


Lecture 4 Hrs/Week                 I.A. Marks 25
Max. Marks:100                       Exam :3 Hrs

1. Introduction:

Units, definitions, Basic modes of Heat transfer, Thermal conductivity for various types of materials, convection heat transfer co-efficient Stefan Boltzman's law of Thermal radiation, Boundary conditions of three kinds. 2 Hrs


Three dimensional general heat conduction equation in Cartesian co-ordinates. One
dimensional, steady state heat conduction without heat generation through plane slabs, Cylinders and spheres. Concept of thermal resistance, Electrical analogy. Heat transfer through composite slabs cylinders and spheres, contact resistance. Combined conduction and convection, overall heat transfer co-efficient. Variable thermal conductivity, conduction shape factor. Critical thickness of insulation for cylinder and sphere, steady state heat conduction through fins of uniform cross section, fin effectiveness and fin efficiency. 12Hrs

3. Unsteady state conduction :

Transient conduction in solids with negligible internal temperature gradients (damped parameter), Biot number and Fourier number. Analytical solution of one-dimensional transient conduction in a slab subjected to connective boundary condition. Use of transient temperature circuits for slabs, cylinders and spheres.4 Hrs

4. Convection:

Flow over a body, velocity and thermal boundary layers, drag-co-efficient and heat transfer co-efficient. Flow inside a duct; hydrodynamics & thermal entry lengths; flilly developed & developing flow. Buckingharn ~ Theorem, free and forced convection, Dimensionless number in convection & their physical significance.Use of various co-relations in forced convection heat transfer, flow over a flat plate, flo~ across a single cylinder & tube bundles. Flow through circular & non-circular ducts. Free convection heat transfer from vertical surface and vertical cylinder, horizontal surface and horizontal cylinders. 9 Hrs

5. Heat Exchangers :

Types, flow arrangements, fouling factor, LMTD for parallel flow and counter flow heat exchangers. Effectiveness, NTU method, expression for effectiveness of a parallel flow and counter flow heat exchangers. 6 Hrs

6, Boiling and Condensation :

Different regimes of boiling, mechanism of condensation, Nusselts theory of film, condensation on a vertical surface, use of correlations in solving film wise condensation on plane surfaces, horizontal tubes and tube banks. 6 Hrs

7. Radiation :

Definitions, concept of a black body, Kirchoff's law, Lambert's Cosine Law, Stefan-Boltzman's law, Plank's distribution law, Wein's displacement law, configuration
heat exchange between two parallel plates, radiation shielding, radiation heat exchaiig
7 Hrs

Mass Transfer :

Fick's law of diffusion, Mass transfer co-efficient, Evaporation Schmidt no., Sherwood no. 4 Hrs

Text Books:
Heat Transfer by 3. P. Ho Iman, McGraw Hill, New York
Heat Transfer by M. N. Ozisik, McGraw Hill, 1985
Heat and Mass Transfer, R.C. Sachdev, New Age International, 1977
Heat Transfer by Karlekar and Desmond, Prentice & Hall.

Reference Books
A Text book on Heat Transfer by Sukhatme S.P., Orient Longmon
Heat & Mass Transfer by R. Yadav, Central Publications.
Heat & Mass Transfer by D.S. Kumar, S.K. kataria & Sons, New Delhi
Heat & Mass Transfer by Domkundwar, Dhanpath Rai & Sons Publication.
Heat & Mass Transfer, C.P. Kothandaraman, New Age International Pubhshers 1995.
Heat & Mass Transfer, data hand book by C.P. Kothandaraman and Subramanya,Wiley Eastern Ltd.

                                          ME 6T2 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN-II


Lecture : 4 Hrs/Week           I.A.Marks:25
Exam : 3 Hrs                           Exam Marks:100

Note: Use of design data hand book is permitted

Design of Curved Beams.

Stresses in curved beam of standard cross sections used in crane hook, punching presses & clamp' closed rings and links.         4Hrs

2. Design of Springs :

Types of springs - stresses in Coil springs of circular and non circular cros. sections. Tension and compression springs, Fluctuating load -~ critical frequency. Concentric springs Leaf Springs : Stresses in Leaf springs. Equalized Stresses - Energy stored in Springs. Torsion Bellevile and Rubber springs.   l0Hrs

3. Design of Clutches and Brakes :

Types of Clutches and Brakes. Materials for Brakes and clutches. Design of Plate Clutches, Cone clutch and centrifugal clutches, Design of Block Brakes, Band brakes, self locking brakes, self energizing brakes, Internal expanding brakes, external contracting breaks. Heating of brakes.  l0Hrs

4. Design of Gears Introduction. Spur Gear :

Stresses in Gear tooth - Lewis equation and form factor -Dynamic and wear load. 6Hrs

5. Helical, Bevel and Worm Gear:

Strength design - limiting endurance and wear load - dynamic load -efficiency of worm gears.  5Hrs

6. Lubrication and Bearings :

Mechanisms of Lubrication - Viscosity, bearing modulus, coefficient of friction, minimum oil film thickness-Heat Generated, Heat dissipated, bearing materials, lubricants and properties. Examples ofjournal bearing and thrust bearing design.  l0Hrs

7. Ball and Roller Bearings :

Bearing life, equivalent bearing load, selection of bearings of different types. 2Hrs

Design Data Hand Books:
I. Design Data hand Book - Dr. K. Lingaiah. Vol-I & II, Suma Publications, Bangalore
2. Design Data Hand Book by K. Mahadevan and Balaveera Reddy, CBS Publication
3. Machine Design Data Hand Book by Prof H.G. Patil, Shri Shashi Prakashan, Belgaum

Text Books:
I. Mechanical Engg. Design by Joseph Edward Shigley, Mc Graw Hill Intl Edition, 1986 or latest
2. Machine Design by V.L. Maleev and 3.B. Hartman, CBS Publishers & Distribution, Delhi, 1983 or latest.

Reference Books:
1. Design of Machine Elements by M. F. Spotts, PHI Pvt. Ltd., Delhi
1. Machine Design by Paul H-Black, D.E Adams, Mc Graw Hill Co.
2. Design of Machine Elements by V. B. Bhandari, Tata Mc Graw Hill Co.
3. Theory and Problems of Machine Design by Hall Holowenko, LauhIm (Schaum series)
4. Machine Design and Integrated Approach by Robert L. Norton, Prentice Hall Intl.


Lecture : 4 Hrs/Week
LA. Marks : 25
Exam : 3 Hrs

Max. Marks:100

1. Brief history of management movement - contribution by pioneers. F.W. Taylor, Henry Fayol and F.W. Gilbreth Function of management.  4 Hours

2. Organisation : Principles of organisation, types of organisation. Developments in organisation - system approach to organisation, management of change, management of conflict, MBO, Management by Exception. 8 Hours

3. Industrial Ownership - Types of ownership, Methods of raising capital, Incorporation of joint stock company. 3 Hours

4. Personnel Management :Functions of personnel management, recruitrnent, selection and training wages and salary administration, incentive wages payment. 8 Hours

5. Industrial Psychology and Human relations.Motivation : Theories of human motivation, Maslows' hierarchy qf needs, group dynamics, Theory x and y, Hawthorne expt. Communications - formal and informal communication -
participation in management 8 Hours

6. Industrial Relations : Trade Union movement in India, Machinery for settlement of disputes handling of individual grievances, work of ILO. 3 Hours

7. Factory legislation in India: important provisions of Factories Act, payment of Wages Act, Women's Compensation Act, ESI Act 2 Hours

8. Industrial Safety : Safety devices, duties of a safety engineer, tracking and prevention of accidents occupational hazards and diseases. 4 Hours

9. Financial Management, basic concepts in accounting, profit & loss account and balance sheet. to numerical problems) 3 Hours

10. Cost accounting: Need for cost accounting, elements of product cost and overhead allocation standard costmg. 3 Hours

11. Budget, budgeting and budgetary control: Definition of budget, principles of budgetary control, development of a production budget.   3 Hours

12. Functions of sales Management:
Market research, sales promotion and distribution


Text Books:
1. Industrial Management by Earest Dale, McGraw Hill PubI.
2. Industrial Engineering & Mana.gement A New Perspective - Hicks, Mc Graw Hill Pub.

1. Principles of Management by Koontz and O'Donnel TMH
2. Modern Production Management by Buffa, Prentice Hall
3. Personnel Administration by Pogors & Mayers, McGraw Hill
4. Management of Organisa~nal Behaviour by Hersey & Flanchard, 1981 - Prentice Hall.
5. The Human Side of Enterprise by Mc George Douglas, McGraw Hill
6. New Patterns of Manag~ent by Ren is tickert.
7. Financial Management Th~ory & Practice, Prasanna Chandra, IIM, Bangalore, Tata McGraw Hill Publication


Lecture : 3 Hrs/Week         IA. Marks : 25
Exam : 3 Hrs                       Max. Marks :100

1. A Tutorial on Machines and tools used in the machine shop. Detailed study of milling, shaping, grinding machines. 1 Class
2. Grinding : One model in grinding, demonstration of cylindrical grinding, cutter and tool grinder.I Class
3. Milling :Three models involving milling operations such as production of flat surfaces, cutting key ways, indexing and gear cutting - spur and helical gears  5 Classes
4. Shaping :Two models involving the shaping operation such as production of flat surfaces, cutting dove tails, V and rectangular g:r~ves. S Classes

Scheme of class work:

Models should be designed consisting of assembly of components made from any of the above operations.

Scheme of exam:

Preparation of toodels (1 or 2) involving above operation

1. Shaping, Surface grinding , milling keyways              40Marks
2.Gear cutting                                                        40 marks

Viva - Voce                                                            20 Marks


                                                 Total                                       100 Marks



Lecture : 3 Hrs/Week
Exam : 3 Hrs

I.A. Marks: 25         Max. Marks:l00

The students are required to carry out 10 experiments from the following list. -
1. Determination of Thermal conductivity of a Metal Rod, Insulating Material and Liquid.
2. Determination of Thermal Conductivity of a Composite Wall.
3. Determination of Effectiveness of a fin
4. Determination of Free and Forced Heat Transfer co-efficient.
5. Determination of Emissivity of a Surface.
6. Determination of Stefan- Boltzman's Constant.
7. Experiments on Boiling and Combustion.
8. Electrical Analogy for Conduction Heat Transfer.
9. Performance test on a Vapour Compression Refrigeration Unit.
10 Performance test on a Vapour Compression Air-conditioning Unit.
11. Parallel flow & Counter Flow Heat Exchangers. Determination of LMTD and      Effectiveness.

I. A course in Heat and Mass Transfer by S. Domkundawar, Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
2. Engineering Heat Transfer by C.P. Gupta & Rajendra Prakash, New Chand & Bros. Roorkee.

Scheme of examination:
Student is required to conduct 2 experiments 40 marks each

2x40= 80 marks

Viva-voce = 20 marks

Total = 100 marks

                         SUBJECT CODE: MX6DI
                 (Common to IPEIIEM/MNF/MECH.)

Lecture: 4 hrs/week     Exam :3hrs

IA Marks : 25                Max. Marks:100

Introduction to Composite Materials : Definition - Classification and characteristics of composite materials - fibrous composites, laminated composites, particulate composites.

Fiber Reinforced Plastics (FRP's) Processing -
lay up and curing, fabricating process - open and closed mould processes - hand lay up techniques - structural laminate bag moulding, production procedures for bag moulding - filament winding, pultrusion, pulforming, thermo forming, injection, injection moulding, liquid injection moulding, blow moulding.12 Hrs

Cutting, machining and joining of composites -
cutting, machining, drilling, mechanical fastening and adhesive bonding, joining, design and manufacturing, tooling, fabrication equipments.4 Hrs

Application & Developments :

Aircraft, Missiles, space hardware, Automobile, Electrical and Electronics, Marine, recreational and Sports Equipment's, Future potential of composites. 2Hrs

Metal Matrix Composites (MMC's)

Reinforcement materials :

Types, characteristics and selection. Base metals selection
Need for producing MMC's & its applications. 10Hrs

Fabrication process for MMC's :

Powder metallurgy technique, liquid metallurgy,
techniques & secondary processing. Special fabrication techniques. 8Hrs

Study of properties of MMC's :

Physical, mechanical, wear, machinability and other properties. Effect of size, shape and distribution of particulates on properties. 6Hrs
Introduction to shape memory alloys and ceramics. 2Hrs

Reference Books:
1 "Composite Materials handbook", Meing Schwaitz, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1984.
2."Mechanics of Composite Materials", Robert M. Jones, McGraw Hill Kogakusha Ltd.
3.Cast Metal Matrix Composites. P.K. Rohatgi, ASM Metals, Hand book V15, 1989, P840
4.Forming Metals Handbook, 9th edition, ASM handbook, V15, 1988, P327-338
5.An Introduction to Composite Materials - Hull, Derek Cambridge.


Lecture: 4hrs/Week         IA. Marks: 25
Exam:3 hrs                         Max. Marks: 100

Introduction to automation, Flexible and Rigid automation.
Organisation and Information processing in manufacturing, Product ion concepts and Mathematical models,Automation strategies. 5 hrs

The Design process, Creating Manufacturing Data Base, Benefits of CAD Hardware for CAD,Function of a graphics package, Constructing the geometry, Wire frame models, Surface model and solid models. Mechanical application like Kinematics, Thermal analysis etc. 10Hrs

Types of NC system, MCU and other components of an NC system Machine tool and other application,CNC, DNC, Adaptive control. 5 hrs


Manual part programming, computer assisted part programming, APT language. Part programming using CAD/CAM , DNC, CNC and adaptive 10 hrs


Robot anatomy, accuracy and repeatability end effectors, sensors in robotics, Type of programming, lead through programming. Simulation and off line programming, work cell control, Robot applications 10Hrs


Automated materials handling, Automated storage systems Group technology and Flexible Manufacturing System. Automated identification system, Bar code Technology, Computer network for manufacture Manufacturing automation protocol. 10 hrs

Text Books:
1. Zimmer and Groover, CAD/CAM, PHI
2. CAD/CAM/ - Zedi, Mc Graw Hill.

1. Automation, Production system and CIM, Groover, PHI
2. Principals of Computer Aided Design, Roney and Steadman


                      ME603 MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS (ELECTIVE)

Lecture : 4 Hrs/Week      I.A. Marks: 25
Exam:3 Hrs                         Max. Marks:100

1. Introduction, types of vibrations, S.H.M., addition of S.H.Ms., beats, Fourier theorem and simple problems.4 hours

Undamped free vibrations- Single degree of freedom Systems. Introduction, undamped free vibration-natural frequency of free vibration, stiffness spring elements, effect of mass of spring. 6 hours

3. Damped free vibrations: Single degree freedom Systems, different types of damping, concept of critical damping and its importance, study of response of viscous damped systems for cases of under damping, critical and over damping, Logarithmic decrement. 4Hrs

Forced Vibration :
Single degree freedom Systems, steady state solution with viscous damping due to harmonic force, Solution by complex algebra. Concept of response, Reciprocating and rotating unbalance, vibration isolation transmissibility ratio. Energy dissipated by damping, sharpness of resonance, base excitation.Vibration measuring instruments-accelerometer and vibrometers. Whirling of shafts with and without air damping. Discussion of speeds above and below critical speeds. 10Hrs

4. Systems with two degrees of freedom; Introduction, principle modes & Normal modes of vibration, co-ordinate coupling, generalized and principle co-ordinates, Free vibration in terms of initial conditions.Geared systems.
Forced Oscillations- Harmonic excitation.
(a) Vehicle suspension.
(b) Dynamic vibration absorber
(c) Dynamic of Reciprocating Engines. 8 hours

5. Continuous systems:
Introduction, vibration of string, longitudinal vibration of rods, torsional vibration of rods, Euler equation for beams, simple problems. 6hours

6. Numerical methods for Multi degree Freedom systems: Introduction, influence coefficients, Max-well's reciprocal theorem, Dunkerley's equation. Orthogonality of principle modes, Method of matrix iteration-Method of determination of all the natural frequencies using sweeping matrix and orthogonality principle. Holzer's method, Geared and branched Systems, Rayleigh's method, Rayleigh Ritz method for beam vibrations, Stodola method. 10hours

Text Books:
I. Mechanical Vibration by Grover, TMH Publisher
2. Vibration Theory & Applications by William Thomson, George allan &Unwin, Ltd, London.
3. Mechanical vibrations - William Seto, Schaum's Outline Series. -

I. Vibrations, Tse, Morse & Hincle, PHI
2. Mechanical Vibrations, Den Hertong, McGraw Hill
3. Vibration Problems in Engineering, Timoshenko, East West Press Ltd.
4. Vibration & noise for Engineering, Kewal Pujar and R.S. Pujara, Dhanpath Rai & Sons
5. Mechanical Vibration, Church
6. Theory & Practice of Mechanical VibratioN, IS. Rao & k. Gupta, New Age Intl.
7. Mechanical Vibration, P. Srinivasan, TMH








Hour/week: 4        I.A.Marks:25

1. Introduction:

What is designing ,Man as a designer: Design by evolution, Inadequacies of traditional design method : System approach of engineering problems: Need models : design history of large scale existing system.   02 hr

2. Morphology of design :

The three phases of design projects , The structure of design process, decision making and iteration.03Hrs

3.Identification and analysis of need:

Preliminary need statement, analysis of need ,specifications ,standards of performance and constrains. 3Hrs

4. Origination of design concept :

Process of idealization ,mental fixity, some design methods like morphological analysis, AIDA, brain storming etc., 6Hrs

5.Preliminary design:

Mathematical modelling for flinctional design: concept of Sensitivity, compatibility and stability analysis.06 hrs

6. Reliability considerations in design:

Bath Tub curve, exponential reliability flinction, system reliability ftinction , system reliability concept (without numerical calculations). 10Hrs

7. Evaluation of alternatives and design decisions:

Physical reliability. 4Hrs

8. Design Tree:

Quality of Design, Concept of utility, multi criteria decisions, decisions under uncertainty and risk, Economics in Engineering Design, Fixed and variable costs, break-even analysis.12 hrs

9. Man-machine inter action:
Designing for use and maintenance , Design of displays and controls.04 hrs

Text Books:
1. An introduction to engineering design method, by V.Gupta and P.N.Murthy,Tata Mc Graw Hill.
2. Introduction of Engineering Design by T. Woodson,McGraw Hill.

Reference Books:
I Design & Planning of Engineering systems by D.D.Meredith, K.W.Wong,R.W.Woodhead & K.K.Worthman.
2.Introduction to Design by M.A.Asimov-Prentice Hall.
3.Design Methods - Seeds of Human Futures-Wiley Inter Science,1970.
4.Man-Machine Engineering by A.Chaporms,Wadsworth,Travistock 1965.

                         (COMMON TOMECH. & IEM)
                             SUBJECT CODE : MX6E2

Lecture: 4 hrs/Week             Exam: 3 Hrs.
I.A. Marks: 25                           Max. Marks: 100

1. Introduction to maintenance system.

Definition, Scope, Objective, Function and Importance of maintenance system, Types of maintenance system, Break down maintenance system, Preventive maintenance, Predictive maintenance, design out maintenance, Corrective maintenance, Planned maintenance, Total Productive maintenance, condition monitoring. 10Hrs

2. Economiocs in maintenance.
Repair, replacement, Repair complexity, optimal preventive maintenance frequency. 6Hrs

3. Maintenance of machinery:

Causes of machine failure, performance evaluation, complete overhauling of Lathes, Drilling machines, Millings machines, Shapers, Planers, Boring Machines and Grinding machines. 10Hrs

4. Maintenance planning and scheduling, Repair order control manpower requirement, Maintenance job analysis spare parts control. 04Hrs

5. Computers in maintenance management: File, Data Bank, storage of data such as break downs, spare parts, drawing of M/c parts, lubricating parts.

6. Industrial safety:
Economic importance of accidents, Types of safety organizations, Analysis of accident records, accident investigations, Analysis of accidents, Safety standards for - Mechanical equipment, Electrical equipment and systems - Chemical hazards, material handling, exhaust systems, welding, Plant house keeping-building, Aisles passages, floors, toolcribs, washrooms, canteens. 12Hrs

7 Fire prevention and protection - Conditions favoring fire break down, prevention of firing, methods, fire protection - classification of fires, fire extinguishing systems, fire alarms, fire fighting equipment. 04Hrs

8. Industrial pollution control:
Dust Control - Fibre dust collectors, mechanical dust collectors, wet type collectors, electro static precipitators. Noise pollution Control - Noise measurement and control.
Industrial vibration and its control. 04Hrs

Reference Books:
I. Hand book of maintenance management, Frank Herbaty
2. Plant Engineering hand book, Staniar
3. Hand book of industrial Engg. & Management, Ireson & Grant, PHI
4. Industrial Pollution control hand book, "LUND"
5. Maintenance Engg. Hand book, Morrow
6. Industrial maintenance, H.P. Garg.


Lecture : 4 Hrs/Week            I.A. Marks : 25
Exam: 3 Hrs                          Max. Marks:100

1. Introduction :

Definition, comparison between turbomachine and positive displacement machines, application of I and II law of thermodynamics to Turbomachines, Efficiencies of turbo machines. Dimensional analysis as applied to turbo machines, performance haracteristics, flow coefficient, speed ratio, power coefficient, specific speed. 8Hrs

2. Energy Transfer in Turbo-machines :

The Euler turbine equation, Fluid energy changes, impulse and reaction turbines, utilization factor for different types of turbines, degree of reaction, conditions for maximum utilization factor for impulse and reaction stages. Velocity triangles for centrifugal and axial compressor stages. 8Hrs

3. Steam and Gas Turbines :Steam nozzles, critical pressure ratio, mass flow formula, effect of back pressure, nozzle friction, super saturated flow. Impulse staging velocity and pressure compounding effects of blade and nozzle losses, reaction staging, Reheat Factor in turbines, Radial equilibrium, General vortex types of flow, flow with constant nozzle angle, Design: free vortex flow designs for axial flow gas turbines. Velocity triangles, Estimation of stage performance

4. Governing of steam and gas turbines, blade cooling. 4Hrs

5. Rotary Fans, Blowers and compressors: Introduction; centrifugal type, vane shape, size and speed of blowers, vane speed and its effects on efficiency and performance characteristics, Actual performance characteristics, surging and stalling in blowers and compressors. Slip coefficient. Fan laws and characteristics, centrifugal compressor and diffuser design. The Axial flow compressor, compressor cascade performance. Axial flow compressor performance. 14 Hrs

Text Book
1. An Introduction to Energy Conversion - Vol III, Turbomachinery, Kadambi & Prasad Wiley Easten
2. Principles of Turbomachinery by Shepard, Mc Millan Co.

1. Turbomachines : Guide to Design, selection & theory - by O.E. Baije, John wiley & sons.
2. Gas Turbine Theory - Cohen Rogers & Saravana Mutto - ELBS second edn.
3. Gas Turbines, Theory, Design and Application by Kjuria and Dubey, Dhanpat Rai Co.
4. Steam Trubines, W.J. Kearton, ELBS
5. Turbines, Compressors and Fans, (S.I. Units) Yahya, TMH Series.

                             ME 6F1 FINITE ELEMENT METHODS (ELECTIVE)

Lecture : 4 Hrs/Week       I.A. Marks 25
Exam: 3 Hrs                        Max. Marks:l00

1. Introduction - Matrix Algebra, Determinants, Matrices - Matrix Notation, Banded matrix, Matrix Inversions, Methods of Solutions. 5Hrs

2. Principles of continuum Method, steps involved in Continuum Method Principles of Finite Elements method, Steps involved in Finite Element Method with examples, comparison of F.E.M. with Continuum Method. 9Hrs

3. Basic equation of Elasticity, variational methods, variational principles, applied to solid mechanics application to F.E.M. 10Hrs

4. Basics of Displacement method (Stiffness Method)

a) Element Displacement Models, Nodal Degrees of freedom Co-ordinate system, convergence Requirements, Shape Function (Interpolation Function), Isoparametric Elements, Element Stiffness and Load Matrices, Element Strain and Stress.
b) Assembly of Elements, Assembly of Elements by direct Stiffness Method, Solution of the Overall problem.l4hrs

5. Analysis of Simple bar, Space frame Trusses, Beam (Uniform), Plates, Triangular and Rectangular Plate elements.12Hrs

Text books:
1. Introduction to the Finite Element Method by G.S. Desai and 3.F. Abel, EWP
2. Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis By R.D.Cook.
3. Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering by T. R. Chandrupatla, A. D. Belagundu, PHI Pvt.
Ltd. New Delhi.
4. Finite Element Method by C. S. Krishnamurhty, TMH.

1. Finite Element in Engg. Science By O.C. Ziekiewicz, TMH
2. Finite element Analysis by C. S. Krishna Murhty, Mc Graw Hill Co.






Lecture 4 Hrs/ Week        Exam : 3 Hrs.
I.A. Marks : 25                     Exam Marks:100

1. Basic Concepts

Attitude, mind, thought, belief, faith, truth, world, time, conscious and sub-conscious mind, action, activity, desire, value, principle, paradigm, leader and manager, needs, emotion, interpretation, joy, happiness, pain, fulfillment, vision, mission, dream, self-confidence, self-esteem, meaning life, attachment, transcendence, integrity, character, complete person. 8Hrs

2. Training the mind

Broad spectrum thinking, structured thinking, requested thinking, haphazard thinking, late thinking, radiant thinking

Memory training :
Myths of memory, what is memory ? working of the human memory, d source, senses, observation, association and recall, memory systems, exercising memo introduction to mind maps.
Creativity Creative imagination, left brain and right brain thinking, limitations of logical thinking, imagination vs will, power of association, strategy to enhance creativity. Developing IQ and EQ.The importance of developing EQ.hrs

3. Communication

Verbal and Non-verbal communication, importance of communication in daily life,self confidence and communication, comfort zone, the communication process, TRIM-model communication, preparing a talk, presentation skills, exploring a few famous speeches. Introduction to transactional analysis, egostates, transactions, script, stroking, intra a. interpersonal communication. hrs

4. Human Relations

Art of handling people, empathy and sympathy, hearing and listening, basic and leadership skill qualities of a leader, leading a team, synergy definition and its effects. 8Hrs

5. Stress Management and Emotion Culturing

Tension, stress, worry, attitudinal and relationship oriented tensions, anxiety, fear. Methods handle stress, behavioral, Ontological, meditation, yoga, cognitive, transactional analysis, ego management, brain storming, converting problems to challenges. 10Hrs

Text Books:
I. Awaken the Giant within - Anthony Robb ins, Fireside Simon and Schuster. (Chapter 1)
2. Use your memory - Tony Buzan - BBC Books, (Chapter 2)
3. How to develop Self Confidence and Influence Men through Public Speaking, Dale Carnegi Tarapore, (Chapter 3)
4. How to win friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie, Tarapore, (Chapter 4)
5. New Perspectives in Stress Management, Nagendra H.R., V.K. Y. Pub, Bangalore, (Chapter 5)
6. How to stop worrying and start living - Dale Carnegie, Vale & Sons (Chapter 5)

I. Personality Development, Leon Rappoport, Scott, Foresman & Co., London, 1992
2. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey, Simon and Schunter
3. Applied Imagination - Alex F. Osborn. St. Paul Publications
4. Your creative power - Alex F. Osbom - Better yourself books
5. The Hardy Executive, Health Under Stress, Salvatorer & Suzannec Kobasa, Tow; Oven, Illinais, 1984

Note: The objective of the course is to develop the personality of the students and hence, continuous training and assessment of students is recommended. Suggested tests are Memory-Audio, Visua Audio-visual; IQ-Test, Personality Test-16 PF etc.





Lecture : 4 Hrs /Week          Exam : 3 Hrs.
I.A. Marks : 25                         Exam Marks:I00

1. Manufacturing Competitiveness - Review , Product & Services, Process & Methodologies, Performance, the need for change, Sequential versus Concurrent Egg. 6Hrs

2. Process Reengineering - Managing change, Reengineering approaches, Enterprise models, Concurrent process reengineering. 8Hrs

3. Concurrent Engineering - Introduction, Basic principles, components of CE models, Benefits, Co-operative concurrent teams, Types of CE organization. 10Hrs

4. System Engineering - Introduction, System Thinking, System Complexity, System Integration, Agile Virtual Company.10Hrs

5. Information Modeling - Methodology, Foundation of information modeling,Concurrent engineering process invariant, Enterprise model class, product mode class process model class, cognitive models. 10Hrs

6. CE Matrices for IT-Based Manufacturing - Process efficiency matrices, Process effectiveness matrices. 6Hrs

Text Books:
1. Prasad B, 'Concurrent Engineering Fundamentals' - Integrated Product & Process organization Vol.1 &
2, Printice Hall Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 1996.

1.Hartley R John, 'Concurrent Engineering - shortening lead times, raising quality & lowering costs,
Productivity press, Portland, Oregon 1992
2. Carter DE & Baker BS, 'Concurrent Engineering' - The product development environment for the
1990's. Addison - Wesley Publishing company, Reading, MA 1992.


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