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Hours per week :4                                   I.A Marks: 25
Total Lecture Hours: 48                           Exam Marks: 100

1. NUMERICAL ALGORITHMS                                   12 Hrs

Approximations and Errors - Significant Figures, Accuracy and Precision, Round Off and Truncation Errors. Algorithms to Compute Roots of Equations - Bisection Method, Newton Raphson Method, Method of False Position. Algorithms to Solve Linear Algebraic Equations - Gauss Elimination, Gauss Jordan, Gauss Seidel, LU Decomposition. Algorithms to Solve Ordinary Differential Equations - Euler Method and Modifications, Runge Kutta II and IV Order Methods.


Periodic Functions - Elle's Formula, Fourier Series of Even and Odd Functions, Fourier Series of Functions of Arbitrary Period, Half Range Expansion, Practical Harmonics. Definition of Fourier Transform, Cosine and Sine Transforms, Inverse Transforms, Convolution, Applications of Fourier Transforms.

3. PROBABILITY                                       9 Hrs

Axioms and Models, Conditional Probability, Baye's Rule - Examples. Random Variables - Simple Examples, Discrete and Continuous Random Variables, Jointly Distributed Random Variables, Distributions of Random Variables - Examples. Expectation - Moments. Conditional Distributions and Conditional Expectations. Stochastic Process - Bernoulli and Poisson Process.

4. STATISTICAL INFERENCE                             9 Hrs

Random Sampling, Sampling Distributions, Parameter Estimation and Hypothesis Testing, Regression, Correlation and Analysis of variance.

5. MARKOV CHAINS                           6 Hrs

Continous Parameter and Discrete Parameter Markov Chains. Concept of a Queue, The M/G/I and M/M/I Queuing Systems, Simple Analysis - Examples.

Text Books:
1. Steven C. Chapra and Raymond P.Canale, Numerical Methods for Engineers, McGraw-Hill, 3rd Ed., 1998.
2. Grewal B.S., Higher Engineering Mathematics.
3. Miller, Freund and Johnson, Probability and Statistics for Engineers, 4th Ed., PHI, 1990
4. K.S. Trivedi, Probability, Statistics with Reliability, Queuing and Computer Science Applications, PHI, 1988.

Reference Books
1. V.Raj ararnan, Computer Oriented Numerical Methods, 2nd Ed., PHI, 1992.
2. Krishna Murthy and Sen, Numerical Algorithms, AEWP, 1991
3. McCormick and Salvadori, Numerical Methods in FORTRAN, PHI, 1992
4. L.Kleinrock ,Queuing Theory ,Vol I and II.

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Hrs Per Week :04                     I.A.Marks :25
Total Lecture Hrs :48               Exam.Marks:100

1. FUNDAMENTALS                                    10 Hrs

Sets and subsets, Operations on sets, Counting - Permutations, Combinations, Pigeonhole principle, Recurrence relations.

2. LOGIC                                              6 Hrs

Propositions and logical operations, Conditional statements, Methods of proof, Mathematical Induction.

3. RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS                          16 Hrs

Product sets and partitions, Relations and Digraphs, Paths in relations and digraphs, Properties of relations, Equivalance relations, Computer representation, Manipulation of relations, Transitive closure and Warshall's algorithm.Functions - Functions for computer science, Permutation functions, Growth of functions.

4. ORDER RELATIONS AND STRUCTURES                         8 Hrs

Partially ordered sets, External elements, Lattices, Finite Boolean Algebras.

5 SEMIGROUPS AND GROUPS                       8Hrs

Semigroups, Products and Quotients of Semigroups, Products and Quotients of Groups.

Text Book
1. Bernard Kolman, Robert C Busby, Sharon Ross, Discrete mathematical structures, Third Edition,PHI 1997. ( Chapters 1.1 to 1.3, 2, 3.1 to 3.3, 3.5, 4, 5, 7.1 to 7:5, 9 )

Reference Books 1. Lipschutz, Discrete Mathematics, Schauni's Series,
2. R Johnsonbaugh, Discrete Mathematics, Revued edition Macmillan International,1989.
3. C L Liu, Elements of Discrete Mathematics, McGraw Hill 1986.
4. Trembly & Manohar, Discrete Mathematics with application to Computer Science, McGraw Hill, 1988.

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                          CSI 33 : DATA STRUCTURES WITH C

Hours per week :4                                           I.A Marks : 25
Total Lecture Hours: 48                                 Exam Marks: 100

1. Review of structures and pointers, Introduction to special features of C    
 8 Hrs

Register variables, Bitwise operators, Bit fields, Enumerations, Command line parameters, Macros, Preprocessor statements. Dynamic Memory Allocation. Files.

2. THE STACK                                     6 Hrs

Definition and Examples, Representation of stacks in C, Evaluation of Postfix expression, Conversion from Infix to postfix.

3. RECURSION                               4Hrs

Recursive definition and processes, Recursion in C, Writing recursive programs, Efficiency of Recursion, GCD, Fibonacci, Binomial coefficients and Tower of Hanoi problems.

4. QUEUES AND LISTS                  8 Hrs

The Queue and its sequential representation. Linked lists, Lists in C, Other list structures.

5. TREES                           8 Hrs

Binary trees, Binary tree representations, Trees and their Applications.

6. SORTING                           8 Hrs

General background, Quick Sort, Binary tree sorts, Heap sort -Heap as priority queue, Sorting using a Heap, Heap sort procedure. Insertion Sorts - Simple Insertion, Shell sort ,Address calculation sort, Radix sort.

7. SEARCHING                            6 Hrs

Basic search techniques- Algorithmic notation, Sequential Searching, Searching an Ordered Table, Binary Search. Interpolation Search, Tree Searching - Binary Search Tree Insertions and Deletions. Hashing - Resolving Hash Clashes by Open Addressing.

Text Book:
1. Yedidyah Langsam, Moshe J Augenstein & Aaron M Tenenbaum, Data Structures using C and C++,2nd Ed., PHI, 1997. ( Chapters 2, 3.1 to 3.3, 3.5, 4.1 to 4.3, 4.5,5.1,5.2, 5.5, 6.1, Selected Portions from 6.2 to 6.5, 7.1,Selected Portions from 7.2 and 7.4)
2. E. Balaguruswamy, Programming in ANSI C, 2nd Ed., TMH,1998 ( Chapters 11, 12 and Selected portions from 13, 14 and Appendix I)

Reference Books:
1. Robert L Kruse, Data Structures and Program Design using C, PHI. 2. Trembly & Sorenson, Data Structures, McGraw Hill.

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                                CSI 34 : LOGIC DESIGN

Hours per week :4                      I.A Marks: 25
Total Lecture Hours :48             Exam Marks: 100

Note: Use of IEEE/ANSI standard logic symbols is recommended in addition to conventional symbols (Ch. 3-15; 5-10; 6-18; 7-10; 7-23; 9-10; of Tocci and Widmer book)


The K- map method (up to 4 variables), SOP and P0S simplification, NAND and NOR implementation, don't care conditions. Quine-MeCluskey tabulation method (5-variables, Decimal notation) - determination and selection of prime implicants.

2. COMBINATIONAL LOGIC                           6 Hrs

Design procedure, design of adders, subtractors, and code converters. Analysis procedure, multi level NAND and NOR circuits, Ex-OR and equivalence functions.


Application of typical TTL IC components like Binary Parallel adder (74283), Carry look ahead adder (74182), BCD adder (8283), Comparator (7485), decoders(74138, 7442), encoder (74148), multiplexer (74157).

4. SEQUENTIAL LOGIC                                   12 Hrs

NAND / NOR gate latch, clocked signals and clocked flip flops (S-C, J-K, and D), J-K master-slave flip flop. Ripple (asynchronous) counters (mod 2N and mod mod < 2N), IC asynchronous counters (7490, 7493), asynchronous down counter, cascading of counters, presettable counter (74193). Analysis of clocked sequential circuits, design of clocked sequential circuits, state reduction, state assignment, flip flop excitation tables, design of synchronous counters. Shift registers, universal shift register ((74194), Ring counter, Johnson counter. Schmitt trigger, monostable multivibrator, clock generator circuits.

5. MEMORY DEVICES                        12 Hrs

Terminology, memory operation, CPU - Memory connections,ROM and its architecture, Types or ROMs - PROM, EPROM,EEPROM, CDROM, Flash memory. ROM applications,Programmable Logic Devices. RAM and its architecture, SRAM, DRAM - structure and operation ,read/write cycles, refreshing, technology. Expanding word size and capacity. Special memory functions.

Text Books:
1.Morris Mano, Digital logic and Computer design, PHI 1998 (Chapters 3,4,5,6,and 7)
2.Tocci and Widmer, Digital Systems, Seventh edition, Prentice Hall 1998 (Chapters 5,7,and 11)

Reference Books:
1. Bartee, Computer architecture and Logic design, McGraw hill 1991 2. Nasliclsky, Introduction to digital technology, John Wiley 3. Fletcher, An Engineering approach to Digital design, PIll 1990

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                   EC CSE 35 : ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS

Hours per week: 4                       I.A Marks:25
Total Lecture Hours:48              Exam Marks:100

1. SPECIAL PURPOSE DIODES                         2Hrs

LED ,7 segement display, Photodiode,Photo transistor,Opto couple,Schottky diode,varactor,Varistor

2. FETs                             4 Hrs

JFET, Biased JFET, ID Vs VDS and ID Vs VGS curves, JFET approximations, Depletion mode.MOSFET, Enhancement mode MOSFET.

3. FET CIRCUITS                       4 Hrs

Self bias of JFETs, graphical solution for self bias,transconductance, JFET amplifiers, JFET analog switch depletion mode MOSFET amplifiers, enhancement mode MOSFET applications-passive load switching, active load switching, CMOS inverter,, VMOS transistor.

4. THYRISTORS                       4 Hrs

Four layer diode,SCR,photo SCR,gate controlled switch,silicon controlled switch ,Diac,Triac,UJT.

5. OPAMPs                                         12Hrs

Non inverting voltage feedback, open loop and closed loop voltage gains, input and output impedance, benefits of negative feedback. Current boosters for voltage amplifiers, voltage controlled current source, differential and instrumentation amplifiers, active filters, automatic gain control. Diode Circuits using OPAMPs - half wave rectifier, peak detector, positive limiter, positive damper. Comparator Schmitt trigger

6. 555 TIMER                                       2Hrs

Block diagram, monostable operation, astable operation, voltage controlled oscillator, ramp generator.

7. REGULATED POWER SUPPLY                            6 Hrs

Voltage feedback regulation, current limiting, power supply characteristics, 3 terminal IC regulators, current boosters, switching regulators.

8. IC LOGIC FAMILIES                                 8 Hrs

IC terminology, TTL family, standard TTL characteristics, improved TTL series, TTL loading and fanout, connecting TTL outputs together, tristate TTL. CMOS logic, CMOS series characteristics, low voltage technology, TTL driving CMOS, CMOS driving TTL.

9. INTERFACING WITH ANALOG WORLD                             6 Hrs

D to A conversion - weighted resistor DAC, R/2R ladder DAC,DAC specifications. A to D conversion - Digital ramp ADC, successive approximation ADC, flash ADC. Digital voltmeter, Digital storage oscilloscope.

Text Books:
1.A.P. Malvino, Electronic Principles. Fifth edition, Tata McGraw Hill 1998 (Ch. 5-3,4; 7-14; 13-1,2,3,4,5,6,7; 14-1,2,4,5,6,7,8; 15-1,2,3,4,5; 19-1,2,3,4; 20-5,6,7,8,9; 21-1,2,3; 22-9; 23-1,2,3,4,5,7;)
2.Tocci and Widmer, Digital Systems, Seventh edition, Prentice Hall 1998 (Chapters.8-1,2,3A,5,7,8,14,l5, 16,20,21;10-1,2,3A,8,9,ll,l2,14,17)

Reference Books.
1.Millman and Halkias, Integrated Electronics, McGraw Ilill
2.Nastielsky and Boylested, Electronic devices and circuit theory. Prentice Hall

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                    CSI 36L DATA STRUCTURES LAB

Hours per week : 3                  Exam Marks: 100
Sessional Marks : 25

Ia. Write a C program to demonstrate the working of a Stack of size N using an array. The elements of the Stack may assumed to be of type Integer or Real. The operations to be supported are:
1. PUSH                    2. POP               3. DISPLAY
The program should print appropriate messages for Stack Overflow, Stack Underflow and Stack Empty. You may write seperate functions to detect these cases.

lb. Write a C program to evaluate a valid Suffix expression using Stack. Assume that the suffix expression is read as a single line consisting of non-negative single digit operands and binary arithmetic operators. The arithmetic operators allowed are +(ADD),        - (SUBTRACT),            * (MULTIPLY),        and       / (DIVIDE).

2. Write a C program to convert and print a given valid fully parenthesized Infix arithmetic expression to Suffix expression. The expression consisting of single character (letter or digit) as operands and +,-, *, / as operators. You may assume that only binary operators are allowed in the expression.

3. Write a C program to convert and print a given valid fuIly parenthesized Infix arithmetic expression to Prefix expression. The expression consisting of single character (letter or digit) as operands and +. -.*, / as operators. You may assume that the Infix string is read from right to left and that the Prefix string is created from right to left.

4a. Write a C program to simulate the working of an ordinary Queue of integers using an array. Provide the following operations: l.QINSERT 2. QDELETE 3.QDISPLAY Write functions to check the Queue status - QEmpty, QFull.
4b. Write a program to design a Priority Queue which is maintained as a set of Queues (assume a maximum of 3 Queues). The elements are inserted based upon the given priority. For example (3, 34) will be inserted to 3rd Queue with the elemental value 34. The deletion of an element is to be done starting from the 1st Queue, if it is not empty. In case if it is empty, the elements from the 2nd Queue will be deleted, and so on.

5. Write a C program to simulate the working of a CircuIar Queue of names using an array. Provide the following operations:
1. CQINSERT         2. CQDELETE           3. CQDISPLAY
Write functions to check the Queue status - QEmpty, QFull.

6. Using Dynamic variables and Pointers, write a C program to construct a Singly Linked List - consisting of the following informations in each node:
Job_id (Integers ), Job_name ( Character Suing ) Job_desc (Character String)
The operations to be supported are:
1. LINSERT - Inserting in the front of the List.
2. LDELETE - Deleting a node based on Job_id.
3.LSEARCH - Searching a node based on Job_id
4. LDISPLAY - Displaying all the nodes in the List.

A deque is a list in which items can be added or deleted from either end of the List. Implement the following C functions to simulate the working of such a Deque of integers, using Pointers and Dynamic variables.
1. Remleft              4. InsertRight
2. RemRight          5. Display.
3. InsertLeft

8. Write a C program, using Dynamic variables and Pointers, to perform the following operations: 1. Construct two Ordered ( Ascending ) Singly Linked Lists. 2. Combine these two ordered lists into a single ordered List.

9. Using the Circular Linked List Data St:ructure write a program in C to Add two long positive integers. The Circular lists can have Header nodes and the numbers are to be inputted in a normal way. Each node in the list contains a single digit of the number.

10. Write a program in C using dynamic variables and pointers to support the following operations on Doubly Linked List of integers.
1. Create a Doubly Linked list by adding each node at the front.
2. Insert a new node to the left of the node whose key value is read as an input.
3. Delete all occurrences of a given key, if it is found,otherwise display appropriate message.
4. Display the contents of the List

11. Write a C program to implement an Ascending Priority Queue (assume integer data type) as a Binary Search Tree. The program should support the following operations:
1. PqInsert              2. PqminDelete

Preorder and Postorder-to display tile elements in the Tree.

12. Using Pointers and Dynamic variables, Construct a Binary Search Tree (BST) of integers. Write C functions to do the following:
1. Given a key, perform a search in the BST. If the key is found then display "Key Found", else insert the key in BST.
2. While constructing the BST, do not add any duplicates.
3. Display the Tree using any one of the traversal Methods.

13. Write a C program to evaluate a given expression (the operands of the expression may all be assumed as single character integer variables, the values of which may be obtained from the user separately) using an Expression Tree.

14. Write a C program to construct a Multilinked representation of a Sparse Matrix. Assume that the Matrix is of dimension M x N, where M is tile number of rows and N is tile number of columns. Using the Multilinked representation , write a function to add two Sparse Matrices.

15a. Write a C program to sort a list of N elements of integer type using the Quick Sort Algorithm.

15b. Write C program to simulate the working of Towers of Hanoi problem for n disks. Print the number of moves taken by your program.

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Hours per week : 3                    Exam Marks: 100
Sessional Marks : 25

Note: General purpose Digital Trainer kit is to be used. Kits meant for only specific experiments should not be used. Experiments could be conducted using ICs of any logic family

1.Design a Half adder and a Full adder using NAND gates only. Cascade them to implement a 2 bit binary adder.
2.Design and implement Excess-3 to BCD code converter using logic gates. (Choice of Logic gates left to the student)
3.Design and implement using NAND gates:
a. 4:1 multiplexer
b. 2:4 decoder
4.Design and implement the following using 4-bit adder chip and gates.
a. Excess-3 to BCD code converter
b. BCD to Excess-3 code converter
5.Design and implement a full adder using a multiplexer. Also implement a multiplexer tree using 3 multiplexers.
6.Design and implement using decoder and other gates
g. Full adder
h. Full subtractor.
7.Design and implement a 3 variable Boolean SOP expression using 2 numbers of 4:1 multiplexer IC.
8.Design and implement a 3 stage asynchronous counter using J-K flip flops
to count down from 7 to n (n > 0). Display result on discrete LEDs and the waveform on CR0.
Design and implement asynchronous counter using a Decade counter IC to count up from 0 to n (n <9). Display count value on 7 segment LED display using BCD to 7 segment code converter IC.
10.Design and implement to display result suitably: k. Asynchronous counter using 4 bit binary counter IC to count up from 0 ton (n <=15). I. An asynchronous counter to count up to FFH using 2 stages of such an IC.
11. Design and implement Mod n (n <8) synchronous counter using flip flops. Display result suitably.
12.Design and implement a 3-stage up/down counter that count. from a preset value using Decade presettable counter ICs Display result suitably.
13. Design and implement using 4-bit shift register IC: n. Johnson counter o. Ring counter .
14.Design and implement the following: a. Oscillator for a given frequency using Schmitt trigger inverter and RC components. b. Crystal controlled clock using CMOS inverters.
15.Design and implement a monostable multivibrator to generate pulse of given duration using a non-retriggerable

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Hours per week::3                            Exam marks: 100
Sessional Marks: 25

1. Diode characteristics. Half wave and full wave rectifiers. Calculation of Average value, efficiency
2.Design OPAMP circuits to work as:
c.inverting amplifier
d.non-inverting amplifier
e .voltage follower.
3.FET characteristics and determination of FET parameters
4.Design OPAMP circuits to wok as:
e.half wave rectifier f.peak detector g.positive damper.
5.Design of OPAMP Schmitt trigger for given UTP and LTP and use it to convert sine wave to square wave.
6.Design of OPAMP circuit to provide required current boost to the voltage amplifier 7.Design of OPAMP circuit to work as voltage controlled current source.
8.Design of astable multivibrator for a given frequency using 555
9.Application of 555 as a voltage controlled oscillator
10.Application of 555 as a ramp generator
Design of Voltage series regulator using Zener diode and a transistor and to measure load regulation.
12.Design of a +8V regulator using +5V 3-terminal IC regulator and to measure its load regulation.
13.Design of a current booster for 3-terminal IC regulator using outboard transistor to produce load current of 5 Amperes.
14.Design of4 bit R-2R ladder DAC using OPAMP
15.Design of a digital ramp ADC.

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