organizations
Introduction, The aim of organizations ( corporate objectives), The legal establislrrnent of organizations, Strategies for survival , Case study JP Engineering. (8 hrs)

2. Personnel Management
Case study and Introduction, Structure of organizations, Employing people, Motivation and leadership, Appraisal of employees, Training and development, Job design and payment systems.
(12 hrs)

3. Team working and creativity

Introduction, Team working , Group dynamics, Managing the creative process. (8 hrs)

4. Personal management
Introduction, Personal organization, Objective setting, Self-appraisal. (8 hrs)

5. Communication skills
Introduction, Communications in the workplace, Information gathering, Written communications, Communications, Managing meetings, Case study: Stephen Lever. (8 hrs)

6. Engineering management in practice
The vocation of engineering management, The Cu 100 project at Oxford Lasers Ltd., The Cu 100 project debrief (6 hrs)

Text Book:
1. Management in Engineering~ Gail Freeman-Bell JamesiBalkwill. - PHI

Reference Book:
1. Management - A Global Perspective Koontz, O'Donnell and W. Heinz -International Saunders Editions

Subject Code : EC6ELF4
Subject Title : Estimation Theory
Total contact hrs :50
(Note: Common to EC & TE)

Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Max.I.A. Marks : 25

1. Introduction to Estimation Theory
Introduction, Simple Binary Hypothesis Tests, M-Hypothesis, Estimation theory, Random parameters: Bayes Estimation, Real (Nonrandom) parameter Estimation, Multiple Parameter Estimation, Summary of Estimation Theory. Composite Hypothesis, The General Gaussian Problem, Performance bounds and approximations. (20 hrs)

2. Deterction of Signals -Estimation of Signal Parameters
Introduction, Detection and estimation in white Gaussian Noise, Detection and Estimation in nonwhite Gaussian Noise, Signals with unwanted parameters: The composite hypotheses problem, Multiple channels, multiple parameter estimation, Summary and Omissions. (20hrs)

3. Estimation of Continuous waveforms
Introduction, Derivation of Estimator Equations, A lower bound on the mean-square estimation error, Multidimensional waveforms estimations, Nonrandom waveform estimation
(10 hrs)

Text Books:
1. Detection, Estimation and Data Analysis - K. Sam Shanmugam-John Wiley.
2. Detection, Estimation and Modulation Theory - Part I- Harry L.Van Trees - John Wiley.

Subject Code : EC7ELG1
Subject Title : CAD Tools for VLSI
Total contact hrs : 50
(Note: Common to EC & TE)

Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Max.Exam.Marks :100
Max.I.A. Marks : 25

1. Introduction
CAD tools, the philosophy of VLSI, NMOS and PMOS transistor structures, scalability, Design requirements, Hierarchical representation, levels of Abstraction, Y-Chart representation, systems synthesis, design styles and technologies (4 hrs)

2. Integrated Circuit fabrication
Semiconductor device fabrication techniques, basic MOS processes, design rules, yield statistics, stick diagrams, implementing dynamic registers, register to register transfers, combinational logic, finite state machines. (6hrs)

3. Hardware Modeling
Hardware modeling languages: distinctive features, Structural hardware language, Behavioral hardware language, HDLs used in synthesis, Abstract models: structures logic networks, state diagrams, data-flow and sequencing graphs: Compilation and optimization techniques. (5hrs)

4. Schedule Algorithms
A model for scheduling problems, scheduling with resource and without resource constraints, scheduling algorithms for extended sequencing models, Scheduling pipe lined circuits (4 hrs)

5. Resources Sharing and binding
Sharing and binding for resource-dominated circuits, sharing and binding for General circuits, concurrent binding and scheduling (4 hrs)

6. Partitioning
Basic partitioning methods: Random selection, cluster growth, hierarchical clustering, min-cut partitioning, simulated annealing, Applications of partitioning in high level synthesis, logic synthesis and physical synthesis. (6 hrs)

7. Logic level Synthesis
Two level combinational level logic synthesis and optimization: Logic optimization principles, Operations on two level logic covers, Algorithms for Logic minimization, symbolic minimization and Encoding problems, introduction to multiple level logic optimization techniques. (6hrs)

8. Testing
Simulation: Types of simulators, basic components of a simulator, Fault simulation techniques, Automatic test pattern generation methods (ATPG), Design of testability (DFT) techniques

9. Digital System design using programmable logic devices
Introduction to PLDs, FPGAs, Classification of FPGAs, technology mapping for FPGAs some case studies. (6 hrs)

Text Books:
1. Introduction to VLSI Design - Eugend D Fabricus - McGH-l990
2. Synthesis and Optimization ofDigital Circuits - Giovanni De Michelli - McGH-1994

Reference Books:
1. VHDL - Douglas Perry - McGH-1999
2. CMOS VLSI Design - Systems Perspective, neil Weste and Kamran Eshraghian- PHI
3. High level Synthesis - Introduction to Chip and system design - Daniel D Gaj ask, Nikil Dutt, Allen Wu, Steve Y LLin
4. Field Programmable Gate arrays - Stephen Brown, Robert J Francis, T Roase, Zvonko G Vranesic -Kiuwer Academic Publishing

Subject Code : EC7ELG2
Subject Title : Robot Dynamics and Control
Total contact hrs : 50
(Note: Common to EC & TE)

Duration of Exam: 3 hrs
Max.I.A. Marks : 25

1. Introduction to Robotics
Components and structure of Robots, Common Kinematic arrangements. (3hrs)

2. Rigid motions and Homogeneous Transformations
Rotations, composition of rotations, Further properties of rotations, homogeneous transformations, skew symmetric matrices, Angular velocity and acceleration, addition of angular velocities. (12hrs)

3. Forward Kinematics
Kinematic Chains, Denavit-Hartenberg Representation, Examples : planar elbow manipulator,. 3-link cylindrical Robot. (8 hrs)

4. Inverse Kinematics
Introduction, Kinematic decoupling, inverse position : a geometric approach. (6 hrs)

5. Sensors in Robotics
Transducers and sensors, Tactile Sensors, proximity and range sensors, Sensor based systems, use of sensors in robotics, sensor evaluation and selection. (10 hrs)

6. Robot Programming and Languages
Methods of Robot programming, lead through programming method, motion interpolation, capabilities and limitations of lead through method, robot language structure, textual robot languages, motion commands, end- effector and sensor commands. (7 hrs)

7. Application of Robotics
Machine loading and unloading, material handling, spray painting, welding, assembly,.inspection and testing. (4 hrs)

Text Books:
1. Robot Dynamics and Control - M. W. Spong and M. Vidya Sagar - John Wiley
2. Industrial Robotics- M. P. Groover, M. Weiss, R. N. Nagel and N. G. Ordrey-McGH.

Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals for Control of Robotic Manipulators - A. K. Kovo - Jonh Wiley.
2. Foundations of Robotics : Analysis and Control - T. V. Yoshi Kawa - PHI.

Subject Code : EC7ELG3
Subject Title : Embedded Controllers
Total contact hrs: 50
(Note: Common to EC & TE)

Duration of Exam : 3 hrs
Max.l.A. Marks : 25

1. Introduction to Embedded Control, History and applications
Microcontroller - Difference between a microprocessor and a microcontroller, CISC Vs RISC microcontrollers in embedded control Differences between CISC and RISC controllers, advantages. (3 hrs)

2. RISC architecture - code memory - ROM, OTP, FLASH, WINDOWED, Data memory and register file concept, Registers, stack organisation, I/O lines; Perioherals- Timers, ADC, FEPROM, UART, PWM, IIC, SPI; Glue Logic-Reset control, Brownout detectors, Oscillators, RC, LP, XT, HS; Watchdog and pre-scalar. (8 hrs)

3. PlCmicro family in Embedded Control-l2bit, 14 bit and 16 bit PlCmicro family; PlCmicro 16F84 features-Code memory, Interrupt vector, Register bank, Register files, TMRO, Port A and Port B, Internal EEPROM; Addressing Modes - Direct addressing, Indirect addressing, Indexed addressing; Description of 35 instruction - Byte, Bit, oriented operations, Literal and Control operations. (14 hrs)
4. Program Development- Software development tools for embedded control; Assemblers-Assembly file formats, Output HEX file format, LIST file format, Simulators-Register and Watch windows, Single stepping, breakpoints; Hardware development tools for embedded control in circuit Emulator and Debugger, BITE (5 hrs)

5. Case study of Embedded Control in AC and DC motor and Stepper motor control, Frequency generation-PWM, Temperature Control, Analog to Digital conversion. (8 hrs)

6. Testing and debugging in embedded control. (2 hrs)

Conduction of experiments using PlC Microcontroller kits (Refer to PlC Microcontroller Lab content). (10 hrs)

Note : The Course should be supported by a laboratory and the student is
required to satisfy sessional requirement to be eligible to take theory exam.

Text Books:
1. Design with PlC Micro Controller - J.B. Peatman-PHI
2. PlC Microcontroller - Perdko-McGH-2000

Subject Title : PlC Microcontrollers Lab

List of Experiments

Programs to demonstrate the usage of instruction sets
Addition of two numbers
Subtraction of 2 numbers
Incrementing 16 bit and 32 bit numbers
Decrementing 16 bit and 32 bit numbers
7 segment look up table
ASCII to HEX conversion
HEX to ACI conversion
8 bit BCD to BINARY conversion
8 bit BINARY to BCD conversion
16 bit BCD to BINARY conversion
16 bit BINARY to BCD conversion
4 digit BCD up counter
2 digit BINARY down counter

Subject Code : EC7ELH1
Subject Title : ISDN
Total contact hrs : 50
(Note: Common to EC & TE)

Duration of Exam : 3 hrs
Max.Exam.Marks :100
Max.I.A. Marks : 25

1. Introduction
A definition of ISDN, The forces Driving IS DN, ISDN Integrated Access, ISDN Digital Services, What ISDN is and isn t, Where to from Here (3 hrs)

2. Telecommunications Background for ISDN
Communications Basics, Digital Telephony, Types of Switched Networks, Open System Interconnection Reference Model (4 hrs)

3. ISDN Terms, Definitions and Standards
ISDN Channels, Access Interface, Functional Devices and Reference Points, Standards Organizations, Summary. (5 hrs)

4. Overview of ISDN Services
Service Requirements, ISDN Services, Bearer Services and Attributes, TeleServices, broadband Services, Sample Service Profiles, Summary. (4 hrs)

5, ISDN Protocol Architecture
Protocol Planes, Protocols, Channels and Reference Points, Summary (3 hrs)

6. Physical Layer Protocols
Basic Rate Interface, Primary Rate Interface, Summary (4 hrs)

7. The D-Channel Data Link Protocol
Link Access procedures on the D-channel, Special Features of LAPD, LAPB and LAPD, Summary. (4 hrs)

8. Packet and Frame-mode Bearer Services
X.25 Packet-Mode Services, Frame-Mode Bearer Services, Summary (3 hrs)

9. National ISDN
National ISDN, National ISDN-l, National ISDN-2, National ISDN-3, The future of National ISDN, Summary. (3 hrs)

10. ISDN Applications

ISDN Applications Overview, North American ISDN User's Forum, Example ISDN
Applications, ISDN in Use Today, Summary (4 hrs)

11. ISDN Implementations
Interface configurations in the United States, ISDN Services Offered in the United States, Provisioning Options in the United States, ISDN Activity in the United states, ISDN Activity in the United States, International Implementations of ISDN, Summary (6 hrs)

12. ISDN Products
Local Exchange Equipment, Line Termination Equipment and Extenders, On-Premises Switching and Multiplexing, ISDN Terminal Equipment, Terminal Adapters, ISDN Chip Sets, Test Equipment, Applications Software, Summary. (4hrs)

13. ISDN, B-ISDN and the Internet
Accessing the Internet, Why and How, ISDN, B-ISDN and Internet Protocols, Summary

Text Book:
ISDN - Concepts, Facility & Services-Early Kessler Peter Southwick~McGH~3rd Edn

Reference Book:
I. Using ISDN-Jame Y.Bryce- -PHI ~2nd Edn -1998
2. ISDN from concepts to applications-John Ronoyne-wheeler-1993.

Subject Code : EC7ELH2
Subject Title : Satellite Communication
Total contact hrs: 50
(Note : Common to EC Elective code EC7ELH2 and TE Core code TE7T1)

Duration of Exam : 3 hrs
Max.I.A. Marks : 25

1. Introduction
Definition of terms for earth-orbiting satellites: orbital elements, apogee & perigee, Kepler's Laws, Orbit Perturbations, Atmospheric Drag, Inclined Orbits, Sidereal Time, Orbital Plane, The Geostationery Orbit, Antenna Look Angles. (8 hrs)

2. Radio Wave Propagation
Atmospheric Losses, Ionospheric Effects, Rain Attenuation, Other Impairments. (2hrs)

3. The Space Segment
Introduction, Power Supply Subsystem, Attitude Control: Spin Stabilization, Three-Axis Body Stabilization, Station- Keeping; Thermal Control; TT&C Subsystem; Transponders, Wideband Receiver, Input Demultiplexer, Power Amplifier, Antenna Subsystem. (10 hrs)

4. The Earth Segment
Introduction, Transmit-Receive Earth Stations, Receive-only Home TV systems, The Outdoor Unit, The Indoor Unit, Master Antenna TV System, Community Antenna TV System. (4 hrs)

5. The Space Link
Introduction, Equiyalent Isotropic Radiated Power, Transmission Losses, Free-Space Transmission, Feeder Losses, Antenna Misalignment Losses, Fixed Atmospheric & Ionospheric losses, Effects of Rain. (4hrs)

The Link Power Budget Calculation, System Noise, Antenna Noise, Amplifier Noise Temperature, Amplifiers in Cascade. Noise Factor, Noise Temperature of Absorptive Networks, Overall System Noise Temperature , GIT ratio, Carrier-to-Noise Ratio. (4 hrs)

The Uplink: Saturation Flux Density, Input Back-off. The Earth Station: HPA, Uplink Rain-fade margin. The Downlink: Output Back-off Satellite TWTA Output, Rain-fade margin. Combined UpI ink and Downlink C/N Ratio, Intermodulation Noise. (4 hrs)

6. Interference
Interference between Satellite Circuits, Downlink, Uplink, Combined (CIJ) due to interference, Antenna Gain Function, Passband Interference, Receiver Transfer Characteristics, Projection Ratio, Energy Dispersal, Coordination, Interference Levels, Transmission Gain, Resultant Noise Temperature Rise, Coordination Criterion, Noise Power Spectral Density. (4hrs)

7. Satellite Access
Introduction, Single Access, Pre-Assigned FDMA, Demand-Assigned FDMA, SPADE System, Bandwidth-limited and power-limited TWT amplifier operation, FDMA Downlink Analysis, TDMA, Reference Burst, Preamble and postamble, Carrier Recovery, Network Synchronization, Unique Word Detection, Traffic Data, Frame Efficiency and Channel Capacity, Pre-Assigned TDMA, Demand-Assigned TDMA, Downlink Analysis for Digital Transmission, Comparison of Uplink Power Requirements for FDMA & TDMA, On-board Signal Processing for FDMA I TDM Operation, Satellite- Switched TDMA, Code-Division Multiple Access. (l0hrs)

Text Books:
1. Satellite Communications - Dennis Roody - McGH.
2. Satellite Communication - Pratt and Bostian-John Wiley-i 986 Print

Reference Books:
I. Satellite Communications - Madhavendra Riccharia - McGH.
2. Special Issues on Space Communication, Solar Energy - 1989-90
3. Special Issues on Space Communication, IETE -1989-90
4. Satellite Communication-Morgan and Jordan-H/B

Subject Code : EC7ELH3
Subject Title : Radar and Navigational Aids
Total contact hrs: 50
(Note: Common to EC & TE)

Duration of Exam : 3 hrs
Max.Exam.Marks :100
Max.[.A. Marks : 25

1. The Nature of Radar
Simple form of Radar Equation, Block Diagram, Operation and Radar Frequencies, Applications of Radar (2 hrs)

2. Radar Equation
Range performance, minimum detectable signal, receiver noise s/n ratio, radar cross section of targets, PRF and range ambiguities, system losses, propagation effects (4 hrs)

3. CW and FM-CW Radar
Doppler effect, CW Radar, FM CW Radar, Airbone Doppler Navigation (4 hrs)

4. MTI and Pulse Doppler Radar
Delay line cancelers, Range Gated Doppler filters, Radar signal processing, other MTI delay lines, limitations to MTI performance, pulse Doppler Radar, other types of MTI (4 hrs)

5. Tracking Radar
Tracking with Radar, Sequential Lobing, Conical Scan, Monopulse tracking, range Acquisition, comparison of trackers, tracking with Surveillance radar (4 hrs)

6. Electronically Steered Phased Array Antennas
Basic Concepts, Phase shifters, Array elements, feeds for arrays, Random Errors in arrays, computer control of phased arrays, applications of the arrays in radar, advantages & limitations.
(4 hrs)

7. Receivers Displays and Duplexers
Radar Receiver, Noise figure, mixers, low noise front ends, displays, duplexers and receiver protectors. (3 hrs)

8. Detection of Radar Signals in Noise
Matched filter receiver, Correlation detection, Detection Criteria, Detector characteristics, Automatic Detection, CFAR (4hrs)

9. Radar Clutter
Introduction, surface clutter, Sea clutter, land clutter, detection of targets in clutter, effects of weather on Radar performance, detection of targets in precipitation, angel echoes. (4 hrs)

10. Other Radar Topics
Synthetic Aperture Radar, Air Surveillance, Electronic Counter Measures, bistatic radar millimeter waves. (3hrs)

11. Navigation
Radio direction finding, Genio meter, errors in direction findings, adcock direction finders, automatic direction finders, range and accuracy of direction finders. (2 hrs)

12. Radio Ranges
LF/MF Four course radio ranges, VOR, Recent developments, Hyperbolic systems of navigations, LORAN, LORAN- A, C, DECCA Navigation Systems, range and accuracy of DECCA (3 hrs)

13. DME and TACAN
Operation of DME, Airborne DME, DME Beacon, TACAN

14. Aids to Approach and Landing
ILS, Glide Slope systems, site effects in ILS,. Surveillance Radar, Precision approach radar
(3 hrs)

15. Doppler & Inertial Navigation

Beam configurations, components of Doppler navigation systems, accuracy of Doppler systems Principles of navigation, navigation over the earth, GYROS and Stabilized platforms, accuracy of inertial navigation systems, the omega system and satellite navigation Systems. (6 hrs)

Text Books:
I. Introduction to Radar Systems - N.I.Skolnik - McGH
2. Elements of Electronic Navigation - N.S.Nagraj - McGH

Reference Books:
1. Understanding Radar Systems - Siman Kingsley & Shavan quegan - McGH
2. Avionics Navigation Systems - Myron Kayton and Walter R. Fried - John wiley

Subject Code : EC7ELH4                                              Duration of Exam : 3 hrs
Subject Title: Optical Fiber Communication                  Max.Exam.Marks:100
Total contact hrs : 50                                                        Max.I.A. Marks : 25
(Note : Theory is common to EC Elective code EC7ELH4 & TE core code TE7T3)

1. Overview of Optical Fiber Communications
Optical Fibers : Graded-Index Fiber Structure, Fiber Materials, Fiber Fabrication, Mechanical Properties of Fibers, Fiber Optic Cables. (8 hrs)

2. Signal Degradation in Optical Fibers
Attenuation, Signal Distortion in Optical Waveguides, Pulse Broadening in Graded-Index Waveguides, Mode Coupling, Design Optimization of Single-Mode Fibers.(6hrs)

3. Fiber Optical Communication Components
Coupling components, transmitters, receivers, switches, repeaters, integrated optics, opto-mechanical switching, opto electronic integrated devices and opto- microwave integrated circuits.
(4 hrs)

4. Power Launching and Coupling
Source-to-Fiber Power launching, Lensing schemes for Coupling Improvement, Fiber-to-Fiber joints, LED Coupling to Single-Mode Fibers, Fiber Splicing, Optical Fiber Connectors. (6hrs)

5. Optical Receiver Operation
Fundamental Receiver Operation, Digital Receiver Performance Calculation
Preamplifier Types, Analog Receivers (6 hrs)

6. Analog Systems
Overview of Analog links, Carrier-to-Noise Ratio, Multichannel Transmission Techniques. (4 hrs)

7. Coherent Optical Fiber Communication
Definition and classification of Coherent Systems, Requirements on Semiconductor Lasers, Modulation techniques, Polarization control requirements. Link design, line codes for optical fiber links multiplexing, LAN, Sonet, SDH networks, ISDN, BISDN and high-speed networks & microwave technology applications of Light-wave systems. (10 hrs)

8. Advanced Systems and Techniques
Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM), Local Area Networks, Optical Amplifiers, Photonic Switching, Nonlinear Optical effects. Economics with fiber optic communication systems, fiber optic applications, application of integrated optics, limits of optical applications. (6 hrs)

Conduction of experiments using suitable Optical communication kits (Refer to Optical comm unication Lab content)

Note : The Course should be supported by a laboratory and the student is required to satisfy sessional requirement to be eligible to take theory exam.

Text Books:
1. Optical Fiber Communications - Gerd Keiser - McGH
2. Fiber Optic Communication - D.C.Agarwal - Wheeler

Reference Books:
1. Fiber Optic Systems - John Powers - McGH
2. Optical Communication System - John Gowar - PHI

Subject Title: Optical Communication Lab (6 hrs)

List of Experiments
1. Source characterization - Semiconductor laser/LED/ILD/He-Ne laser
2. Detector characterization
3. Coupling fibers to source/detectors to fibers - measurement of Numerical aperture,
          - measurement of coupling efficiency.
         - alignment of fibers
4. Determination of modes in single mode/multi mode fibers.
5. Bi-directional couplers, connectors
6. Wavelength division multiplexing

Subject Code : EC7ELI1
Subject Title : Operating System
Total contact hrs : 50
(Note: Common to EC & TE)

Duration of Exam :3 hrs
Max.I.A. Marks : 25

1. Introduction
Def'mitions, Simple Monitor, Off-line Operation Multiprogramming, Time Sharing, Distributed systems, Real-Time Systems (2 hrs)

2. Operating System Functions
What is an Operating System, Different Services of the Operating System, Use of system calls, the issue of portability, user's View ofthe operating system, The Macro Facility, Graphical user interface, The Kernal, Booting (4 hrs)

3. Information Management
Introduction, The File System, Device Driver, Terminal I/O (6 hrs)

4. Process Management
Introduction, What is a Process, Evolution of Multiprogramming, Context Switching, Process States, Process State Transitions, Process Control Block, Process Hierarchy, Operations on a process, Create a Process, Kill a Process, Dispatch a Process, Change the Priority of a Process, Block a Process, Dispatch a Process, Time Up a Process, Wake Up a Process, Suspend / Resume Operations, ,Multitasking. (10 hrs)

5. Inter-Process Communication
The Producer-Consumer Problems, Solutions (4hrs)

6. Deadlocks
Introduction, Graphical representation of a Deadlock, Deadlock Prerequisites, Deadlock Strategies. (2hrs)

7. Memory Management
Introduction, Single Contiguous Memory Management, Fixed Partitioned Memory Management, Variable Partitions, Non-Contiguous Allocation-General Concepts, Paging, segmentation, Combined Systems, Virtual Memory Management systems (10 hrs)

8. File Systems

File - System Organization, File operations, Access Methods, Consistency Semantics, Directory- Structure organization, File Protection, Implementation Issues. Protection-Goals of Protection, Access Matrix, Dynamic Protection Structures, Revocation, Language Based Protection, Protection Problems, Security, encryption (6 hrs)

9. Case Study
The Unix Operating System, History, Design Principles, Programmer Interface, user Interface, process Management, memory Management, File System, I/O Systems, Interprocess Communication. (6hrs)

Text Books:
I. Operating Ssytem - Achut S. Godbole - TMH- 3rd Edn-1998
2. Operation System Concepts - A Silberschatz 3 Peterson P. Galvin~3(d Edn
3. Operating System Concepts & Design by Milan Kovic - McGH- 2~ Edn.

Reference Books:
1. Operating Systems-Design and implementation - Andrew S Tannenbaum - PHI
2. An Introduction to Operating Systems - H.M.Dietel - Addison Wesley- 1980
3.Design of Unix operating system - Maurie 3.Bach - PHI.

Subject Code : EC7ELI2
Subject Title : Internet Engineering
Total contact hrs : 50
(Note: Common to EC & TE)

Duration of Exam : 3 hrs
Max.I.A. Marks : 25

1. Introduction
Growth of computer Networking, Complexity in Network Systems, Mastering the complexity, Concepts and Terminology (2 hrs)

2. Long -Distance Communication
Introduction, Sending signals across long distances, Modem Hardware used for modulation and demodulation, Leased analog data circuits, Optical, Radio Frequency and Dialup modems, Carrier Frequency and multiplexing, Baseband and broadband technologies, Wave length division multiplexing, Spread Spectrum, Time Division multiplexing.(6hrs)

3. Packets, Frames and Error Detection
Introduction, The concept of packets, Packets and Time-Division Multiplexing, Packets and Hardware Frames, Byte Stuffing, Transmission Errors, Parity Bits and Parity Checking, Probability, Mathematics and Error Detection,
Detecting Errors with checksums, Detecting Errors with Cyclic Redundancy Checks, Combining Building Blocks,Burst Errors, Frame Format and Error Detection Mechanisms (5 hrs)

4. LAN Technologies and Network Topology
Introduction, Direct Point-Point Communication, Shared Communication Channels, Significance of LANs and Locality of Reference, LAN Topologies, Example Bus Network: Ethernet, Carrier Sense on Multi-Access Networks, Collision Detection and Backoff with CSMA/CD wireless LANs and CS MA/CA, Example Bus Network: Local Talk, Example Ring Network: IBM Token Ring, Example Ring Network: FDDI, Example Star network : ATM (5 hrs)

5. LAN-Viring, Physical Topology and Interface Hardware

Introduction, Speeds of LANs and computers, Network Interface Hardware, The connection Between A NIC and a network, Original Thick Ethernet wiring, Connection Multiplexing, Thin Ethernet Wiring, Twisted Pair Ethernet, Advantages and Disadvantages of wiring schemes, The Topology Pardox. Network interface Cards and wiring schemes, Wiring Schemes and other Network Technologies (5 hrs)

6. Protocols and Layering
Introduction, The Need for Protocols, Protocol Suites, A Plan For Protocol Design, The Seven Layers, Stacks: Layered Software, How Layered Software Works, Multiple, Nested Headers, The Scientific Basis for Layering, Techniques Protocols Use, The Art of Protocol Design.(4 hrs)

7. Internetworking: Concepts, Architecture and Protocols
Introduction, The Motivation for Internetworking, The concepts of Universal service, Universal Service in a Heterogeneous World, Internetworking, Physical Network connection with Routers, Internet Architecture, Achieving Universal Service, A Virtual Network, Protocols for Internetworking, Significance of Internetworking and TCP/IP,Layering and TCP/IP Protocols, Host Computers, Routers and Protocol Layers. (5 hrs)

8. IP: Internet Protocol Addresses
Introduction, Addresses for the Virtual Internet, The IP Addressing Scheme, The IP Addressing Hierarchy, Classes of IP Addresses, Computing the class of an address, Dotted Decimal Notation, Division of the Address Space, Authority for addresses, An addressing Example, Special IP Addresses, Summary of Special IP addresses, The Berkeley
Broadcast Address Form, Routers and the IP addressing Principle, Multi-Homed Hosts

9. An Error Reporting Mechanism (ICMP)

Introduction, Best-Effort Sematics and Error Detection, Internet Control Message protocol, ICMP Message Transport, Using ICMP Messaegs to test Reachability, using ICMP to Trace a Route, Using ICMP for path MTU Discovery.(3 hrs)

10. TCP: Reliable Transport Service

Introduction, The Need for Reliable Transport, The Transmission Control Protocol, The Service TCP Provides to Applications, End-to-End service and Datagrams, Achieving Reliability, Packet Loss and Retransmission, Adaptive Retransmission, Comparison of Retransmission Times, Buffers, Flow Control and Windows, Three-way Handshake, Congestion Control, TCP Segment Format. (4 hrs)

11. Client-Server Interaction
Introduction, the functionality Application software provides, the functionality an Internet provides, Making Contact, The client-server paradigm, Characteristics of clients and services, Server programs and server-class computers, requests, Responses and direction of Data Flow, Transport Protocols and Client Server Interaction, Multiple services on one computer, identifying a particular service, Multiple copies of a Server for a single service. Dynamic Server Creation, Transport protocols and Unambiguous communication, Connection-oriented and connectionless transport. A service Reachable through Multiple protocols, Complex Client-Server Interactions. Interactions and Circular Dependencies. (6 hrs)

Text Book:
1. Computer networks and Internets - D.E.Comer - Pearson-2nd Edn.

Reference Books:
1. Internet and Intranet Engineering - D.Minoli - TMH
2. The complete reference Internet - N.L.Young - TMH.

Subject Code: EC7ELI3
Subject Title : Cryptography And Computer Security
Total contact hrs: 50
(Note: Common to EC & TE)

Duration of Exam : 3 hrs
Max.Exam.Marks :100
Max.I.A. Marks : 25

1. Mathematical Preliminaries:

Number Theory - Divisibility and Euclidean criterion, congruence, Fermat's little theorem, Euler's generalization, Euler's totient function, modular exponentiation, applications to factoring, Chinese remainder theorem, quadratic residues, Legendre symbol, Jacobi Symblo, law of quadratic reciprocity, square roots modulo a prime.(12 hrs)

2. Finite Fields
Review of linear algebra, existence of finite fields with prime power number of elements, bases, representation of finite fields, normal bases, optimal normal bases and its construction, algorithms for the computations in finite fields.(6 hrs)

3. Information Theory
Entropy and Equivocation, perfect secrecy, unicity distance. (4 hrs)

4. Cryptography
Basic notions, private key cryptography - Transposition ciphers, substitution cipher, polyalphabetic substitution ciphers, one-time pad, product ciphers, Data Encryption Standard (DES), Stream Ciphers, linear feedback mode, auto-key ciphers, cipher feedback, block ciphers, combining block ciphers, one-way has functions. (12 hrs)

5. Public key cryptography
The idea of public key cryptography, RSA, Discrete log, Knapsack, digital signature, key exchange, authentication protocols, secret sharing, key management protocols. (6 hrs)

6. Elliptic curve Cryptosystem
Elliptic curves - Definition, group law, Elliptic curve defined over a finite field, group structure, Hasse's theorem, Discrete log problem, Diffie-Helman key exchange, Massey- Omura and El Gamal public key cryptosystems.(10 hrs)

Text Books:
1. Acourse in Number Theory and Cryptography - N. Koblitz.- Springer-Verlag
2. Elliptic Curve Public Key Cryptosystems- A. Menezes - Kluwer Academic-1 993.

Further Reading:
1. Contemporary Cryptology : The Science of Information Integrity - G. Simmons (Ed)-IEEE-1991.
2. Cryptography and data Security - D.E. Denning - Addison Wesley-I 982.
Discrete-Time Signals,
(i) Continuous-Time MRA interpretation for DTWT,
(ii) Discrete-Time MRA,
(iii) Basis
Functions for the DTWT, Miscellaneous issues related to PRQMF Filter Banks, Generating Scaling Functions and Wavelets from Filter Coefficients. (10 hrs)

4. Alternative Wavelet Representations
Introduction, Biorthogonal Wavelet Bases, Filtering Relationship for Biorthogonal Filters, Examples of Biorthogonal Scaling Functions and Wavelets, Two-Dimensional Wavelets, Nonseparable Multidimensional Wavelets, Wavelet packets. (6 hrs)

5. Wavelet Transform and Data Compression
Introduction, Transform coding, DTWT for Image Compression, (i) Image Compression using DTWT and Run-Length Encoding, (ii) Embedded Tree Image Coding, (iii) Comparison with JPEG, Audio Compression. (I) Audio Masking,
(ii) Standards Specifying Subband Implementation: ISO/MPEG Coding for Audio, (iii) Wavelet-Based Audio Coding,
Video Coding Using Multiresolution Techniques: A Brief Introduction. (10 hrs)

6. Other Applications of Wavelet Transforms
Introduction, Wavelet Denoising, Speckle Removal, Edge Detection and Object Isolation, Image Fusion, Object Detection by Wavelet Transforms of Projrctions, Communication Applications, (i) Scaling Functions as Signaling
Pulses, (ii) Discrete Wavelet Multitone Modulation. (7hrs)

Text Book:
1. Wavelet Transforms - Introduction to Theory & Applications, Raguhuveer M.Rao & Ajit S. Bopadikar - Addison Wesley-1 998

Reference Book:
1. Wavelets and Filter Banks, Gilbert Stang & Truong Nguyen-Wellesly -1996

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